Heartbeat (Kara)

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'Holy shit the noise is not stopping (Y/n) it's infuriating!' Kara moaned yet again. Your wife never swore. So when she did, it meant something was really wrong.
'Explain the noise again.' You said, trying desperately to wrack your brain about what it could be.
'It's like a heartbeat but it's quieter. Like a constant thumping. Is there a pipe loose that keeps hitting something?' She asked, slowly massaging her temples.
'No. I've checked all around the house and there's nothing.'
'What is it then?' You could tell she was getting angry.
'Why don't we go to DEO and see if Alex can help okay?' You hopes to Rao that your sister in law would be useful.
'Okay.' With that she gently carried you with her to the all too familiar entrance.
'Kar! And (Y/n)! What brings you guys here?' Alex said as she embraced both of you in a hug.
'Kar's having some problems with her superhearing. It keeps focusing in on this noise and we have no idea where it's coming from.'
'Hmm okay. Come on let's go do some tests. Do you want to come with (Y/n)?' Alex asked.
'No I'll stay here. I have some catching up to do with some of the agents anyway.' You secretly didn't like seeing Kara with needles and stuff that weakened her. It scared you more than you like to admit. And also you had friends at the DEO that you wanted to see anyway.
'Okay we'll be back in 20.' Kara gave you a quick kiss and followed Alex.
Kara's POV
'Ugh it's so loud sometimes and then it dulls down a bit. I don't get it!' I cried.
'When did this start?' Alex asked me.
'About 3 or 4 days ago.'
'Okay and what does it sound like now?'
I focused in on the sound.
'It seems far away but in this building. I literally can't get away from it!'
'Are you sure it's not someone's heartbeat?' Alex asked.
'No! I can hear it at home when it's just me and (Y/n)!'
Alex has her thinking face on for a minute and then seemed to figure something out.
'I need to speak to your wife.' Alex said, a shocked expression taking over her features.
'Okay? Why?' I asked.
'Just- let me talk to her.'
Your POV
'(Y/n) can we talk for a second?' Alex and Kara had come back, Kara with a confused expression and Alex with a stunned one.
'Yeah sure. What's up?' You asked.
'No can I talk to you in private.' Alex said.
'What's this about Alex?' Kara butted in.
'I need to talk to (Y/n). Please.'
'Okay... sure.' You said, confused as to why but followed her into a private room.
'Kara, stay out here.' Alex instructed.
'But Al-'
'No. I just need your wife for a minute- without you.'
Kara looked kind of hurt by it but obliged.
'What's this about Alex? Why do you not want Kara here?' You noticed she had taken you to a room where even Kara couldn't hear, something about the walls blocked off her powers.
'Are you pregnant?' Alex finally let out.
'What? No?' You were shocked. Where did that come from?
'Are you sure? Have you taken a test?'
'Why would I take a test when I didn't think I was pregnant? I haven't cheated on Kara!' Is this why? She thought you were going behind Kara's back?
'No- she clearly didn't tell you. Her kryptonian genes can get anyone pregnant- anyone she has sex with.'
'What?! Wait- are you implying I might be pregnant with Kara's baby?'
'Yes. I want you to take a test.' She held a stick in her hand.
'Wh- I- okay.' You were still overwhelmed and didn't register Alex giving you the pregnancy test and forcing you into a bathroom.
You peed on the stick, still not fully realising that you could be pregnant.
You and Alex held your breath for pretty much the whole entire 6 minutes it took for the test to process. And when it came up with a positive sign, you let out a surprised gasp.
'Oh my rao. Oh my- oh. I'm pregnant.' You whispered the last part, tears of happiness slowly filling your eyes. You looked up at Alex who held the same expression as you.
'I'm going to be an aunt.' Alex said and pulled you into a tight hug.
'I'm going to be a mum.' You said into her shoulder.
When you both pulled away, there were impossibly bright smiles on your faces.
'Let's go tell Kara. She'll be extatique!'
Alex opened the door.
'Hey guys. Finally. What is it?' She said as she saw yours and Alex's grins.
Alex slowly walked away, excited for her sister but knowing it wasn't her place to say.
'The sound you were hearing. We figured it out.' You said, giddy but not quite believing you actually held a baby.
'And?' She asked.
'It's our baby.' You smiled wider than you did before, if that was even possible.
'How- wait- you're pregnant?' She asked.
You held the pregnancy test up. Before you could say anything else, she let out a shriek of pure joy and tackled you into a sloppy, emotional kiss. It lasted long but was interrupted by giggles and excited words from both of you.
'I can't believe it. I can't believe it. This is all I've ever wanted.' She said after you had pulled away enough to form proper sentences.
'I love you Kara Danvers. You are going to be a great mum.' You whispered, drawing your face nearer to hers yet again. But instead of kissing her, you gently rested your forehead on hers.
'I love you (Y/n) Danvers. So are you.' She whispered back lovingly.

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