Back to you (Kara)

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Krypton was a massive planet, and you were on the furthest side away from earth. Somehow, your dad, a subtly skilled engineer, had made a pod that transported you through space for such an occasion as your whole planet blowing up. You tried not to think about how he knew, how he prepared. It still stung, thinking about them and the rest of your family, lost and dead up in the stars. Your pod crashed on a planet unknown to you and you lived there for a long time, but it got lonely with only one other person and boring and sad. So you fixed the pod. It took time as your dad had only taught you so much, but you did it and set your course for the one planet you had learnt a lot about on Krypton, earth.
You had learnt their language as well as their culture, your mother being into foreign and odd languages and teaching you a few.
So, when you crashed unceremoniously onto earth, you were 20 and alone and unsure of where you were.
It was scary and the sounds were the first overwhelming thing you faced.
The first week on earth was utter hell.
And then on the eighth day, it got worse. An organisation literally tracked you down and before you could say a word, cuffed you and chucked you into the back of a black van.
The red head that had put you there sat with you in the back.
'Hello. Who are you?' You said, testing your english for the first time. Your voice came out croaky and weak. You had been trying to ration your food you had in your pod from the last planet you stopped at, but it had run out a day ago.
'Director Danvers. I didn't know you knew English.' She seemed mildly startled.
'My mum taught me long ago.' You said, trying not to tear up at the mention of her.
'Where are you from?' The director asked you.
'Krypton.' You said.
'What?' She seemed extremely startled now.
'Krypton.' You repeated.
'That's impossible.' She whispered but your sensitive ears picked up on it.
'So you know of it's explosion?' You said sadly.
'Yes. How did you get away?' She asked, more compassion seeping into her voice.
'My dad built a pod.' You supplied.
'How have you only got here now?' She said, opening the doors and gently taking you with her into a building.
'I got stuck on a planet and stayed there for several years. I grew up there really. And then I came here.' You said, taking in your surroundings.
'Wow. So how old are you now?' She said.
'Around 25 I think. I don't remember really.' You replied, eyes focusing on the load of screens dotted around the room. Earths technology has certainly improved since your mothers explanation.
'Shit. Wait until Kara hears about-'
'(y/n)???' Wait. That voice was familiar.

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