Coward (Kara)

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You sat snugly in between Alex and Kara, feeling the warmth Kara constantly emits due to her alien biology and hearing Alex's sighs of frustration at something or other. You never wanted to ask, because unless you were told, you knew whatever she was annoyed about wasn't to do with you.
You slung an arm around her shoulder and let her melt into your embrace, knowing sometimes she needed support but can't ask for it. Alex had been one of your closest friends for a long time now, ever since you started up at the DEO.
You heard Kara huff next to you and your eyebrows furrowed. You glanced over at her and saw anger in her eyes directed at Alex who now sat comfortably melting into your side.
What had gotten into them?
'Right shall we start a movie?' You said softly, trying to potentially lessen both of their anger.
'Yes!' You heard Winn shout from one of the other chairs in your living room.
'Can it be disney?' Nia popped her head up from where it was resting on Brainy's chest.
'Okay.' You said when no one rejected that idea. Usually, Alex and Kara would have argued about it for half an hour, but both were quiet.
'Hey, can I talk to you for a second?' Kara asked, fidgeting with her fingers and looking down.
'Sure.' You said, gently placing your hand on hers and preventing the zap of the touch to effect your facial features as you often did around Kara.
She led you to the kitchen and the sound of Moana got quieter.
'Umm' She started out and blushed, looking anywhere but you.
'Hey Kar. You can tell me anything. It's okay.' You said, seeing her distress.
'I know. I know. I just can't tell you this.' She murmured.
'That's fine. You can tell me when you're ready Kara. I'm not pushing you.' You rested your hand gently on her arm and she flinched almost unnoticeably, but you always noticed when it came to Kara.
'I'm sorry. I can't do it. Not yet.' She said, as if telling herself more than you.
'Okay.' You said, drawing her into a quick hug to try and calm her down. She seemed all the more fidgety after and you frowned to yourself.
You went back to the living room and Alex looked up at Kara, having a private conversation.
Kara shook her head slightly and Alex pressed herself back further into the sofa and huffed angrily.
What is going on?
It was 3 hours later when the group dispersed from your house.
'Right I should probably get going too.' Alex said the second the door closed on the rest of them and left you, Kara and Alex.
'Hold on not so fast.' You gently pushed her back down and you sat back a bit.
'(y/n) what-'
'What happened with you two tonight?' You said.
'I don't know what you're talking about.' Alex sat stiffly and so did Kara.
'Yes you do I-'
'Kara is just a coward that's all.' Alex muttered.
'Im not a coward Alex can you just drop it?' Kara shouted.
'You so are. Just say it. It's been 3 years Kara for fuck sake.' Alex shouted back.
'It's not that easy Alex.' Kara shouted and stood up.
'It is.' Alex shouted back.
'No it could ruin my life!'
'It could also make it better!'
'I'm not saying it Alex!'
'Say it or I'll say it for you!'
'You wouldn't!'
'Just watch!' Alex turned to you and sat back down.
'(y/n)-' she started.
'Fine! Fine! I'll do it. Okay?' Kara huffed loudly and sat back down as well, taking your hands in hers.
'Finally.' Alex sighed. 'I'm staying to make sure you do it.'
'Seriously Alex? That's so embarrassing.' Kara whined.
'Your fault.' She crossed her arms and Kara sighed.
'(y/n) I have something to tell you.' Kara said, looking you in the eye.
'Okay. What is it?'
'I... um... I...' She trailed off, panic evident in her eyes.
'Kara's in love with you!' Alex shouted abruptly. You whip your head around and she has her hands up in surrender. You whip back to see Kara glaring at Alex.
'Wait what?' You ask, your mind stuck on the in love with you part.
'Kara, you can finally take it from here. I'm leaving I'll see you soon.' Alex said, practically sprinting to the door.
'I'm going to kill her one day.' Kara said after the door shut.
'Is what she said true?' You had to know before the hope bubbling up in your chest spilled out.
'Yes. But this isn't how I wanted you to find out. Like at all.' Kara said, her cheeks red.
'Would it help to know I'm in love with you back?' You grinned as her breath hitched and you placed a hand on her cheek.
'Yep.' Her eyes lit up and she surged forward, taking your mouth with her own and scrambling to grasp at your hips.
'Sorry. I've wanted to do that for a long time.' She murmured, your breath shared and foreheads pressed together.
'We better make up for lost time then.' You smirked as she giggled breathily and pressed forward for another kiss.

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