She/They (Alex)

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'Hey Alex what's up?' You asked softly, watching as your wife squirmed slightly in your embrace at the question.
'N-nothing.' She had been jumpy all day, causing you to worry.
'Honey, you can tell me anything you know?' You whispered against her head, brushing your lips on the short hairs there.
'I-I know. I just, I'm not ready yet.' She said, sounding disappointed in herself.
'Okay babe. Tell me when you're ready. Don't feel pressured love.' You let her snuggle further into your side, a quiet 'okay' being said into your jumper.
It was a few weeks later when Alex finally told you.
'Hey can I talk to you about something?' Alex said timidly.
'Yeah sure sweetie.' You said, noticing the slight shake in her hand and taking it in yours.
'Okay...' She trailed off, clearly nervous.
'Babe whatever it is it won't change my opinion on you. I love you always.' You watched as she breathed in and then out again.
'I want to try new pronouns.' She blurted out, her eyes still closed tightly.
'Oh love. Look at me please.' You took in the eyes you fell in love with.
'I'm sorry.' She whispered.
'You have nothing to be sorry about. I love you. I love you no matter what pronouns you go by okay? Is this what you got so nervous about?' You asked softly, no humour in your voice.
'Yeah. I- I didn't know how you would react.' She cast her eyes down.
'Darling. We are married. I will always support you.' You pressed your forehead to Alex's.
'Thank you.' She kissed you lightly.
'So, what pronouns would you prefer?' You said.
Alex tensed again before you placed a kiss on her lips and she melted.
'I was thinking she/they.' They said slowly.
'Okay.' You said, taking their hand and placing a kiss on it.
Later, you talked about how common you should swap them and how comfortable she is with each. You asked if they wanted any of your friends knowing, and she said not yet. You made sure the first few times you addressed their pronouns, they were happy with it. There were nights spent crying about how tough Alex was finding it to tell Kara and the rest of your friends, and nights further down the line with tears of joy at how well they all accepted your wife. You knew they would. You hated to think of the nights they may have spent crying over how difficult it was to tell you, so you tried not to. You held your partner securely in your arms every night, confirming to her that she was always loved.

personally, I go by she/her and I wanted to try out writing Alex as she/they. I hope this was okay, if you have any suggestions or ideas, comment!

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