You deserve this (Kara)

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'KARA DANVERS!' James said as he came striding into the break room.
Kara looked up from her forth sandwich and said 'yes?' with a mouth full.
You giggled at that.
'Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend?' He asked her.
'I don't have a boyfriend James.' She replied simply.
'It's Valentine's Day and at your desk is a massive bouquet of roses. If that doesn't scream boyfriend then I don't know what does.'
'I don't have a boyfriend.' She said again as if it should clear his confusion. You tried to hide your growing smile.
'Kara come on.' The whole rooms as looking at her now. They were all really close at Catco, having formed a tight knit group. Obviously not all of them knew Kara was Supergirl, but besides from that you knew pretty much everything about each other.
Kara just shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat.
'Okay at least tell me what the card said.' He sighed.
At that, she stood and left, returning with a small slip of paper.
You knew what that paper said, you could recite it by heart.
'Nothing can ever show my true capacity of love for you, but these roses reminded me of your beauty. Happy Valentine's Day my love.' Her smooth and calming voice read the words you had scrawled mere hours ago.
You watched Kara's smile grow as she reread the words she had already looked over countless of times during the morning.
'Wow.' James said. 'You seem happy. I'm happy for you.' There were murmurs of agreements around the room.
'You deserve this.' You said and she met your eyes across the room and her impossibly huge grin only grew.
'Okay okay. We probably need to get back to work. Kara, keep your secrets but we will find out eventually.' James said as you all left the room slowly.
A couple of hours later...
You walked over to the group of girls near the printer.
'So Kara we are dying here. Give us something to go off of.' You overheard as you slipped beside the chatting girls.
'Okay you can ask some questions.' Kara replied with a chuckle and looked at you.
'Who is it?' A girl named Sally said in an instant.
'Pass. I am not telling you who it is. That'll ruin the secret!'
'Okay umm, when did you start dating?' Katy said next to you.
'Around a year.' She admitted.
'And we've only just found out?  Why didn't you tell us?' Sally asked.
'Didn't really feel the need to I guess.'
'What do you like about them?' Katy carried on.
'Everything. Their laugh especially. And their eyes.' You laughed at that and she bit her lip, knowing you did it on purpose.
'How did you meet?'
'We were on an elevator together, going to the same place and it just went from there.'
'Do you think this person is the one?' You asked her, looking again into her gorgeous eyes.
'Yes, I believe they are.' Your heart melted.
Before the others could say anything else, James approached you guys.
'You guys know that to get home in time for your dates you have to actually do some work?' He said.
And with that you all dispersed back to your desks.
The afternoon was filled with articles and paperwork and when it was all done, the sun was almost setting. Everyone said goodbye and scrammed, wanting to get home to their loved ones. You took your time, glancing at the girl sitting at her desk, trying to look busy but you knew she was waiting for you.
When you were finished, you walked slowly to the elevator, waiting for Kara to catch up and then watching the doors close.
'The elevator we met in.' You said with a small chuckle, finally facing the love of your life.
'How come you still look as beautiful as that day?' She asked.
You felt the smile on your face widen.
'You liked the flowers?'
'I loved them. Although I didn't like the interview that came with them.' She groaned sarcastically.
'You know at some point we might actually have to tell them.'
'I know. The teasing will be ruthless.'
'Hmm definitely. I can't believe they haven't clocked on. It's not coincidence that we get to work at the exact same time every day.' You said.
'They're going to be so mad we didn't tell them.'
'I know.' A comfortable silence washed over the two of you, basking in the act of being alone again.
'I love you.' She said softly and brought your body closer to hers.
'I love you too.' You said and leaned in to kiss her.
When you pulled away, you asked,' Supergirl isn't needed tonight is she?'
'No. I forced Alex to let me have a night off.'
'Good.' As you walked out of the elevator hand in hand you remembered something.
'So I'm the one am I?'

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