Red K (Kara)

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You heard shouts, crashes and then apologies before the door swung open. You watched Kara clench and unclench her fists as unshed tears filled her eyes.
'(Y/n)' she mumbled, clearly trying to keep down a sob.
'Kara' you watched her sturdy shoulders deflate slightly and in doing so they started shaking. 'Come here'
She stumbled over to you and when she got to you, you pulled her into a hug.
Her shoulders heaved with obvious relief and she melted into your body as much as the angle provided.
She nuzzled her nose into your neck and on hearing your quite whimper of pain at the action, instantly sprung back.
She zoomed 5 feet out of reach quicker than you could think and crossed her arms tightly over herself, starting to wrap into herself.
'Kara.' You tried again.
'No. I can't hurt you.' She said firmly.
'Kara, you've never hurt me.' You replied gently.
'Yes I did. I did.' She mumbles.
'It wasn't you Kara.'
'But it was.'
'It wasn't.'
'Yes it was! It was me!'
'No! Deep down, I wanted that. I wanted whatever I did to you!' She looked heartbroken.
'Wait, you don't remember?'
'No. Red K erases any memory of what I did.'
'Kara, this wasn't you hurting me.'
'Then why are we here in hospital?!' She threw her hands up.
'Okay maybe a broken wrist was a bit excessive, but we weren't fighting for this to happen.'
'What were we doing then?!'
'Having sex!' You finally burst.
You watched as a pretty pink covered your girlfriends entire face.
'We were... having sex?'
'Yes. You know the thing we do quite often?' You playfully pointed out.
'What- of course I know- how did I break your wrist?' Kara asked after stuttering.
It was your turn to blush as vivid flashbacks came to mind.
'Let's just say, you won't be pinning my wrists down anytime soon.'
Kara gasped.
'Now come here. I want a hug.'

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