Doubt (Nia)

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You grinned as you leant against your front door, replaying the last thing she said.
'She doesn't know yet.'
You walked to the kitchen, taking in the picture of your girlfriend standing at the stove working away at what smelled like dinner.
'Mmm this smells amazing.' You said, going behind her and gently resting your hands against her hips.
'Hmm good.' She whispered as you pressed kisses into her neck and shoulder.
'What've you been up to that's got you so late?' She added, still stirring but grabbing at your hand and taking it in hers.
'Went and saw Kara.' You mumbled into the hot skin of her back.
She stiffened slightly and you paused.
You took your face away from in between her shoulder blades, assuming her discomfort was from the injury she sustained there about a month ago.
'How was she?' She seemed to grit out.
You shrugged against her and pressed further into her body, careful to miss the spot you were just in which seemed to cause her pain.
'Happy as always.'
'Sounds like Kara.'
'Yep. I'm seeing her tomorrow as well so I'll probably be in at the same time.' You smiled at the thought of what you and Kara were going to do but was brought back to reality with a clatter of a spatula.
'That's it.' Nia practically shouted, wriggling out of your gasp and putting space between you.
'Don't what me (y/n).' Nia snarled and you definitely looked incredibly confused right now.
'Darling I really don't know what you're talking about.' You stepped forward but she stepped back so you stopped.
'You know exactly what I'm talking about.' She fumed, waving a spoon around as she spoke.
'I'm sorry but I-'
'Don't give me this bullshit! You've been sneaking around, going to Kara's all the fucking time. I know what you two are doing.'
You stood stock still.
She knew?
How did she know?
Why is she angry?
'You- you do? How?' You asked nervously.
'It's obvious (y/n)! I can't believe for a second you thought you could hide it from me!' She shouted.
You flinched at the noise level.
'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Nia. I just thought-'
'No. You didn't think. You didn't think at all. You can leave. Probably go back to Kara's anyway right?' And with that, she went to your bedroom and slammed the door.
Tears pooled in your eyes faster than you could process them and you struggled to keep walking to get to the front door but you did.
You got to Kara's, not really remembering how you got there.
'She knows.' Was the first thing you said.
'She knows and she hates me.' You sobbed.
Kara held you for some time, letting you cry and talking things over.
You decided you might as well give her the ring. See if by any chance she could change her mind.
You trudged back home, and knocked.
She didn't answer.
You grabbed your keys and went inside, shuffling to the bedroom door and opening it.
There was a pile of blankets and under it you could see her soft brown hair.
'What are you doing back here?' She sobbed.
'Woah. Hey.' You ran to her side but she shot up.
'Leave me alone.' She muttered.
'Nia you can't just shut me out like this.'
'Why can't I?'
'Because you can't. Darling, we've been together for 3 years.'
'I know! Does that mean nothing to you?!'
'It mean everything to me!'
'Well why did you cheat?!'
A tense silence stilled the air for a second before it all clicked in your mind.
'Oh honey. Oh Nia, my love. You thought I was... cheating on you?' You sat down next to her on the bed and she looked at you in an emotional daze.
'With Kara yes. You were always there and always talking about her and-'
'I would never. Ever. Cheat on you. You hear me? Never. I love you with all my heart. I'm not letting you go.' You touched her cheek gently and she snuggled into the contact, clearly believing you.
'Then why were you there all the time and not here with me?'
'Because... I was making a ring.' You let out in a breath.
'You were making a ring... oh.' Nia's eyes shifted from yours to the open palm you held the ring in.
'Nia darling. Me and Kara have been working on this for the past month. I tried to perfect it and it's indestructible so it doesn't get damaged when you're out saving the world.'
'Oh.' Seemed like the only word in Nia's dictionary.
'I love you. And I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. Not with anyone else.' You choked on some words but all in all it was going pretty great.
'I am so not dressed for this occasion.' Nia muttered.
'You look perfect.' You whispered.
'God I want to marry you.' She sniffled.
'I'm getting there just give me a sec.' You joked, pulling a wet laugh from her.
'Nia Nal. Will you do me the complete honour of-'
'Yes. Yes. Of course yes.' She dove at you, pressing her mouth to yours and cradling your cheek and the back of your neck with both hands.
You grinned into her mouth, feeling her smile widen and make it difficult to kiss. It was more of a press of mouths.
'Stop smiling I wanna kiss my fiancé.' You whispered.
'I can't help it.' She giggled and gave you a light peck before drawing back slightly, hands still holding your face.
'I love you. I'm sorry I doubted you love.' She muttered.
'I love you too. And it's okay. We're here now.' You slipped the ring on her finger and she looked down at it.
'It's beautiful.'
'Like you.'
'You're such a sap.'
'Only for my fiancé.'
'Say it again.'
'Kiss me, my fiancé.'
She certainly did.

For @livifin1717 I loved this prompt thank you! Let me know what you guys want to see :)

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