Babies (SMUT) (Kara) penis

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'Alright we're off. You sure you're gonna be alright with her?' Alex asked for the 50th time in the space of 20 minutes.
'Yes yes for rao sake now leave.' Kara basically pushed Alex out of the door and Kelly followed with an amused expression.
'Make sure she's in bed by 8 at the latest. And no ice cream before bed!' Alex shouted at the closed door.
Kara just giggled and side hugged you, picking you up with ease and walking through Alex and Kelly's apartment to where your niece sat drawing.
'Want some dinner baby girl?' You asked gently, knowing Carrie got tired around this time before perking up again.
'Yea please.' Both Kara and Carrie's voices answered.
You grinned as you caught the blush on Kara's cheeks, having realised you weren't asking her.
'Alright sweethearts.' You gave Kara a kiss, one you wanted to prolong but didn't want Carrie catching you.
'Why don't you color with her?' You whispered before sidestepping your wife and going to the main kitchen area.
You grinned as you watched the chicken and watched your gorgeous niece and wife laugh with each other.
Carrie leapt off her stool when dinner was almost ready, giving your legs a firm hug.
'Aunt (y/n) me and Aunt Kara missssss you. How long will you takeee?'
'It's actually just finished little monkey.' You grabbed her gently by the armpits and swooped her up to your hip, settling her there and looking at her perfect mix of Kelly and Alex's features.
'Yay.' She squealed.
You leant forward and rubbed your nose against hers.
'Now we just need to wait for Aunt Kara to set the table.'
You swivel to look at your wife, only to find she's already looking at you.
Her eyes are dark, her grip on her glass strong.
'Kar? You good?' You asked.
'Yeah.' She coughed. 'Yes of course!' She used her super speed to set the table and place the food down.
You walked Carrie over, placing her in her chair and taking the seat next to her.
'This looks lovely darling.' Kara's eyes hadn't changed, still dark, and she was giving you a strange look.
'Thank you.' You replied, a questioning tone to your voice.
You ate, Carrie giggling at anything you said, making you smile and laugh back.
She was an amazing little girl, you were so happy for Alex and Kelly.
It made you think about starting your own family.
Kara was slightly quieter than usual, and you were desperate to ask her what was up, but Carrie was occupying your dinner time with her talks so you let it slide for the time being.
Once Carrie was in bed, she asked you to read her a story.
'Of course sweetie.' You and Kara sat down on her bed and Kara gave you a book.
'Do you want to read or shall I?' You asked Kara quietly.
'You.' She said, pulling you closer by the waist so your sides were touching.
She kept a firm hand on your hip, her thumb rubbing circles, an action she knew turned you on.
You gave her a confused glance before starting on the book, ignoring the slight clench of your legs and relaxing.
After you were done, Kara and you gave her a kiss and said goodnight, turning the light off and closing the door.
You got the the living room, turning around to face your wife.
'What's up with you? You're acting weird.' You looked up at her, your eyebrows drawn together as she takes a gulp of air.
'Do you want kids?' She asked.
'Yes of course I do honey.' You flatten your hand on her chest and she holds it in hers.
'Whenever we're ready I mean I don't really min-'
'I want you to have my babies. As soon as possible.' Kara's voice was two tones lower, sending a small shiver down your spine.
'What's brought this about baby?' You asked.
'Watching you with Carrie, Rao, it made me want that. I want to wake up to you cooking breakfast for our kids everyday for the rest of my life, if you'll let me.'
'I want that too Kar.' You grin up at her.
'So we stop using the condoms?' She asked, her eyes boring into yours.
'Yes.' You replied slightly breathless.
She leant down at your ear level.
'That's what's had my mind preoccupied. Thinking about how nice it's going to feel having my dick in you tonight.' You caught the rising moan in your throat, finally noticing the bulge pressed into you as you stood flush in the middle of your sister in laws apartment.
'Kara.' You breathed out.
'I've been hard all evening. Didn't know my niece could be such a fucking cockblock.' Your pussy clenched around nothing.
'How long did Kelly and Alex say?' You whispered, looking at the clock.
'11:30.' Kara murmured back, her face in your neck, her tongue on your skin.
'We have 30 minutes.' You grasp her biceps to make her stop, knowing if she kept that up you'd end up on your knees for her.
'We can't.' She said, stopping her movement to rest her head on yours.
'I know.' You sigh, knowing you're both being left high and dry.
You glide your hand down her torso, giving her dick a hard squeeze through her pants.
She groaned gently.
'I promise I'll give you head as soon as we get back. Be a good girl for me until then.' You smile as she sucks in a breath.
'Come on.' You say, patting the sofa. 'I want to hear about your day at work.'
You sit for a torturous half an hour, keeping your hands to yourselves. It doesn't help that you can see her hard on from where you are sitting, and notice every shuffle she takes to try and find even a smidge of friction.
Alex and Kelly finally arrive, not noticing the tension in the room, or not caring as there is clearly some in between them.
You leave in a hurry, neither of them willing to let you stay and neither of you wanting to stay.
The drive home was torture.
You left your hand on Kara's knee, usually putting it higher up but not today, knowing she was already wound pretty tight and had been for a while.
When you reached the door, Kara unlocked it faster than you could see, pulling you in and wrapping a hand around your throat.
'I don't want head. I want every orgasm I have tonight to be in you.' She demanded, her body pinning you to the wall.
'Fuck Kara.' You whimper.
She crushes her mouth to yours, invading your mouth with her tongue before you could take a breath.
Her large hands unbuttoned your shirt, then your trousers, leaving you in your bra and pants, all whilst kissing you.
You faintly heard the zipper of her pants, and her boxers were swiftly pulled down.
'Do you need-'
'No. I'm wet enough just do it.' You moan, feeling her tip at your clothed entrance.
'Are you sure about the no condom thing?' She asked.
'Yes yes. Fuck yes.' You say, your hands gripping at her back as she moves your soaked panties to the side and pushes half of herself into you.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she bottoms out.
'Fuck.' She groans, pushing once, twice, until you felt the unfamiliar but certainly not unwelcome feeling of her cumming inside you.
'Sorry.' She muttered into your hair taking a deep breath.
'Kara.' She kept her head where it was, still.
'Kara I need you to fuck me. Right now. That was the hottest fucking thing. Fuck me.' You clenched your pussy around her long cock, and you felt it twitch inside of you.
'God okay.' She started up a brutal pace, her dick now rock hard again.
The base of it hit your clit every-time she went into you, forcing you straight to the edge.
'Kara. I'm gonna-' You came quick and sharp, Kara muffling your cry with a bruising kiss as she kept up her ruthless pounding. She kept going, her hips snapping faster and faster, her face buried into your neck as she grunts.
You feel her release into you again, causing you to cum for the second time.
After a minute of heavy breathing you spoke up.
'Take me to bed baby. I wanna ride you until you can't cum anymore.' You whisper in her ear, nipping it as she moaned loud, her dick once again growing hard inside you.
She gently lifted you from the wall and up the stairs, keeping you joined at the hips.
The next time you were asked to babysit, you had some exciting news to tell Alex and Kelly.

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