Spider part 2 (Kara)

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'(Y/n) what in the Rao?' Kara squealed and in a flash, you were in her arms and a suitable distance from the floor.
'What?' You asked confusedly.
'Alex said you shouldn't be putting any pressure on your ankle!' She hugged you tighter, as if you were going to fall onto your ankle, which you weren't.
'But it didn't even hurt.' You said.
'Wh- what? Wait, why not?' Kara floated back to the ground but made no move to let go of you.
'I don't know! It just didn't hurt at all.' You said exasperated.
'We need to call Alex!' Kara sped off, but not before dropping you back on the bed, and you could hear her in the kitchen dialling Alex's number you presumed.
Still half asleep, you stood up again and walked into the kitchen to watch in amusement as Kara explained to Alex what was going on, with her telltale hand gestures.
You heard a 'that's impossible' from the other line. Was Alex shouting into her phone? No ones ever been that loud on a phone call.
'Kar can you tell Alex to stop shouting I can hear her from here.' You muttered, going to grab a mug.
'What? She's speaking at normal temperature honey.' Kara said distractedly.
As you were going to reply, you got hold of a mug and with the first grab of your fingers it shattered.
'Wh-' you looked at it in amazement. You tried to grab another and the same thing happened.
'Alex... you may need to get over here.' Kara said, also looking at the mess of the two mugs.
'Already on my way.' Was heard.
'How did you do that?' Kara gestured to the rubble.
'I don't know. I- Kara what's happening to me?' You felt dizzy with fear.
As you leant on the side, and wrapped your hand around the sharp edges, they crumbled into dust in your fingers.
'Oh god. Oh god.' You stared at the remains in your hand and felt the panic rising.
'(Y/n) calm down okay? I can hear your heartbeat racing.' You tried to take deep breaths and felt your heart under your hand slow down slightly.
'That's it. Good girl.'
But you could still hear a fast heartbeat, and it took you all of a few seconds to realise it was Kara's.
'Kara what the fuck!! I can hear your heartbeat going super fast. Slow it down!' At your words, it did the opposite.
'You can hear my heartbeat?' She whispered.
'Yes, clear as day. Oh shit I could hear Alex on the phone as well.' Your senses were suddenly overflowing with noises. A cat meowing, a neighbour getting up, a postman whistling.
'Kara...' you groaned in agony, 'make it stop. Make it stop.' You held your hands to your head in an attempt to close off the sounds, but it didn't help.
'Rao. Rao okay. I think you're having sensory overload. Okay. Okay.' She scrambled to your side and softly placed her arms around you.
'What are you doing?' You hissed through the pain.
'Alex did this with me when it happened to me. Trust me?' She whispered.
'Always.' As if she had to ask.
'Okay. You're going to have to try and tune into my heartbeat. Can you do that?' At this point, she had pressed herself against you.
'I- I'm not sure.'
'Just try my love.'
You did, and you were shocked to find the steady, still slightly fast heartbeat fill your ears. As you focused on it, the rest of the sounds faded away.
'Kara.' You finally felt like you could breath and fell fluid in her arms.
You gripped onto her tightly.
'Too tight (Y/n).' She murmured into your ear.
'Sorry. Sorry. Wait too tight?' You stepped back to look at her, accidentally taking chunks of your breakfast bar with you.
'Yeah. Wait yes. What? How can I feel that?' Kara looked down at her hands.
'Did you solar flare?' You asked her.
'Oh god.'
'Oh god.'
'(Y/n) what is it?' Kara asked.
'The spider dna...' your mind trailed off into all sorts of scientific dilemmas, briefly thinking of the Spider-Man movie. Surely not?
'You think it gave you... powers?' Kara seemed to be thinking the same thing.
'I- I don't know.'
Alex barged in, took one look at the mess on your kitchen floor and you standing upright on your foot, and said,' I think we might need to go to the DEO.'
At the DEO, after breaking the first medical bed you were on but being more careful with the next, Alex started to examine you.
The needles pricked your skin and she drew blood, said she'll be back in a few and left.
Kara grasped onto your hand and finally spoke after a stretched silence, not comfortable but not uncomfortable.
'You know, whatever happens, I'll be here for you okay?'
'Yeah. I just-' you sighed '-I don't know what to think? What if I have powers? What will I do?' You asked.
'We'll work through it. We can figure out what powers you do have, and train you to restrain them, or train you to use them. It's completely up to you. I'll be right next to you for all of it.' Kara put it simply, and it relieved some of the tension you had been holding.
'Train me to use them?'
'Yeah why not? You could use them when out on DEO missions.' Kara said.
Alex came back before you could answer.
'Right okay. The spider dna is still in your blood, it's just really difficult to see. It's inhabited most of your cells, but don't worry it's pretty much harmless. Your skin is still vulnerable, but you have super strength and super hearing, we know that much. We should do some training to see if anything else is different, but for now that's all we've got.' Alex finished.
'Umm...' your mind was trying to catch up with it all but it was proving to be tough.
'Sorry could I have a few minutes to absorb it all?' You asked Alex.
'Of course, if you need me give me a shout.' She left the room.
Kara got up to leave too, but you pulled her back.
'Where are you going?' You asked.
'I thought you needed a few minutes.' She said in a soft tone.
'We both need a few minutes Kar. This is going to effect you too.'
'You're my wife (Y/n). Whatever happens, happens.'
'Still, stay and hold me?'
'Of course.'
Hours later, when training tirelessly, you accidentally wove a web when you rubbed your fingers together and thought about your new life altering genes.
'What the fuck?' You had muttered, before throwing your hand up in confusion and effectively sticking yourself to the ceiling, hanging from a web.
Alex had to ask Kara to come get you down, and she had laughed and gave you a kiss when your feet finally landed.
You found your limits, and you found how to not constantly make webs every time your fingers touched, but not without one of the DEO's training rooms looking like a spiders nest.
After the training, you met up with Kara, Winn and Maggie in the middle of the DEO.
'Everything okay?' Kara whispered in your ear after a tight hug.
'Yeah. It's all fine.'
Winn jumped up and down.
'This is so cool! (Y/n) you're like Spider-Man! Oh awesome can I make a suit for her?' He asked Alex.
'Winn I don't even know if I want to be a superhero yet.' You giggled into Kara's shoulder.
'Take some time to think it over.' Kara mumbled into your hair.
'I will.' You whispered back.
And you thought to yourself, with your family surrounding you, that it would all be fine.
And it would be even finer when Kara whispered in your ear:
'You know, with your super strength, I don't have to hold back anymore.' with a seductive wink and smirk.
Let's just say, Kara definitely benefited from your new found abilities. .

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