Nightmare (Kara)

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You woke up with a start, and for a few precious seconds you looked around in alarm at what could've caused you to wake.
Before you could continue, a flailing, hard arm was smacking into your face, and you cried out roughly at the sting it left. You practically felt the bruise that would decorate your face tomorrow.
Your head whipped round, ignoring the pain it emitted, and you were met with the devastating sight of your girlfriend in distress.
She had opened up to you about her experiences in the phantom zone, her all consuming fear surrounding the topic and how it still shook her to this day, 3 years later. Nightmares weren't uncommon in the first year after she came back, on both ends. You, waking up dripping with sweat, an image of never finding that bright smile in the darkness burned into your mind, until Kara replaced them with images of that grin reserved for you. Kara, thrashing much like she was now, wailing in despair when she felt helpless as she was transported back to the phantom zone, no way out and no hope of ever finding one.
You would cradle her in your arms, stroke her hair and kiss her forehead, until she eventually found herself back in your room, safe and home.
A tiny part of your brain flickered to the early morning you have to endure, and how little sleep you will get tonight, but one glance at the whimpering girl beside you made that fall completely off your priority list.
You put gentle pressure on the aching part of your face, before analysing how to go about calming Kara down.
After a minute, you found an opening and slotted yourself right against her frame, still wildly moving.
You pushed into her body as hard as you could, wrapping your arms around her torso, lifting your head up, and finding her ear.
'Kara baby wake up. It's a dream. You're safe. Wake up for me.' You felt her movements falter slightly, and took it as a sign to continue.
'You're at home, with me. We're both okay. Come on honey, wake up.' Kara's body was as still as a statue, and you knew she had woken up, yet her heart was still erratic against your palm.
'Okay baby, I need you to take deep breaths in, you can do this.' You shifted gently so you were looking into her eyes, the icy blue glassy and terrified.
Dragging her hand to cover your heart, you started breathing deeply, and exhaling loudly, watching as she gradually started copying you.
'That's it. I've got you.' It took ten minutes, but a final exhale from Kara, and her hand was grabbing your shirt to bunch it and bring you closer.
She kissed you, and you melted into her, knowing contact would ground her.
'Thank you.' She whispered shakily.
You wrapped your arms around her neck and allowed her to burrow her face in your neck as she clung to you.
'You should know by now there is no need to thank me.' You said playfully, scratching the back of her neck and resting your chin on her head.
She sighed in contentment.
'Do you want to talk about it?' You asked after a gentle silence.
'Not yet. Maybe in the morning?' Kara kissed your neck lovingly, wiggling around until you were again face to face, even if you couldn't see much in the dark.
'Okay darling. Try get some more sleep.' You kissed her softly, finally relaxing when you felt her smile against your lips.
You waited until she was asleep before you closed your eyes again.
In the morning, your face throbbed, and when you checked in the mirror, you cringed.
An ugly, nasty bruise went from your eye to your nose, and you frowned, knowing Kara's reaction was going to be devastating to witness.
Kara woke up minutes later, stumbling into the bathroom with a grunt and a hand rubbing her face.
She sat on the toilet, relieving herself before walking up behind you, draping herself over you as she washed her hands.
You braced yourself, waiting for her eyes to glance up and see the mess your face had become.
A loud, choked gasp filled the bathroom.
'Baby- I-' She muffled a sob into your shoulder.
'Kara sweetheart, you didn't mean it-'
'I did that to you.' Her forehead was digging into your shoulder, and her body was shaking.
'Kara. Kara babe look at me.' You drew her head up with a gentle smile, making her look into your eyes and not at the purple colour rising on your cheek.
'You didn't mean it. It was an accident.' You said in a hushed tone, swiping your thumbs over her cheekbones.
'I'm sorry. I know. I'm still sorry.' She mumbled, her eyes flickering between your own.
'It's okay. It's okay babe. It doesn't even hurt. I'm fine.' She gave you a firm kiss, one that had your thoughts rolling and heart rate skyrocketing.
'I love you.' You whisper.
'I love you. I'm so lucky.' She whispered right back.
You take a quick glance at yourself, and realise you want this your whole entire life. The bruise from Kara losing control is only a reminder to you that she's there, and you loved the fool, no matter how many accidental mishaps there have been (there have been many).

Guys quick reminder of my new story, just some random oneshots of random characters. Will do requests of any characters on there! Check it out if you can ❤️❤️❤️

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