Soulmate (Kara)

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'Fuck.' You whimpered as another painful ache formed in your gut. Then there was the agony in your face which you hadn't noticed before.
You had struggled with this issue for your whole life, well after you turned 18. You felt these pains that felt insanely real, but nothing had caused them and there was no evidence of it on your body. You had gone to doctors around the world, asking them how this could come about, but none of them had an answer for you. After years of confusion and longing for knowledge, you gave up and decided to just live with this incredibly weird, incredibly painful disease.
You finally got up from your bed when the new pains seemed to stop, only having to deal with the lasting aches. No matter how much soothing cream you put on, it did nothing so all you could do was wait the half an hour it usually took for the pain to fade. There were times when it was worse, when it didn't stop for hours on end and you curled tight in a ball, sobbing at the agony. There were others where you blacked out for hours or even days due to it. You'd wake up in shock, and the pain would be gone in a few hours. There were periods of time where nothing happened, but they tended not to last very long.
You brushed your teeth, showered and put makeup on. You prayed to any gods that there would be no pains today, as you wanted to make a good first impression at your new job.
You caught the bus and sooner than you expected, arrived outside of the towering building of CatCo.
You breathed in, then out, and then stepped through the doors. You had been once before, for your interview, and it was a terribly nice place. You took the elevator, alone, and smiled when you checked for any pain and found none.
When the doors open, you feel a strange sort of pull. You brushed it off, letting your polite and 'charming' smile take over your face. You walked to Miss Grant's office, as instructed, and knocked on the glass door to get her attention.
A pretty blond opened the door and looked into your eyes for a split second. A shot of something spread through your body and you stumbled slightly, not noticing her widened eyes.
'God it seems I picked up another clumsy employee.' An older blond you recognised as Miss Grant said.
'Sorry. Bad habit.' You said on impulse, trying not to cringe. not a great first impression.
'Ugh. It's fine. I had to get used to it with Keira over here.' She waved vaguely at the blond who was flushed and staring at you.
'So for your first day I want some photos.' Cat said and you snapped your head back up to look at her.
'Of what exactly?' You said cautiously. Should you already know?
'Anything. See something with potential for an article, and snap it.' She was a vague woman god.
'Okay.' You said, not sure what else to say.
'Dismissed.' Miss Grant says with another wave of her hand.
You slowly left the office, confused as you hadn't been assigned a desk or had any other information.
You sighed, but decided the best course of action would be to do as she says. So you left the building almost as quickly as you came, setting off with your camera to find something.
It was lunchtime, and you had several snapshots of random stuff, that you thought could never be used. Still, you got back to the office and reluctantly handed your findings to your boss, the blond from earlier subtly steeling glances at you. What was her problem?
'These are...'
You heard your breath.'
'Not bad. Keira, get someone who can write an article with these photos. You can help them.' She pointed at you and jerked her head to the door.
'Sorry, um, but I don't actually have a desk or anything.' You said, still holding your box of stuff and having had to carry it all day.
'Keira can find you one.' She shrugged.
You followed Keira through the labyrinth of people, and she didn't say a word until you got to an empty room with a desk.
'This can be your office.' She said quietly, her head ducked.
'Um thank you Keira. I didn't get to introduce myself. I'm (y/n).' You said, throwing your hand out and hoping she could be your first friend here.
'Oh. Um hi. My name's actually Kara. Miss Grant doesn't like it though.' She stuttered, taking your hand. There was an instant wave of emotion through your body and you looked down at your hands in awe. Kara pulled her hand away.
'What- what was that?' You mumbled to yourself.
'No idea. Anyway... I'm next door if you need anything. Nice to meet you.' She said, clumsily walking to the door and waving.
So much for that friend.
You sighed and sat down, only looking back up when a man walked through and told you he was working with you and his name was James.
James and you got along like wildfire, bouncing ideas off of each other with ease and finding yourself laughing at jokes.
It wasn't long before James hauled you out of your office everyday to sit with him, Winn and Kara for lunches. They were all welcoming, Kara still acting weirdly around you though. Alex, Kara's sister, came in one day for lunch and you and her got along pretty quickly too. Kara acted weird, but still was friendly and you became fast friends with all of them.
There were days where you couldn't join them. Days where the pain you experienced made it a struggle to even get the words 'sorry I can't join you' out of your mouth before you locked your office door.
Then there was a week where the pain made you pass out continuously, enough times for you to stay at home.
You texted Cat, telling her you couldn't come in, and spent the days in bed, writhing with agony until blackness engulfed you again.
The week after, you gave yourself 2 days to get over the torture that was last week, and then got back to work.
When you got in, Winn and James were hugging Kara.
'Hey guys what's up?' You asked gently, still not used to the croaks and cracks in your voice due to the screaming.
'You're back too!' James and Winn said in sync, pulling you in for a hug which you winced at before remembering the pai had faded a day ago.
'Yeah. Rough week last week.' You spoke, but your voice was clearly overused.
'What was up? You sound like shit.' Winn said, all kindness.
'I... got a cold. Nothing bad really. What do you mean 'too'?' You asked.
'Kara fell ill too. She only got back today.' James said.
'Are you okay?' You asked Kara, pulling her into a gentle hug.
'Yes fine. Just a tummy bug that's all.' When you looked back at James and Winn, you knew it definitely wasn't just a tummy bug.
'Can I use your computer for a minute Winn?' You asked, not really wanting to be alone anymore than you had too and your office was too far away. You were getting used to being able to walk properly again.
'Sure.' He said.
The first thing you saw on his screen was lines and lines of code.
You made out the first one before asking
'What's the DEO?' You said this quietly, having read the next few lines and seeing the words 'top secret' quite a few times.
Kara's back straightened and James whipped his head up.
Winn started stuttering, going through a range of excuses and questions you didn't quite pick up on.
'Winn. Relax.' Kara said softly.
She turned to you.
'The DEO is an organisation which helps Supergirl defeat and track down aliens. We're all part of it.'
'Woah.' You sat back.
'Yeah.' Winn said.
'Can you guys show me it?' You said excitedly.
'No.' Kara said, looking at Winn who was about to speak.
'But please.' You said.
'It's not safe for you.' Kara said again.
'Normal life isn't safe for me anyway so why not.' You murmured to yourself.
'What was that?' Kara said, her voice filled with awe.
'Nothing. Don't worry. I guess if I can't see this DEO, I also can't help with the code that's on Winn's computer?' You asked.
'Wait what?' Winn said.
'My friend, that code had some major issues I could fix if you let me.' You smirked at his shocked expression.
'You read that?'
'I debugged it in my head. Please, if nothing, let me fix it for you.'
'Fine.' He huffed and sat back down. You smiled slightly and got to work.
A half hour later, it was done and Winn was looking at you like Kara looks at doughnuts.
'I need to check this with Alex, but you need to be employed at the DEO.'
'Alex works there too?' You asked.
'Yeah.' Kara says.
'Jesus. You guys are living double lives. I love it! Count me in.'
It was a few days later when you got to see the DEO and got a tour.
'This is so exciting holy shit.' You said.
Winn, James and Alex stood around the round table with you, smiling at your childlike actions.
'Where's Kar?' You asked, but before anyone could answer Supergirl came flying in.
'Oh.' You realised now who was behind the cape.
Kara fidgeted with her hands in front of you.
'Hey Kara. Nice flight?' You asked in a teasing tone, smiling brightly at her to let her know you still had her back.
'Yeah. Really nice thanks.' She said back.
Then there was an alert from somewhere and Kara jumped back off the balcony with a whoosh.
'She never waits for backup.' Alex grumbled, getting her tactical vest on.
You watched on a screen as Supergirl fought the massive alien, winning.
But then another alien came into view, knocking the wind out of her body. You stumbled back, the pain you experience coming back yet again.
'Are you okay?' Winn asked, looking at you expectantly.
Your face screamed in pain in the next second and you doubled over in agony.
'What's going on?' Winn panicked.
You fell to the floor, another jab of pain hitting your temple.
Winn was the last thing you saw before you passed out.
When you woke up, Alex was looking over you, fear in her eyes.
'Thank god you're awake.' Alex breathed. Kara barged into the room, Supergirl suit still on.
'Kara be careful-' Alex cut herself off as Kara wrapped you in a tight hug.
She squeezed and it hurt but only for a second.
'Sorry, I know that was too hard.' She whispered into your hair.
'What happened?' You asked.
'We're not sure. You collapsed on the floor.' Alex said.
'I'm sure.' Kara says suddenly.
She pulled back and sat on your bed.
'I'm pretty sure she's my soulmate.' Kara was looking at you but talking to Alex. Soulmate. Wait soulmate?
'Seriously?' Alex said, awe present in her voice.
'Yeah.' Kara tucked a strand of your hair away.
'What?' You said.
'On Krypton, we had soulmates. They could feel everything the other felt. I think... you are my soulmate (y/n).' Kara said, a tear falling down her cheek.
You punched her lightly.
'You ass.' You said.
'W-what?' Kara's face fell.
'It seriously hurts when you get beaten up.' You giggled, pulling her face towards yours.
'Sorry.' She whispered, sounding not sorry at all.
You kissed her, feeling her lips on yours and your lips on hers and that wave of emotion crashing and racing through you.
You only pulled apart when Alex said 'gross'

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