The love of my life (Kara)

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You stared at the ring on your finger, still not quite believing it was really there. Kara caught your eye and chuckled thickly, her emotions still on a high.
'Do you need some proof we're engaged?' She murmured, looking terribly delicious even with her puffy red eyes and pressing her face further into your space until your noses touched and your breath ghosted her lips.
'Yes.' You repeated the word you had said only hours before when she was on one knee.
Your lips crashed together and played the dance they had been performing for years. It wasn't long before you had tops off and Kara's hand down your pants, her groaning in your ear about how wet you were.
'All for you.' You whined out as she flicked her fingers over your clit.
'I can't wait to make you my wife.' She moaned into your neck, getting herself off on your thigh between her legs. The material was clearly giving her good friction because there was an obvious wet patch on your trousers.
'Kara rao.' You stuttered as she entered you with two fingers.
She set a pace with her hips and fingers, and before you knew it, you were tumbling over the edge, Kara doing the same.
She fell forward and nuzzled into your collarbone.
'I love you.' You said.
You didn't get a reply, which you didn't really care about as you knew she loved you back, but what you did care about was the other wet patch growing on your skin.
'Kara? Are you crying love?' You whispered softly.
'Sorry.' She choked out.
'Hey. Hey. Babe. There's nothing to be sorry about.' You watched as she lifted her head to look at you, tears running down her beautiful face.
'I just love you so much.' She pressed her nose into your cheek and wrapped her arms more around you.
It had happened before. Kara got overwhelmed during sex due to her senses, and she had cried many times after it. This was one of those times.
'I love you too Kar. So much.' You turned your head so you could kiss her again. You gently slid your hand down her body and to her thighs.
You cupped her and heated up at the shaky gasp she let out.
'Let me show you.' You murmured onto her lips. She nodded, and so you did.
She cried again after her third orgasm, sobbing about how happy she was you got to spend the rest of your lives together. You held her and stroked her back, peppering kisses all over her face.
A week later, you walked up to your shared apartment, exhausted from your day and nearly fainted at the 'surprise!' your friends and family let out when you opened the door.
Kara was in the middle, sporting her dopey smile she reserved for you, tugging you in for a kiss and hug.
Eliza was there, with the superfriends and more family friends. There were kids from the neighbourhood you and Kara grew up in, congratulating you guys and telling stories of you and Kara when you were 9 and already completely in love with each other. You learned later that Kara set it all up as a surprise engagement party and you loved her even more for it.
It was nearing the end of the night when Eliza announced she had something to show everyone.
You all sat around the tv, curious as to what she was about to play.
The tv turned on and a 5 year old Kara was on the screen playing with blocks with a 5 year old you. You ran out of the frame, apparently needing the loo.
Kara approached the camera which Eliza was holding and sat up next to her on the sofa.
'Eliza?' She asked softly, looking not at the camera but at the door you had left through.
'Yes sweetie.' A younger Eliza said behind the camera.
'I want to marry (y/n) one day.' The small girl said with certainty.
There were collective gasps around the room and your eyes teared up at the thought that Kara had loved you for that long. Kara had her head burrowed into the side of your neck and you could feel tears falling onto it.
'Yeah?' Eliza asked on the video.
'Yeah.' Kara's younger self answered. The video cut off there and the room fell silent.
'Woah.' Winn said.
'I can't believe Kara's been whipped since the age of 5.' Alex said, earning a slap from Maggie.
'Darling.' You whispered into Kara's ear, your voice cracking.
She drew back and you both had tears in your eyes, some of hers fallen onto her cheek.
'Right, well we better go. Congrats guys.' Someone said, you weren't really sure who.
There was a lot of shuffling and then the door closed.
You would say thanks tomorrow, but for now you reached out and held Kara's face in your hands.
'God I love you. I love you so so much.' You whispered.
'I love you too.' She said back.
'Apparently since 5.' You chuckled lightly and she smiled wetly.
'You're the love of my life (y/n).'
'And you are mine Kara.'

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