Girls Night (Kara)

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Over the years, games nights and girls nights were constants. No matter how shitty your week had been, you would come anyway. That was an unspoken rule.
Girls nights consisted of Sam, Lena, Maggie, Alex, Kara, you and Kelly sometimes when she was in town. You and Kara had been high school sweethearts and your relationship had been secure for the whole 10 years of being together. You knew everything about each other, knew each other's bodies and minds as if they were your own. You had gotten married 2 years ago in front of your family and friends, not even surprised when Kara asked for your hand in marriage.
It had been after girls night, one where Lena broke down because Lex had tried to kill her yet again. You stayed strong for her, but you were there in the room with her and it had rattled you too. Kara knew that, she always knew, hugging you just as tightly as she had just done to Lena when she noticed one stray tear fall.
You stayed quiet, letting Lena be comforted by the girls in turn before she collapsed in your arms lastly. You had to be strong for her so you didn't cry, only held her close and tight to your chest, understanding what she felt.
When Alex, Maggie, Sam and Lena trickled out of yours and Kara's apartment, you expected what came.
Kara fell knee first onto the floor as soon as you were within a few yards, and let out a strangled sob. You wordlessly knelt down in front of her and grabbed the remote you always had in your pocket. Quickly pressing the button, you put it back and wrapped your arms securely around her shaking form.
She cried for an age, and you said nothing, holding her tightly and knowing she felt it because of the red sun lamps installed in every room of the house.
When she finally stopped, you only had to whisper 'I'm here.' before you were taken by the hand into your bedroom.
Kara was usually in control when having sex, but you knew and had talked about the times she needed you to change the dynamics. You were on top, kissing and touching and painting the words 'I'm safe' onto her skin. You nudged her thighs open and pressed your one in between hers, balancing your own center on her thigh. You moved in sync and came in sync, gently whimpering your releases. Kara cried again, and you shed a few of your own tears.
'I could've lost you.' She shuddered.
'You didn't.' You said back, stroking her cheek.
She closed her eyes and for a few minutes it was silent.
'Marry me.' She whispered into your shared air.
'Please. Please marry me.' She said again, sterner this time.
'Okay.' You said, dipping your head to kiss her, more tears spilling down both of your cheeks.
The next morning, she handed you the ring from her bedside drawer and you made love for the rest of the day. She didn't need to propose properly, you both knew you were made for each other. You made a Kryptonian bracelet a week later, giving it to her halfway through girls night that had fallen on the anniversary of Kryptons death. She had been quiet for most of it, having shed her tears for her planet throughout the day in your bed. You glanced at Maggie and Alex sitting on one of your sofas, talking with Lena and Sam who were sitting opposite. They hadn't really involved you or Kara in conversation tonight, and both of you were forever grateful for their understanding.
Your standing up went unnoticed by everyone except Kara, who followed you with her eyes until you were back with the black box in hand.
You passed it to her, and when she opened it, she let out the first sob she had let herself for the past hour.
You held her close and stroked her hair, subtly shuffling over to allow the rest of your friends to come and sit close too.
Your friends weren't even sure what had set her off, the box being sandwiched in between yours and Kara's bodies.
When she calmed down, she poked her head up from your chest and gave you a watery smile.
'Sorry.' She croaked out.
'It's okay Kar.' Alex said, still unsure where that came from.
'My fiancé is just really sappy.' She grinned when realisation dawned on Alex, and then the rest of your group.
'WAIT WHAT??' There was a chorus of cheers and congratulations and questions that were answered that night.
Kara only cried once more that night, sitting in bed and telling tales of her forgotten home.
Today, you all sat around congratulating Alex and Maggie on their recent engagement.
'To the happy couple.' Kara brought her wine glass up as a toast. You held up your glass of water and cringed at how noticeably different it was to the various alcoholic beverages it was clinked against.
'(y/n)...' Lena said, eyeing your glass with a soft smile.
They were all looking at you know, Kara included, but her with less curiosity in her eyes and with more adoration and excitement. She nodded subtly and you turned back to them.
'I'm pregnant.' You said gently, watching as everyone's faces broke out into even wider grins.
'Holy shit.' 'Woah.' 'I'm so happy for you both.' More hugs and cheek kisses were given.
When you hugged Alex, she whispered 'way to steal my thunder' but there was only teasing in her voice. You had known her for 10 years, and you hadn't wanted to tell your news today and outshine hers, but you knew she wouldn't care and would only be happy for her two sisters.
Kara was brimming with energy, smiling constantly and talking about children and pregnancy as many times as she can.
By the time everyone had left, both of your smiles were uncontrollable.
You saw the look in Kara's eyes and knew what both of you needed.
When you were both exhausted and heaving for breath, your body still tingling with pleasure, you turned to face your wife and the mother of your unborn child.
'I love you Kara Zor-el.'
'I love you too (y/n) Zor-el.'

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