Safe (Kara)

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'Okay and now I would flip you over and that would take you out.' Alex stood over you and demonstrated the move.
You looked up towards her and then behind her to a floating Kara.
'Do I really need this babe?' You asked your girlfriend.
'Yes. Being Supergirl's girlfriend could put you in danger. And I will always protect you, but knowing some self defence moves might be a good idea.' She said.
'Okay okay. I think I have this one just show me the next one.' You let Alex get up before you did and awaited instructions.
'Next one should be how to get out of a strangle hold. So if I were your attacker and I put my hands around your neck.' Alex did so and you tensed, unwanted memories flooding through your mind.
'And I'd say something some like, 'I am in control, you can't get out'. She was obviously joking around but the words were deadly accurate and it only made your muscles seize up more.
'Now what would you do?' She asked and this was when you were meant to move, but you couldn't.
His words were burning your ears again and before you knew it, your eyes were struggling to prevent the tears from spilling.
Alex noticed almost instantly and took her hands away.
'I'm sorry (Y/n) did I hurt you?' She scrambled to do something.
You could see Kara coming back from where she was punching rocks and looking alarmed, but before either could say another word, you did what you always did and ran.
Ran from the training room. Ran from the DEO. Ran all the way to your apartment and only then did you let your tears fall.
You scolded yourself as you promised to not shed tears for that man ever again, but every so often the memories were just too much. It was 2 or 3 hours after you had gotten home when Kara knocked on your door. At first, you didn't answer but she was resilient and carried on for a full 5 minutes.
When you opened it, you could see the worry that only grew when she looked at your puffy eyes and red nose. Her instinct was to pull you into a hug, but the moment she touched your arm you stumbled back. It was a reflex that had been apart of your life for the 4 years you were with him and it always came back with the memories. The hurt that struck her with your reaction was evident on her face.
'I'm sorry.' She said.
'What are you sorry for you haven't done anything?' You said, making sure not to force your anger out on her but instead opting for a more sadder tone.
'I- I don't know. What happened are you okay?' She asked, about to reach out to you again but stopping herself this time.
'I- umm- it wasn't Alex. She didn't do anything.' You said, realising she was probably beating herself up about it.
You saw Kara's body fold in relief. 'Thank Rao. But that does mean I need to apologise for shouting at her after you left.'
'I'm sorry.'
'Is there something you should be sorry for? What is going on (Y/n)?' She asked in a soothing tone.
'I-' a choked sob escaped your mouth before you could stop it and you could see the pain she was in at restricting herself from the physical comfort she usually gives.
'Can I hug you?' She asked.
'N-no. No. No. I'm sorry. No. D- don't touch me.' Touching brought back more of the memories you so desperately tried to suppress.
'Did- did I do something?' She looked down at the ground.
'No. No of course not. I- come in. Sit down.' You mumbled.
She walked in and perched on the sofa and you followed suit.
'What is it (Y/n)? You know you can tell me anything.' She said as her gaze fell on your shaking hands.
'My- I don't really tell many people. It- it brings back...' you trailed off and one single tear fell from your eye.
'Hey. Take your time. I'm right here.' Kara watched your every move.
'Hold my hand. Please.' You sniffled and felt her grasp your hand as if she would never let go. It was clear she desperately wanted to be more comforting but there was nothing she could do.
'Okay. Okay. Take all the time you need.' She whispered.
'He- I had a boyfriend. A few years ago I had a boyfriend. I was with him for 4 years. At first he was amazing.' You stopped to breath in for a second and she squeezed your hand reassuringly.
'And then he started to control little things in my life. Like what I would wear. And what I would post on social media. And it slowly got worse. It turned into who I could see. And what time I could go out. And before I even realised I was trapped. My friends had been pushed away by me, unintentionally pushed away by me. It was me and him. And- he controlled my whole life.'
Kara's face had slowly gotten angrier and angrier.
'And that situation Alex was explaining- it was so similar to what he did, it just triggered-' you let out another strangled sob.
'I know. I know. It's okay (Y/n).' She squeezed your hand again to show she was there but at this point you needed more. So you lunged into her body and threw your arms around her. Almost instantly, she returned the gesture, but only before asking if it was alright to do so.
You cried for a long time, nuzzled into her chest. After hours of silence it startled you slightly to hear Kara's voice again.
'What happened to him?' Her voice was far from the kind, gentle Kara you knew. She was angry.
'I don't know. I escaped and never looked back.' You admitted.
'What's his name?' Her voice only got harder and more steely.
'What's his name?'
'It won't help now-'
'What. Is. His. Name?'
'Mark Reyquert.'
She made to stand up.
'Kara don't.'
'He hurt you. He does not get to walk away a free man.'
Before you could say anything else, she was gone, out of the now open window.
2 hours later...
'Come to the DEO honey.'
'Kara what did you-'
'Just come over okay? We'll explain it all.'
'Okay. See you soon babe.'
'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
When you got to the DEO, Kara and Alex were waiting at the middle table.
'Hey (Y/n).' Alex said, walking up to you. 'Sorry about earlier.'
'No. You did nothing wrong Lex. I wouldn't of expected you to know. You have nothing to apologise about.' You said with complete honesty.
'You're sure?'
Kara then came and engulfed you in a hug. When she pulled away, she gave you a short but passionate kiss, careful not to embarrass both of you as you were still out in public.
'We locked him up. He's not getting out anytime soon. We've made sure of it.' Alex interjected when she had stopped awkwardly looking anywhere else but you and Kara.
'Thank you. Both of you.' You pulled both of them into a hug. 'Really. It means the world.' And for the first time in a long time, you felt safe.

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