Seriously (Kara)

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Looking over your plate, you caught eyes with Kara and the fear was clear in them.
'You don't have to you know?' You murmured quietly into your chest before looking up and seeing a slight shake of her head.
'No ones forcing you. There's no pressure. You can do it another time.' You mumbled and she shook her head again.
'Are you sure you're okay?' She nodded.
'You can back out whenever if you feel you aren't ready?' You got a grin at that.
She nodded once more and you smiled down at your food before eating some more.
You couldn't help but moan.
'Eliza this really is good.' You turned towards her and she grinned and when you turned back Kara had a blush running up her neck.
'Thank you honey.' She replied.
The dinner went smoothly as ever, Eliza and Alex chatting about nothing and Maggie putting in her input every so often. You did the same, not wanting to draw suspicion to you and potentially Kara, who had stayed unusually quiet for the whole time.
You mumbled things under your breath and strained your superhearing to hear Kara's murmurs back.
You whispered words of encouragement and love, hoping she'd find the courage to say what she wanted to by the end of the night.
After dinner, when you were all in the living room readying yourself for movies, you excused yourself to go to the toilet.
Kara looked up at you nervously and you said a quick 'it's okay. Remember, no pressure.' as you walked down the hallway, making it quiet enough for the rest of them to not hear.
You couldn't help but tune your hearing on their conversation, making sure Kara's heartbeat was steady.
'So what film shall we watch?' Eliza said.
'Hmm...' Alex replied.
'We have a more pressing question though.' Eliza said casually.
'What is it Mom?' Alex asked in a playful tone.
'It's actually for you Kara.' Eliza said and you heard a spike in her heartbeat.
'W-what is it?' Kara stuttered out.
'When are you going to confess your love for (y/n)?' Eliza asked softly.
'W-what?!' Kara said.
'Kar, it's pretty obvious you have feelings for her. I'm just surprised she hasn't noticed yet.' Alex whispered conspiringly.
'Oh rao.' You heard what sounded like Kara putting her head in her hands.
'Hey we don't want to scare you but you have to tell her at some point otherwise you'll struggle moving on.' Eliza gently explained.
'Moving on?' Kara muttered.
'Kara one day you will have to get over her and find someone else.' Maggie informed.
'Wait!' Kara shouted.
'Kara be quieter (y/n) will hear.' Eliza chastised.
'It doesn't matter she can hear anyway!' Kara said back.
'Oh shoot.' Alex said.
'Yeah did you forget that she works in the Deo or did you want her to know about my crush on her?' Kara snapped.
'I'm so sorry Kara.' Eliza said.
'It's fine. She knew anyway.' Kara said.
'What? And she's fine with it?'
'I'd hope my girlfriend would be okay with it.' Kara grumbled back. You knew this isn't how she'd wanted to tell them, but it made you laugh.
'She's my girlfriend.' Kara repeated quietly and you decided you should probably show your face by now.
'Seriously?!' Alex laughed and tackled both you and Kara in a hug.
'The ship has sailed!' Eliza said and you couldn't help but chuckle at her phrasing.
'I love you.' You whispered for only Kara's ears.
'I love you too.' Kara murmured back. She was worried for nothing.

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