Attracted? (Lena)- SMUT

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Your girlfriend was either extremely against the idea of sex, or wasn't attracted to you. If it was the former, you wouldn't be mad. Asexuality is perfectly fine with you, but you'd like to be at least informed. If she just wasn't attracted to you, well... that was clearly going to be an issue.
To test your theory, you produced a plan.
You waltzed up to the top of L-Corp, smiling and waving at Jess before knocking on the large doors.
'Come in.' You glided through the office until you were perched on the edge of her pristine desk.
'Hey Lena!' You said exaggeratively.
'Hey darling. Let me just finish with this document and I'll be with you.' She hadn't looked up yet so you played it cool.
'That's fine. I can wait.' You started trailing circles with your fingers, alternating between larger ones ans smaller ones and making sure it was in her line of sight.
When you heard Lena shift for the 5th time in her seat, you knew you had gotten her attention.
She looked up and you held eye contact before she broke it off to take in tour appearance.
You had put on your most form fitting dress and hoped for the reaction you got. She gulped heavily and her eyes darkened and you smirked.
'Sorry love I'm stacked with paperwork I forgot about can you come back later and we can have lunch together then?' Her usually calm voice was a bit lower and she stuttered on a few words.
'Oh okay.' You were disappointed and very dissatisfied. You left quickly, knowing rejection when you're handed it.
It was 7 minutes later when you realised you had forgotten your purse.
You stormed back to the elevator and back to the door and barged in this time, no knocking.
The image you stumbled upon sent a hot coil in your belly.
Lena had pushed her chair away from her desk, her pants pooled around her ankles. Her head was thrown to the side in pleasure, her hand firmly and fastly stroking a cock? How had you not noticed your girlfriend had a penis? Oh yeah, because she never wanted to have sex with you.
'Do you need help with that?' You husked out, your voice full of clear need.
'(Y/n).' She half-gasped, half- moaned, her entire frame freezing.
And then she started cumming. All. Over. Her suit. And god. If your panties weren't wet before they certainly were now.
You watched as she bucked into her hand, her cum still coming in short waves.
She collapsed back in her chair and watched you with half focused eyes.
'You- you have a dick?' Was not exactly how you wanted to ask but you were painfully turned on by that little show you couldn't really form words.
'Y-yeah... I do.' She looked down and her frame slumped down more.
'You- you can break up with me if you want.' She whispered.
'What? No! Why would I do that?' You practically scrambled over to her and cupped her face in your cheek.
'Because I'm not like other girls. I have... that.' She pointed down and your eyes followed her direction. You couldn't help but take a look, your centre throbbing at the images that flooded your head.
'Lena... you're beautiful.' You murmured, eyes still locked on her long cock.
It twitched and your eyes snapped up. Lena was blushing but she looked more aroused than embarrassed.
'Thank you.'
You kissed her then, missing her lips and mouth and that thing she does with her tongue in your mouth.
She groaned and the vibrations it made went straight to your clit.
Her shirt was already half opened, her bra tugged down so she could pinch her nipples so you did just that, kissing and nipping them repeatedly.
You heard ragged moans from above you and her hand was pushing at your shirt.
You leant back and took it off quickly, taking off the rest of your other whilst you are at it.
You stumbled back onto her lap, watching as she moaned loud at the wetness of your bare centre on her thighs. You moaned too, at her penis sitting on your stomach and twitching at your every movement.
'I need you inside me Lee.' You whined.
'Ride me.' She groaned out.
You lifted yourself up and aligned your centre with her dick. You slowly slid down onto it, whimpering at the stretch.
'Fuck.' She moaned.
You pushed yourself up and then back down, pleasantly surprised that Lena thrust her hips upwards at the same time.
'God you are so tight.' She said.
You moaned a response, repeating the movement you just performed.
The office was soon filled with the slapping of skin on skin and loud groans. You were glad Lena had soundproofed walls otherwise the whole of L-Corp would know what you were getting up to.
'I- I think I'm gonna-' You felt warm liquid splitter into you and Lena's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she shouted out. The feeling of her cock pulsing threw you into your own orgasm, your throat raw from screaming.
You came to sitting on Lena's lap still and your sweaty forehead on her shoulder. You kissed the skin a few times and looked up at her.
'And here I thought you weren't attracted to me.'
'Darling I am terribly attracted to you. The amount of orgasms I've had to give myself over you is too many to count.'
'Can you make it one more?' You smirked.
'Let me watch you touch yourself Miss Luthor.' You watched as all the green in her eyes was replaced with black.
This was going to be a good day.

Thank you @Tokyo_Official for the prompt;)

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