Impatient (Kara)

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Shouts met your ears the minute you entered the bar, and the stench of cheap tequila hit your nose.
A blond head of hair was sitting with her back to you, and as your heart skipped a beat, her head whipped round.
A blinding, gorgeous smile was sent your way, all teeth and joy radiating off of it.
She super sped over to you, standing in front of you in a blink, and wrapped you up in a warm, familiar embrace. You melted into her.
'Hey baby.' She whispered into your ear.
'Hey beautiful.' You pulled back and watched as the blush engulfed her cheeks.
'I really wanna kiss you right now.' She mutters. You grin softly at her look of pain, her eyes set on your lips.
'Later love.' You promise.
She grunted and tugged your hand, weaving through the bar to where your friends sat.
'Hey.' They all said, warm smiles sent your way.
'Hey guys. Sorry for being late.' You slumped down into the booth, next to a buzzing Kara.
'It's okay. We only had to deal with this grump while you weren't around.' Alex nudged Kara, and your heart burst.
'I just missed my best friend.' Kara mumbled, her ears tinted red.
You winced gently at 'best friend', trying your hardest to not alert Kara.
You and her had been together for 6 months now, your anniversary being last week, which was so good you could still feel her touch when you sat down today. But as confident as she was with just you, she couldn't gather the courage to tell your friends. And you trust her and are fine with it, because you adore her and you know she adores you. You just hope she can tell them before the inevitable wedding.
It did sting when your friends would try and set her up with others, especially after the incident.
'Kara! Where are you? Why didn't you come for lunch?'
You woke abruptly, your heart thudding loudly in your ears. Fuck.
You scrambled up, grabbing a t-shirt, hoping haphazardly out of bed and throwing yourself into the closet. Ironic.
'Kara? Kara wake up. God you're never asleep this late.' Alex's voice hammered through the flimsy wood.
You held your breath in anticipation.
'Is that... Kara? Kara. For fuck sake wake up.'
You heard rustling, then a startled yelp.
'Alex? What- what are you doing here?' Kara's voice, rough and overused reached your ears.
Your heart wasn't the only thing that clenched.
'Kara what the hell?! Put some clothes on please! You missed our lunch.' Alex sounded scarred, and you suppressed a laugh.
'Oh Rao sorry. I overslept!' She giggled nervously.
'Kara. I'm not dumb. You had someone over yesterday. Someone who's left this morning. But left their boxers. Dumbass didn't even wait for you to wake up. So, who was it?' Alex asked playfully.
'Alex don't. Can we just go for lunch? I don't want to talk about it.' Kara grumbled.
'Was he that bad? Damn. Okay I'll let you change then let's go. I'm hungry.' You heard Alex close Kara's bedroom door.
Kara opened the closet door, blushing and naked.
'Was I that bad?' You mimicked, grinning.
'Shut up you know you weren't. Now let me get changed so I can go to this stupid lunch and pretend I don't want to go with you instead.' Kara tugged you by the waist and gave you a light peck before ruffling through her clothes.
'Hey, its Alex, you love your time with her.' You put the shirt you grabbed on and flopped onto the bed.
'You're right. I've got to go. I love you. See you later?' She gave you one last kiss and dashed out of the door.
After that, Alex wouldn't stop going on about Kara's mystery man.
And it was fine, you knew why Kara kept this part of her secret, and knew how important it was for her to find the right time, it was just a strange sensation to hear your friends talk about potential partners to your girlfriend.
'Oh we know Kara. You made that very clear with your moping before.' Alex grinned at the blush on her sisters face, and you gently squeezed Kara's thigh under the table, watching the blush darken.
James leant over 'Someone snuck alien alcohol in here. She's a tad drunk.' He patted you on the shoulder.
Kara threw her arms up clumsily, very narrowly missing your head.
'I'm not drunk guys!' She said, louder than usual.
'Then what would explain you crying over y/n not being here for the hour before she arrived?' Alex asked, biting down a shit eating grin.
Kara's eyebrows furrowed and she huffed, leaning further into you and grumbling about 'shitty friends' and something along the lines of 'I'd act like that sober too'.
But you already knew she was drunk, there were signs.
She was a touchy person, your hand, hair, ass and waist had all been permanently grasped through the entirety of your relationship, but drunk Kara took it to another level.
Once, she'd gone to yours after a night at the bar with Alex, and promptly fucked you into sleep within 30 minutes.
As soon as you had sat down tonight, she had subtly put her hand in your jean pocket, grabbing a large handful of your ass and keeping it there.
Her shoulder was brushing yours, not without intent, and her eyes were already dark.
You just hoped she could keep it in her pants until you got home, as you were sure her fucking you in front of your friends was the desired way for her to come out.
'Anyway, how's your day been?' James butted in, not wanting a heated, intoxicated alien on his hands.
You got dragged into casual conversation as you sipped your drink that had arrived soon after you did.
Kara's hand was engulfing your leg. It had gone from your ass, to your thigh, to just before your centre, back to your ass, and you were struggling to not seem effected because holy fuck.
She was stroking, tapping, circling every inch of your skin with the tip of her finger, all while drinking any drink handed to her.
Her touches got increasingly heavier after every drink, and your pants were getting increasingly wetter at the same rate.
It hit a point where you were scared for the seat beneath you, so you grabbed Kara's hand, said something about a toilet trip, and dragged her to the other side of the bar.
You locked the toilet door and Kara was on you in an instant.
Her hands were in your hair, tugging and scratching, and her lips were devouring yours, her tongue instantly meeting your own.
'Kara.' You panted, her leg in between yours and rocking into you before you could say anything else.
She undid the zipper of your jeans, her mouth never straying from your own as she dipped her hand into them.
You groaned as her thick fingertips grazed your clit.
She carried on her ministrations and your knees threatened to give out.
Hot white pleasure coursed through your nerve endings, meeting in your abdomen as she thumbed at the bundle of nerves and licked into your mouth confidently.
You were cumming in mere minutes, not that that was a record, because god was Kara good.
She peppered your face with soft kisses as you caught your breath.
'I love you.' She whispered, giving you a gently kiss on the lips before zipping your jeans back up.
'I love you too, you horndog.' You scratched behind her ear gently.
'I didn't hear you complaining.' She said, opening the toilet door only to slam into not only Alex but James as well, forming a queue for the toilet.
'Really Kara? You couldn't wait till you got home?' Alex teased with a grin.
Your heart stopped in your chest and Kara went beat red.
'Uhhh I can explain?'

Guys I have officially started a new book. I will still update here, the other one is a more general one for other characters as well, check it out if you want I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

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