Goodbye alternative ending (Kara)

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'Hey' You murmured into the phone.
'no. Listen to me.'
'Listen to me Kara. I've said all the other goodbyes I need to say.'
'This isn't goodbye (y/n).' She said, sobs in between every word.
'It is. Listen. Listen to my heart.'
There was a moment of silence.
'No.' She sounded defeated and her words were heavy, wracked by cries.
'I love you Kara.' You let one tear drop. You'd give yourself one tear for her before you went.
'(y/n).' She sobbed out, her breathing almost weaker than yours. almost.
'I know. I know you're my best friend...' you took in a wet breath and coughed up blood...' but I always wanted more.' You finished with more blood trailing through your lips and down your chin.
'No. This can't be happening.' You could vaguely hear wind rushing. She was flying. She wouldn't find you. Not in time anyway.
You had moved your body into a sitting position in the dark alley, all of your almost dead body weight on the wall that touched your back. Your head was getting lower and lower and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. You could feel the blood pouring from the wound at your side faster and faster, adding to the already substantial puddle.
'I've been in love with you forever Kara Zor-El. Thank you for letting me fall for you.' You said, gulping for air now, and failing to get any.
'Stop. No. No. Rao.' She muttered to herself through groans of agony.
'Goodbye Kara.' Your phone clattered next to you and you could hear her shouts from here. Your arm wasn't listening to you, and neither was your heart. Your eyes closed and you succumbed to the darkness. It was better than the pain.
You opened your eyes and saw white. Were you in heaven? That was the only explanation.
You shut them again, the light too intense.
There were hushed voices somewhere, but you couldn't quite figure them out, your body feeling immensely tired. Surely in heaven you were supposed to feel fine?
You cracked your eyes open again and suddenly you were bombarded with two faces peeking down at you.
Why were Kara and Alex in heaven?
You tried to ask them that but all that came out was a croak.
Kara disappeared for a second and when she was back, there was water being carefully poured past your lips and into your mouth.
'Am I dead?' You asked in a hoarse voice.
'No. Thank rao no.' Kara said, and a tear slid down her cheek and almost landed in your eye.
'Don't cry. I'm not dead see?' You tried to gesture and it surprisingly worked even though your arm felt so heavy.
She let out a wet chuckle.
'So... do you remember what happened?' Alex said softly, grasping the hand Kara wasn't holding. You could see the tear tracks on both of their faces. And if the strength of their grip had anything to go by, they had been pretty worried about you.
And then it all came back and your face instantly heated.
Had you really said all of that stuff before?
'Yep! Yeah. I remember it all.' You said, cringing at how awkward you sounded.
'I'll get your statement about it later. I'm just going to...'Alex trailed off and went through the door, closing it on her way out.
It was just you and Kara now.
'So I uh didn't really expect to be alive and have to face you after saying all of-'
'Did you mean it?' Kara looked into your eyes seriously.
'You know... people say stuff when they're-'
'Did you mean it?' She said more gently this time.
'Yes. I love you Kara.' You may as well go for it now.
You expected anything but the firm yet tender kiss she launched you into.
It was everything. It made you feel alive, even if you just nearly died.
When she pulled away, your heart monitor was beeping loudly.
You coughed and smiled sheepishly at her as she clambered into the hospital bed with you, slowly so she didn't hurt your wound.
Once she had finally settled and kissed you several more times, she said 'I love you too. Forever.'

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