5 years (Lena)

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'I don't want to do this. You know I don't. But I have to.' Lena has mascara flowing freely down her face, looking distraught and delicate. You were sure you looked the same.
'I know. I understand Lee. I understand completely.' And you did. It didn't mean it hurt.
'It hurts.' She vocalised. You nodded, words failing you as you choked back sobs.
'5 years. In 5 years, if you've settled down, come back to me.' Was the last thing you had whispered into her hair, after one last fuck, filled with tears and endless sadness, but so much love.
Leaving her sobbing in her bed had been one of the worst moments of your life, and you had failed to hold yours back before you got in your car, getting some strange looks on the stairs.
And never since had you blamed her. It was the first hand experience of right person wrong time.
Lena needed to give her all to her newfound company, and you respected that. That respect didn't make it easier to break up. It was her who voiced it, sounding small and scared. You had held her head in your hands, kissed her, soft and long, whispering your agreement, even as your heart shattered in your chest.
That had been 5 years ago exactly, and looking at your calendar had definitely not stung.
You had tried to be in a relationship, 2 years after you and Lena had broken up, but it hadn't worked out. She knew you were still in love with your ex, she just didn't know it had been so long and you were still holding onto a woman from years before.
Since then, you hadn't tried again. Hooking up with black haired women from various bars had satisfied you some, but in the morning you'd be greeted by non-green eyes, and would leave with your head hung low.
Lena had been your first love, and you were sure she would be your only one at this rate.
The 7 years your relationship had lasted felt like seconds compared to the 5 years you haven't had her by your side.
It was difficult to dodge her news, as it was broadcasted in the morning, afternoon and evening, pretty much every week.
You had gotten used to switching channel the moment the word L-Corp came on your screen.
Which is what you had done this morning, knowing it would hurt just that little bit extra today, before going out for a walk.
To take your mind off of things, off of her. Off of the fact you had told her all those years ago she was very much welcome back into your life, into your heart, if she wanted, and still meant it to this day.
You walked and walked and walked, going off your usual route to prolong it.
That's when you saw the large crowd, the stage, the speakers.
And your heart stopped dead in its tracks, much like your feet, when you heard that voice.
That voice that spent several years singing in the shower, laughing with you, or at you, moaning your name. That voice that was soft, gentle, soothing, was assertive, booming across the field of reporters.
Like a sirens song, it lured you closer, until you were in the crowd, pushing your way forward.
When you had a clear view of her, you couldn't stifle the gasp if you wanted.
She had aged beautifully, her eyes sharper than before, her posture straighter, her aura more dominating.
But you could still see the same teenage girl you fell in love with, underneath this mask she had.
You watched, entranced, as she finished her speech and asked if anyone had any questions.
Reporters around you put their hands up, and she slowly got through them.
You put your shaking hand up, waiting impatiently as she answered others.
She finally, finally, turned to you, pointing and giving a tight smile to the crowd.
You cleared your throat, eyes glossy with tears.
'Are you single?' You croaked out.
You saw the moment she recognised you.
She dropped the microphone from her hand, and it made a horrific noise that had the crowd holding their ears.
Green eyes brimming with tears, she walked off the stage.
For a second, your world came crashing down. Maybe she wasn't ready? Maybe she didn't want you anymore? Maybe she'd moved on?
But she quickly reappeared, right in front of you.
Her eyes were scanning every inch of your face, yours doing the same, and she was breathing heavily.
'Yes.' She whispered.
Confusion washed over you for a brief second, before a wave of elation replaced it.
You took a step towards her.
'And are you settled down?' You whispered back, voice shaking.
'Yes.' She stepped into your space, placed a hand on your chest.
You leant down, grazing her cheek with your thumb and closing your eyes at the closeness you had craved for 5 years.
'And can I kiss you?'
She answered with her lips crashing to yours.

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