Punch (Alex)

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'Hey.' Alex mumbled whilst staring intently at the ground.
'Hey babe.' You said almost as quietly, lacing your voice with as much comfort and love you could muster, even if your day had been extremely shitty.
An awkward and strained silence fell over the two of you and your feet shifted from side to side.
'I um- I talked to her about it.' Alex finally broke the silence and the muscles in your neck stiffened slightly.
'And?' You asked softly, wanting an explanation but not wanting to face the possible truth.
'She's really sorry (Y/n). Like incredibly sorry. She said she didn't know what came over her. She said she saw you kissing me and thought I was pushing you away as a sign of discomfort. Obviously I explained we were just messing around. I- I'm so sorry. Kara- she can be overprotective sometimes. It's an ugly quality of hers. There was something going on with her today.' Alex rambled on, never looking up.
'Alex, I already forgave her. I was worried you wouldn't.' You looked at the short hair of the top of your head as her eyes continued to be interested in the floor.
'I- it was hard to. So hard to. I'm still so mad at her. She had no right to react like that. She hurt you. My sister hurt you and it kills me.' She let out a strangled, small sob before taking a deep breath.
'Alex. You have to look at it from her perspective. She probably thought the kiss wasn't wanted by you and she only did what she did to help you.' You begged her silently to look up but she didn't.
'Kara had no right to hit you. No matter what. This is not usually her. You have to believe that.'
A couple of hours ago at the alien bar...
'Okay that's it. You're way too good at pool. I am not kissing you for the rest of the night because I am pissed at your ability to beat me every game!' Alex sighed in mock frustration.
'Oh you won't last a second. You can't resist my lips.' You smirked as you walked towards her, getting in her space.
Her brown eyes darted to your lips and you leant forward to capture hers.
She playfully and forcefully (she couldn't help if, the DEO training kicked in) pushed you back.
Before you knew it, a strong hand was on your shoulder.
You turned around to see who it was, being faced with a tall, blonde girl.
'What are you doing?' She seethed through a clenched jaw.
'Um do I know you?' You asked, slightly weary of the vice like grip on your shoulder.
She didn't answer in words, only a strong, hard punch to your left eye. The force behind it sent you barrelling backwards stumbling into Alex's figure.
'Kara what the fuck?!' Alex said with more anger and rage you had ever seen her with.
The blonde took one look at Alex, spat, 'you should be thanking me.' and then stalked out of the bar.
In her blind rage you guessed, Alex had left you behind and ran after the stranger.
'It's certainly not a good impression of my girlfriends sister.' You chuckled but got no response from Alex except from a tear rolling onto the ground beneath her.
'Hey, hey it's okay. I'm okay.' You said but she still looked down.
'Hey look at me.' You lifted her chin gently and when she took a glance at the blackness of your left eye she burst into full on sobs.
On instinct, you pulled her into a fierce hug.
'I'm okay. I'm okay. It doesn't hurt.' That was a lie. It hurt like a bitch. But you weren't about to say that.
You held her for what felt like hours, her sobs turning into quite whimpers.
Once she had calmed down enough, she held your face in her hands and examined the bruise.
'I need to put some ice on this.' She mumbled and got up shakily to grab some from her freezer.
Once she got back, the questions you were trying hard to keep at bay rose.
'What did Kara say about us?'
'Oh, well after we... got it out of her system,' you frowned at her weird use of words,' she said she was proud of me. For finding someone and she was happy for me.' You saw the glint of happiness. Coming out to her sister after she just punched her girlfriend must of been hard but she looked pleased.
'I'm glad. Now come here I think my face can heal on it's own Doctor.' You pulled her in and gently rubbed your nose against hers before kissing her.
Later on, you'd be told that Kara was infected with Red Kryptonite that day and doesn't have a bad bone in her body. You never held it against her, and it was one of the many funny stories she told at your's and Alex's wedding.

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