Its really mine? (Lena)

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'Lee.' You groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt her cum lining your walls.
She wasn't doing any better, grunting and thrusting into you hard and fast as her orgasm washed over her.
The harsh pumps of her hips, paired with her insistant rubbing of your clit had you cumming along with her.
'Fuck.' She mumbled into your neck in between heavy pants.
'Fuck indeed.' You rolled your hips accidentally and she choked as you felt another small squirt of warmth fill you.
'You're so good at that.' She pressed a kiss to your neck.
You felt her praise down your spine and shivered.
'Are you cold?' She snapped her eyes up.
'No. Just turned on again. Can you go another round?' You loved how caring she was, but to right now, you needed her fucking you until you passed out.
You squeezed her ass closer and tightened your hips around hers.
You could feel her cock still hard in your heat, so knew the answer before you had even asked.
'God I love you.' She said, before starting up the fast rhythm she had been performing the whole night.
You woke up to a body slumping on yours and smiled as you brushed a hair out of her face. That smile quickly turned into surprise when you realise Lena hadn't pulled out. You quietly groaned at the sensation of her morning wood filling you up. And then an idea struck.
Let's just say, Lena was more than happy being woken up by you riding her.
To say you had an unhealthy sex life would be a complete lie. Your wife seemed to forever sport a boner when she was with you and your body was so tuned in on hers it reacted every time. You struggled to keep your hands off each other, except when either of you were ill.
Which was the position you were in now.
'Lee it hurts.' You groaned again as you felt your stomach flip.
'I know honey I know.' She rubbed your back and you leant into her, sweaty forehead and all.
You nudged your head so it was under her chin and sighed.
'Are you going into work today?' You mumbled.
'Honey I'm not leaving my wife in this condition. It's only been 4 days.' She pressed kisses into your hair.
'Thank you.' You sniffled and fell further into her embrace.
She transferred you back onto your bed and tucked you in before kissing you on the head and going to get some work done in her home office.
You didn't realise until a week later with the same symptoms that you never got sick in the afternoon.
You thought about it and then thought about it some more and then you stopped dead still on the way to the kitchen.
Holy Fuck.
You looked down and looked back up, your pulse raising.
You stumbled back into motion, grabbing your breakfast, throwing it up and then getting dressed and practically running out of your front door.
You slammed it on the table, payed for it and picked it up with more care.
Racing back to your penthouse apartment took longer than you would've liked but when you got there you got to the bathroom and sat in it.
You took a deep breath before peeing on the stick, and felt like you didn't take any more breaths in the 7 minutes you waited.
And when you looked down you breathed sharply. Holy fuck. The two pink lines stared back at you and you pinched yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming.
Holy fuck. You were pregnant. Your fingers tingled as you carefully removed them from the stick and placed them on your abdomen.
You smiled softly at the thought of a baby. A baby. Your baby. You chuckled wetly to yourself and brushed away a few tears, collecting yourself enough to get off the toilet and sit on the sofa.
You thought it had been half an hour but you heard the lock turn and Lena step in faster than you expected. You glanced at the clock, noticing you had spent your day sitting thinking about your future and your future baby.
Before you could get a word in, Lena had halted in front of you.
'Is that-' She cut herself off and stopped, her eyes glued to the stick that had been in your hand all day.
'Yes.' You whispered, looking to gauge her reaction.
'You- what-' She snapped her head up and she looked mad. You had talked about kids and both agreed to wanting them so you weren't quite sure why she was looking like that.
'I'm pregnant.' You said, slightly nervous now.
'You bitch!' She shouted and then turned around and left the door she had entered a second before.
What... just happened.
You sat, upset and unsure why your wife reacted like she did for most of the night. You called her and texted her but she never replied.
You crawled into bed and cried into her pillow in the early hours of the morning until you woke up from your stomach dropping.
You threw up, and then decided to go to L-Corp to confront Lena's strange behaviour.
You got to the door of her office, Jess having let you through, and drew in a breath.
You opened it, knocking having been forgotten long before marriage.
'What are you doing here?' You heard through the darkness. There was an empty bottle of wine and a glass on the couch and you noticed her clothes were the same as yesterday.
'I'm here to talk to my wife who stormed out of our house.' You flickered on the light, dimming it enough to see her but not enough to probably help her headache she must have.
'Would you blame her?' She muttered.
'Yes. Because I'm not really sure what I did wrong.'
'Are you serious right now?' She seethed.
'Lena. I'm confused. Love I thought we agreed we wanted kids.' You slumped on the other side of the sofa from her, drawing your knees in for comfort.
'Yes! Our kids!' She shouted.
'Lena... what...'
'You fucking cheated on me and expect me to be happy we now have a kid?' She continued.
Your eyes widened.
'Lena. Listen to me.' She stopped pacing and gave you a steely stare.
'I would never, ever cheat on you. I have not had sex with anyone but you in the past 6 years we have been together. What made you think I did?'
'Because you are fucking pregnant.'
'Lena... you have a penis.' You were so confused right now.
'One that doesn't produce sperm!' She gestured to her crotch.
'I'm a woman. Why would my penis produce sperm?'
'Have you ever checked?' You rose your eyebrow.
'...No. I just assumed.' She looked at you with less anger now.
'Lena... I'm pretty sure you produce sperm.' You tried to find humour in this but couldn't. Had Lena seriously thought you cheated on her?
'Even so, we wore a condom.' Her eyebrows furrowed cutely.
'Love we have sex lots. One of these times a condom is bound to not work.'
'Still, the statistics...' She trailed off.
'Can you please just accept this baby is yours? Lena... you're my wife. I've wanted this forever. It's yours.' You stood and grasped at her hands.
'It's really mine?'
'It's really yours.'
'God.' She flung her arms around your neck and sobbed into your chest, one of her hands freed and placed on your stomach.
Later, you'd talk about Lena's struggle to still accept easy love and her doubts about her worth. You'd also talk about how the hell she thought she was producing woman cum with a penis when she's a scientist and laugh about it over kisses and cuddling. But right now, she rubbed your stomach and kissed you hard, muttering apologies and love at every opportunity.

For @kashimot0 thanks for the suggestion!

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