Supply closet (Kara)

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Rage fills every cell in your body as you clamber the DEO stairs, still recovering slightly from your run in with the alien from a few weeks ago.
You race towards the med bay and hot angry tears fall down your face at the sight you're greeted with.
Kara was hunched on the bed as Alex worked on stitching a small gash.
'You ran after him are you fucking kidding me?' You practically roared, stalking towards the two of them.
'And I got him.' Kara said back, head still bent so Alex could get a good angle.
'After what? 3 weeks?' You sneered.
'That's what it took-'
'Fuck you.' You shouted.
'And fuck you too for letting her do it.' You directed at Alex, before stumbling out of the med bay and out of the DEO.
You sat at the cafe downtown from the DEO and stared into your decaf cappuccino, livid at the thoughts in your head telling you to go back.
You're angry and upset, letting tears roll into your now salty cup.
A barista comes to check on you, but you dismiss her, saying you're fine and finally getting up.
You go to the training room first, satisfied to not see Kara or Alex there.
You punch and you punch until your hands are numb and your knuckles are bloody. You then go to the private med bay, a floor down from the one you know Kara is in, bandaging yourself up. You go to an office you know you won't be found in, and get to work on distracting yourself from your thoughts.
It's a week later when you see her again. Your phone had been off the whole time, and you hadn't been in any other places except that office, the training room and the coffee shop. You'd slept at the DEO, for fear of going home. You knew you'd last one hour at home before admitting defeat and finding her.
Then the emergency alarm goes off in the DEO and you scramble to the round table, knowing Alex needed everyone there and alert.
But when you got there, Kara was the only one present.
She walked over to you, took one look at you, and dragged you to a supply closet.
You didn't protest, knowing you'd have to face her at some point.
She shoved you against the wall of the small room, her hand on your neck.
You stood for a minute, both your breaths heavy and staggered.
'You've avoided me.' She says, head tilted and eyes dangerous.
'I have.'
'Why?' She leant her head slightly closer to yours.
'You didn't listen to me.' You whispered harshly, grabbing her waist and gripping tightly. The hand around your neck tightened slightly, on the verge of being uncomfortable.
'I needed to get revenge.' She gasped.
'I told you not too.' You dug your fingers into her waist before tugging them downwards towards her thighs, leaving them gently there.
'I'm sorry.' She grumbled.
'That's good.' You said, eyes following hers as they stumbled from your mouth to your eyes.
'I don't like you getting hurt.' She muttered, leaning further into your hands that were now splayed on her inner thighs.
'You think I like it anymore than you do?' You retorted, your left hand snaking behind to gently push her ass further into you.
'I'm sorry.' She repeated.
'You should be. Don't do it again.' You clenched your jaw, flexing your neck against her hand.
'Don't ignore me again.' She stuttered, your hand moving upwards and under her tight t-shirt.
'Deal.' You accepted, unbuttoning her trousers.
'Kiss me.' She moaned, your fingers grazing underneath her pants.
It was an hour before the supply closet door was opened, and the same hand that was in Kara not 5 minutes ago was held tightly in her own.
You would talk about it properly later, and Kara would apologise for being so reckless and stupid for acting on her thoughts of revenge. You would hold her and apologise for ignoring her, laying out your fear about her well-being when you're involved in fights and you see that dangerous red in her eyes.
The next day you'd then apologise to Alex for making her scrub a good hours worth of CCTV from that closet.
'Why is there even a camera in there Al?'
'I don't know Kara! Maybe to prevent agents from doing anything suspicious in there!'
'The only thing that's been done in there is me.'

Hey guys. Missed you all. Give it some love and I'll try give you another update quicker than last time 😭

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