Kinda know each other (Kara)

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'Are you excited to meet my family?' Kara was bouncing her leg and smiling widely, her arm slung around your shoulder.
'I am Kar. Like I was a minute ago.' You giggled when she pouted and you gently kissed it away.
'Sorry. Im just a but nervous. They can be intense.' Kara whispered when you pulled away but kept close enough to share air.
'I'm sure I can handle-'
'Kara come show me your girlfriend right now or I will show her baby photos!' You heard someone shout as the door slammed shut.
'You wouldn't.' Kara gasped, standing up quickly and dragging you with her.
'Oh I so wo-' The redheads words died as her eyes locked with hers. So did your smile.
Oh fuck.
'(y/n) this is Alex, my sister, and Alex this is (y/n) my girlfriend.' Kara carried on, not noticing the stunned silence.
It dragged for a full minute before Kara shuffled.
'Uhm... what's happening?' She said, eyes flickering between you and Alex.
'Kara... me and Alex maybe... kinda know each other.' You stammered, not really processing this was really happening.
'Oh! Really? That's awesome!'
Alex ignored Kara.
'Kinda know each other? (y/n) we dated for 2 years in college. We knew each other a lot more than kinda.' Alex cringed when Kara shouted a 'what?!'
'Wait...' Kara shouted after a second.
'No. Oh god. No.' Alex put her head in her hands.
'(y/n) was the one who took your virginity.' Kara whispered.
'I what?! Alex you didn't tell me that!' You stood shocked.
'Didn't think it was relevant.' Alex waved you off.
'My girlfriend has had sex with my sister multiple times, one of them I've had to listen to in detail.' Kara repeated.
'Was I that good you replayed it to your sister in detail?' You asked. Neither answered.
'Wait how come I never met Kar when we were dating?' You asked.
'She was always off using her powers or something I don't know.'
'Wait so does that mean I've already met your parents?' You gasped, and before either could answer, two older versions of who you remembered to be Alex's parents walked in.
'(y/n) so nice to meet you Kara's said so- wait.' Eliza you remembered her name was, had a hand out to shake.
'Eliza. Nice to see you again.' You winced.
'Hang on is this-'
'Yes Dad. This is the same (y/n) I dated in college.' Alex butted in.
'Oh my god. And now you're dating...'
'Kara yes. Your other daughter.' You filled in, a twisted grin on your face as you slipped your hand into Kara's  and gave it a squeeze you hoped she could feel whilst awkwardly taking Eliza's and shaking it.
'Oh lord. You must be one hell of a girl to get both of my daughters. Let's catch up.' Eliza laughed heartily and went through to the kitchen, Jeremiah following.
You, Alex and Kara stood in silence before Alex started giggling and didn't stop. Soon, Kara joined in and you couldn't help but join in too.
You were peeling with laughter, finding the situation hilarious.
'I can't believe I've fucked both of you.' You said through the chuckles.
They laughed harder at that.
When you and Kara got married, you'd be happy to see your college girlfriend standing next to your fiancé as her maid of honour, and even happier to call her your sister in law.
It was definitely a story to tell at the wedding.

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