Permission (Lena)

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You're slumped into the cool counter of the kitchen, swirling your lemonade around hopelessly as you watch the scene unfold outside.
Kara is running after her little girl, Lottie, with a water gun, spraying her every few steps. Her grin widened at every cute squeal that came out of her daughters mouth as the water splashed her.
Lena and George were watching from lawn chairs, grinning at Kara's antics.
You sighed as you took a gulp of your ice cold drink.
'What's holding you back honey?' Eliza appears out of no where, as always, even with your super senses.
'Hmm?' You fake innocence.
'You know what I'm talking about.'
You groaned and pressed your head onto the surface.
'It's been a year.' Eliza gently stroked your back and you grumbled.
She was right, of course she was right.
It had been a year.
And you had adjusted, getting Kara back as a sister after losing her for god knows how long as you floated in the phantom zone, landing far later than her, somehow keeping the two year age gap between each other.
Learning the earths language had been easy, practically forced to practice daily. Kara landed you a job right next to her, and you had slipped into her and her friends and families lives like you were never gone.
And the person that had heavily impacted that year, stumbled straight into your heart and had took residence in it, was Lena.
She had been the first one to approach you after Kara, introducing herself and not wincing as much as she should've after you shook her hand too forcefully. She had been the one that made you feel normal, even when you were producing half sentences, and when you kept calling her accidentally, because Lena your communication number is much alike to Kara's. She was the one to produce a red sun lamp with a blinding smile, saying it is identical to Kara's and will allow you to feel safe in your home.
Your thoughts had quickly been inhibited by her, her voice, her laugh, her gentle touches.
But it's Lena. She is Kara's best friend, above anyone else besides Alex. And you can't help but feel like you've barged into Kara's life enough already.
You glanced down at the 5th unanswered text from the group chat, feeling a twinge of guilt before remembering why you were doing this. This was the third consecutive group hang out you had missed, but you just felt so intrusive around them sometimes.
You never wanted to make your sister feel like you were a burden, and this feeling of forcing your way in without her having an opinion on it had bubbled and boiled, until it was unbearable.
It had been Lena that came to your house that night, and you had spilled your doubts and fears of being an unwanted aspect of Kara's life, something Lena had shut down immediately, getting Kara to join you at yours and also talk some sense into you. Lena had left when Kara had shown up, tear stricken and asking why in the Rao you were pulling away like you were.
She had reassured you that she wanted so badly to share her life with you, after not for so many painful years, and you had both broken down, agreeing to communicate more with each other.
And being friends with Lena was okay. It was fine. You could live with that. Because you had seen all the trashy earth movies where the sibling falls for the best friend, and a lot of them end badly, or at least one of them gets mad and a fight occurs. You still felt like you were treading on Kara's toes sometimes, when you hung out with Alex or Lena or James one on one, and felt this unwanted doubt you were replacing Kara and Kara envied you for it.
Admitting your love for Lena would only enhance those thoughts, as stealing Kara's best friend to become your girlfriend was selfish, and cruel, as you had taken so much of her life already.
'I can't Eliza.' You muttered, glancing at the green eyes tracking Lottie's movements, the ones you had fallen so hard for.
'What's holding you back dear?' She asked.
'I can't ask that of Kara.' You offered as an explanation. You're half scared if you tell her, she'll finally break and tell you to screw yourself. Tell you you've weaselled yourself way too far into her life, and then get the hell out of it. And then what? Where would you go from there?
'You think Kara would be upset about you and Lena?' Eliza's brows furrowed in confusion.
'Yes. I have taken too much from my sister.' You burrowed your head into your elbow.
What made you lift your head was Eliza laughing, a full laugh too.
'Honey, Kara knows of your not subtle crush on Lena.'
'She knows.'
'No she doesn't.' Your heart stuttered in panic.
'Anyone with eyes knows. You are pretty transparent around Lena.' Eliza informs.
'Kara has mentioned this to you?' You stutter.
'Many times. She's waiting for you to get your head out of your ass and tell her.' Eliza patted your back and left the kitchen.
You sat, stunned. Then looked back to the garden, where Kara was now sitting, Lottie in George's lap as he told his daughter a story, and Lena giggling at something Kara had said.
You stood and walked through the patio door, towards the 4.
'Hey you.' Lena said gently, looking up at you with a soft smile.
'Hi. Kara, may I talk to you?' You blurted.
'Sure.' She said cautiously, trying to read your tone of urgency.
She followed you as you walked hastily to the back of the garden, to the swing-set.
'I have to tell you something.' You said.
'Okay... you're scaring me.' She giggled shakily.
'I am quite enamoured by your best friend. And I'm sorry that I am. I know how much you've sacrificed for me, and I'm not asking you to sacrifice Lena to me at all, not that she necessarily would even if I confessed my love, but-'
'Wait wait wait. You think... I'd be mad if you and Lena went out?' Kara asked.
'Yes. She is your best friend. You have known her for longer and I do not wish to steal her from you.' You explain.
'(Y/n). I love you and I love Lena. And I'd love if you guys got together. I've never seen Lena happier than when she is around you. And you light up around her. I want you to ask her out. Hell, I want you to marry her. You're my sister (y/n), you wouldn't be stealing her, you'd be making her happy, and her in turn making you happy, and that would make me the happiest.'
You lunge at Kara with full force, glad she is also Kryptonian, and tackle her to the ground in a fierce hug.
'I love you.' You whisper.
'I love you too.' She whispers back.
Eventually, you get up and dust each other off, walking back to her husband and Lena.
'Now for the hard bit.' Kara nudges you on the way back, and you stumble slightly at her words.
In all your worry, you'd completely forgotten about actually telling Lena.
Your heart beat rockets and Kara pats your shoulder in sympathy.
'Lena? May I speak to you upstairs?' You register Kara's shock, and you are slightly shocked yourself at the lack of shaking in your voice.
'Of course darling.' You see Kara roll her eyes at the term of endearment.
You desperately try not to stare at Lena's ass as she walks up the stairs, but it is proving difficult.
She steers you into the guest room she is staying in this weekend, sitting down and patting the bed next to her.
'What's going on?' She asks.
'Ever since I came to earth, you have been nothing but kind to me. All of Kara's friends have, but you, you made me feel wanted here, in this foreign place. You made me feel normal, even though my life has been anything but. I have never made a move on you, but Kara has given me permission, so would you let me take you on a date?' You force out in about one breath, making sure you didn't back out last minute.
You almost fainted at the immensely happy, immensely beautiful smile she offered.
'You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear those words out of your mouth for the past year.' She leant into you, and your eyes drifted over her face, flickering over her eyes, her cheeks, her lips.
'Is that a yes?' You whisper, watching as she shivers at your breath ghosting over her lips.
The 'yes' you got back was swallowed by your mouth, because Rao, you've already waited a whole year for this, no point wasting another second.
That seemed to be a good decision, because in the next moment a soft whimper is mumbled into your mouth as you suck on her lower lip.
Her taste is addictive, as is the feeling of her plump lips against yours.
You pull back to change angles, your noses brushing and the whine she lets out as you spend an extra moment dragging the tip of your nose against hers causes you to chuckle before placing your mouth back on hers.
She brings her hand up to grasp your jaw, drawing the other up to your neck and bringing you further into her.
You coax her mouth open with your tongue, your spine tingling when she lets out a quiet moan.
Your hands are on her waist, her tongue is battling yours, and god had you never felt so whole in your life.
Moments later, you were regretfully leaning back, keeping your eyes closed for a smidge longer to bask in what just happened.
'Eliza is about 1 minute from knocking and saying dinner is ready.' You say breathlessly.
'I'm not sure which is better, her cooking or your kissing.' Lena dropped her temple to yours, giving you a chaste kiss before grinning into the skin of your cheek at the grumble you let out.
'Dinner's ready girls.' Eliza shouts through the door.
You stand up, gently guiding Lena's chin upwards so you can catch her lips in one final kiss before facing your family again.
Before you could turn the doorknob, Lena barked out a laugh from the bed.
'Hong on, did you say you asked Kara permission?!'

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