Back to you Part 2 (Kara)

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You turned around and saw Kara ZorEl, the girl from Krypton you remembered as your best friend.
'Kara???' You said back, taking in her tight fitting suit she was wearing with her house emblem on her chest.
'Oh rao!' She said, finally moving out of her shock and speeding towards you to embrace you in a hug.
'I can't believe it.' She said, mumbling it repeatedly into your hair.
You stood for 20 minutes simply embracing each other and murmuring about how unbelievable it all was.
When Kara finally stepped back, she and you both had tears in your eyes.
'Why don't we move this to a private room?' Director Danvers said softly, clearly trying not to break the bubble you and Kara are in at the moment.
You glanced around to see most eyes on you and ducked your head.
'Okay Alex.' Kara said, taking your hands in hers and leading you after the director, who you guess was called Alex.
Every so often Kara squeezed your hand and turned back to smile at you tearily.
Once Alex had stopped and put you in a room with no one else in it, she murmured a soft 'are you okay Kar?' before she left after Kara's nod.
When the door closed, you strode over to her and took her face in your hands.
'Rao you're all grown up.' You said, smiling softly as you felt new tears fall down your face.
Kara buried her face into your shoulder and wrapped her arms around you again, squeezing tightly and sobs that sounded almost painful were pressed into your shoulder.
'Woah hey hunter it's okay.' You said, bringing back the old nickname you used to call her when you were 12.
That only made her cry harder, clinging onto you like a lifeline.
It took close to 2 hours for her to finally fully calm down.
'We have a lot of catching up to do.' She said with a weak smile, her emotions still overwhelming.
'Hunter I have no other place to be so I have a lot of time.' You watched as a small tear fell down her cheek and you wiped it away.
'Stop calling me that.' She whispered.
'Why?' Was it offensive here?
'Because I am so happy and I think I might burst with it if you keep calling me it...', she paused, 'chaser.'
'Rao I get it now.' You said, tears spilling down your face at an alarming rate at hearing her old nickname for you.
At that moment, a bunch of people you hadn't seen before besides Alex came charging into the room.
'Sorry Kara, they barged in here.' Alex breathed out as if she had been running to catch up.
You were in front of Kara in an instant, eyeing each of them to see if threats were present.
'Hey, (y/n) calm down they're my friends.' Kara put a hand on your shoulder and you stepped away.
'Sorry, instincts.' You muttered, embarrassed.
'It's okay. You don't exactly look threatening with red eyes.' One of the men in the room said, referencing how your eyes reacted to the amount of crying you had done today.
'So introduce us Kar.' Someone else said.
'Right right. Umm guys, this is my childhood friend (y/n).' She said with a soft smile aimed at you.
'Childhood friend as in...' one of them said.
'Yes. I'm from Krypton.' You answered.
'Woah.' You heard one of them breath out.
'So this is Winn. And this is James. And this is Lena. And that's Maggie. And you've already met Alex.' Kara pointed at the people she was referring too.
'Hey.' You waved awkwardly at them.
'Hey.' The lady, Lena, stepped forward first, sensing your discomfort, and put a hand out to shake.
You took hers in yours and gave it a small squeeze but she screamed. You scrambled away quickly, eyes wide.
'Rao I'm sorry. I- what did I do?' You said, looking at her hand that she now had cradled to her chest.
'Shit you have super strength too?' Lena asked, shaking her hand and not wincing, showing you didn't do much damage.
'Shoot. What? Super strength?' You looked down at your hands and then up to Kara.
'I forgot to mention, we have powers on Earth.' She said with a concerned eyebrow furrow.
'You forgot to mention? What have you been talking about this whole time?' Alex butted in.
You and Kara both didn't dwell on the fact you hadn't actually talked much at all, just held each other.
'Why didn't I break you then?' You asked quietly.
'Because I also have super strength. That's why,' she coughed and her cheeks turned pink, 'that's why I hugged you so tight. I hadn't gotten to hug someone properly besides from Kal-el.'
'Kal-el survived?' You said, surprised.
'He's coming over soon. I sent him a message.' Winn said.
'Oh rao. This is a lot to take in.' You sat down heavily on a chair and rubbed your hand over your face.
'Hey it's okay. We can help you adjust and it'll all be fine.' Kara sat next to you and took your hand in hers again. You squeezed and watched her face for pain, and when you found none you tightened your grip and relaxed a bit.
Kara's eyes closed and another tear fell.
'Rao I keep making you cry sorry.' You say, chasing the tear with your finger.
'It's just, it feels good to feel.' She said, squeezing your hand back.
'Don't worry. They're happy tears I promise.'
When you look back to the others, they're all smiling.
'What?' You said.
'Nothing.' The all said in unison.
Humans were weird.
Your ears picked up a mans voice and a rustling of a cape.
'Is Kal coming?' You asked, assuming his cape was similar to Kara's.
'Not yet. He should be here any-'
A tall man walked in, sporting the same clothes as Kara and you assessed he was in fact Kal.
'Oh rao you've grown up.' You said, standing up and walking towards him.
'Kal, you remember me talking about (y/n).' Kara said, you and her knowing he wouldn't recognise you as he was only a baby when Krypton blew up.
'This is the famous Chaser?' He said with a grin.
'Yeah. That's me.' You said softly.
Surprisingly, he tugged you into a hug.
'It's nice to meet you.' He said as he pulled back.
'It's nice to see you again.' You joked.
'How did you get off Krypton?' He asked.
'My dad... he built a pod without anyone's knowledge of it and when the time came, he shoved me in it and sent me off. I crashed on another planet and lived there for a few years before fixing the pod and coming here. How did you guys get here?' You explained.

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