Insane (Lena)

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You woke up groggy, your alarm blaring and sheets cold next to you.
Rushing to change, your shoulders slumped at the crumpled bedding on the left side.
Of course.
Walking to the kitchen, you grinned at the sight of a plate full of your favourite breakfast, a note next to it you knew word for word.
You got to work quickly, taking a breath to school your smile and make yourself look more intimidating, before walking in.
'Miss (y/l/n).' Your receptionist greeted you.
'Sharron. How was your weekend?' You have her a small smile. So you may not have the hard, mean boss look completely down, so what.
'Very good thanks. That early Friday leave you gave us allowed me and the husband to go to our cabin.' She blushed and dipped her head as you chuckled.
'I'm glad to hear it. Have a good day.' You carried on to the elevator, including yourself in the idle chit chat your employees were having as you climbed the floors.
You stepped out of the elevator on the top floor by yourself, sighing in satisfaction. It hadn't been an easy road, but you got yourself to where you were today and couldn't be more proud.
'Ash hit me.' You watched as your assistant and friend scrambled up to you with a clipboard, walking in step with you down the corridor.
'You won't like this..' you cringed, that's never a good sign,'L Corp beat our sales by 1% this month. News is going crazy about it, considering this competition has been going on for years. Doesn't help that the charity ball is this evening either.'
You huff in acknowledgment, taking your phone out of your back pocket and typing furiously for a second, pressing send then pressing call to a shop you knew well.
'Send over the rest of your report, I'll be in my office. I need to set up a meeting with the board.' You pat Ash on the back and trudge to your office, slumping down in your chair.
The report came through 30 minutes later, a picture of Lena Luthor, your biggest competition, large on your screen.
She drives you insane.
Rubbing your face with your hands, you sigh loudly. It's going to be a long day.
'Ash, remind me what time the fundraiser starts tonight.' You ask through the phone.
'7 boss.' They reply.
'Thank you.'
You twirl in your chair as you think, wondering how to boost your sales.
After the board meeting that went better than anticipated, you had two hours to get home and ready.
'Ash, email everyone. Let them off now. They've done enough for the day.' Maybe that's why your sales weren't up to L Corps, you did keep giving out half days.
You got home, tugging your shoes off and booting up your computer for one more look through the news, despairing at the newest titles.
'L Corp wins this round, but we all know there's more.'
'Rivals take on charity ball tonight.'
'Will there be blood at the ball?'
You've just finished reading the last one when the door opens.
'Hey baby.' You sag in relief as your favourite person wraps her arms around your torso, melting into your back and nipping at your neck.
'Hello gorgeous.' You whisper, turning around to embrace her tightly.
'Long day?' She murmurs into your hair.
'Oh you know the answer to that.' You playfully gruff.
'I do. I saw the news. Sorry honey.'
'It's okay sweetheart.' You guide her chin up for a kiss.
'What time are you leaving for the ball?' Your wife asked into the kiss, her breath hot on your lips.
'7. Enough time to eat you out.' You bite down on her bottom lip, shivering at the whimper she lets out.
'I'm wearing my ugly pants.' She frowns, her hips stuttering against the thigh you've placed against her as she complains.
'No pants are ugly on you. They'll be off you soon anyway.' You kiss her on the cheek gently as she rocks, and not much talking is done for the next half hour.
You get ready in record time, throwing a hasty love you see you later over your shoulder as your driver texts you again.
The lights of the cameras are blinding as always, and you pout at the act of not having your wife by your side at these events for the billionth time.
No one goes silent when you enter, a few waves here and there, and that's it, just how you like it.
Maybe, you think bitterly, if you were the company with 1% more sales, there would be silence.
You chastise yourself, you never liked the attention anyway.
Making your way to the bar was a battle, lots of friends, or people you had to pretend to be friends with, wanting to stop for a chat.
Finally reaching it, you asked the bartender for a glass of wine, settling yourself into a seat and surveying the hall. It was very grand, and everyone milling around looked like they belonged here.
A crash echoed through the hall, and you looked towards the sound, smiling when you saw a pile of blond hair.
'Sorry, gosh, sorry about that.' Kara walked over to you quickly, pulling you into a short hug.
'That was embarrassing.' She laughed, plopping herself onto the chair next to you.
'You've done worse.' You smirk as she hits you lightly on the arm.
'Wife not coming tonight?' She asks.
'Later I believe.' You say.
'You know none of the group believes you actually have a wife, considering we've never seen her.' She nudges you.
'Trust me she's very real.' You grin.
'Are you sure cause-' Kara trailed off when the hall hushed. You both looked to see the reason, and through the front door came Lena Luthor.
You sucked a breath in, and promptly choked on it.
'I know she's your enemy and all, but she doesn't want to kill you.' Kara whispered.
Green eyes met yours, and you stood from your chair on shaky legs.
'Damn, this woman is doing a number on you. You know she's not actually that scary.' Kara said beside you, bemused.
Lena walked over to you, letting her hand hover.
You took her soft, but deadly hand in yours and met her eyes.
'(Y/n), always a pleasure.' Her tone was unreadable, something you had seen her be praised on in past papers.
'Lena. Congratulations on the sales.' You tighten your grip slightly.
'And you.' She replied, just as stoic as before.
'I'm intrigued to see your generosity tonight.' You let her hand go.
'I'm told yours will be similar.'
'Bigger. You should be told mine will be bigger.'
'Now now, there is no winners here but the children the money is going towards.' She smirked.
'And what of the winners holiday? You aren't interested in that?'
'Oh that's just an added bonus.' She winks and walks away.
You let out a shivering breath, and Kara pats your shoulder.
'She did you there. What a woman.'
An hour filled with you staring at the green eyed woman as you pretended to listen to Kara passed before a woman took to the stage with a microphone.
'Good evening, kind people of National City. All of you here have been extremely giving to the chosen charity of the night. A brilliant amount has been donated this year, and we thank all of you for your kindness. We do have two people to thank especially though. These two woman have continuously donated millions to various charities, and this year our charity was the chosen one. There donations were the exact same, so we are hoping they are willing to share the prize, please give a warm welcome to Lena Luthor and (Y/n) (Y/l/n)!' The crowd erupts in cheers and you couldn't stop your grin if you wanted to.
You made your way to the stage, looking over at the woman who had matched your donation to the dollar. She stood next to you on the stage and your arms brushed.
'Now these two have been known rivals for years, having them on this stage so close is a sight to see. Do either of you have any words?' The presenter asked.
Lena stepped up to the microphone, giving you one glance.
'I first off want to say I'd do anything for the kids you are helping, they all deserve the best future we can provide. I know of a person who has come from a similar background to these children, my wife,' murmurs from the crowd rose as she said those words, and your eyes flickered to Kara, who was scribbling forcefully onto her notebook,' and the work she has put in to be where she is today. I want to thank her, she not only worked hard for her position, but she helped me get where I am, standing in front of you. As you may know, the sales of the month were published today, and not 10 minutes after, my wife had sent a text and delivered flowers from my favourite flower shop, directly to my office. She is there for me constantly, and I couldn't achieve anything without her by my side. Even if it means beating her in sales.' The crowd lose it. You grin as she gives the microphone back, and turns to you with her soft smile, the one reserved for only you.
'I love you.' You whisper, before placing a hand on her cheek and leaning forward to press your lips onto hers.
She drives you insane, in the best way.

So I absolutely adored this suggestion thank you @_sijeco_ !!
I would happily do some more based on this storyline if you guys want.
Let me know!

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