Boobs (Lena)

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The first thing you noticed when you saw her was her face. It was the most gorgeous thing you had ever laid eyes on. Her green eyes bore into yours and her mouth twitched into a slight smile as you stumbled over your own feet.
The second thing you noticed was her boobs.
They were... god they were something.
They had you glancing at your hand, imagining them sitting there, perfectly round and full, something so easy to palm and squish and play with.
You had had to force your eyes back up to a professional and polite level, but you saw the small, slight raise of an eyebrow, making you believe she might have caught you. She says nothing, and you carry on with the meeting, your eyes on hers but your mind on her chest.
Let's just say your notes were not very substantial.
The next time you saw her, her boobs were the first thing you looked at. You told yourself that the only reason your eyes were drawn there was because of the transparency of her white shirt after the coffee spilt on it, but that was an excuse, and a poor one at that.
When you finally caught her eye, you found her staring at... was she really looking at your boobs? Her coffee had not only spilt over her, but you as well, causing your tight, also white, shirt to cling to your body too.
You coughed slightly and her eyes shot up.
'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry.' She blurted out.
'For spilling coffee on me or for looking at my boobs?' You find yourself asking.
You marvelled in the blush creeping up her positively delicious looking neck.
'Um both?' She squeaked out.
'I'm kidding. You don't have to apologise for either of those things. Here.' You grabbed some napkins on the shelf next to you and gave her some to pat herself down.
'I really am sorry for spilling coffee on you miss (y/l/n).' She said after a minute.
'(y/n) please and it's fine Miss Luthor nothing a bit of vanish can't get out.' You grinned.
'If I call you (y/n) it's only fair you call me Lena.'
'Lena.' You repeat, smiling at her.
She nods. 'I'm so so sorry about your shirt. I have to run and grab one of my spares at my office and I only have 15 minutes before a meeting so I have to go. It was nice seeing you again (y/n).'
'You too Lena.' And you're left in a coffee shop, no coffee ingested, half a coffee worn, and a knowledge of what Lena Luthor's breasts look like in a black lacy bra.
Speaking of which, you quickly realised yours were on show too, so you ran back to yours to change before you went back to work.
The third time you saw her, it should've been illegal not to look at her boobs. She was wearing a tight dress, hugging her beautiful body and doing nothing to help the fabulousness that was her boobs.
You were at a gala, mixing with rich people was never your thing but catco made you go.
You spotted her across the room and made your way towards her, but the only thing in your line of sight was her full breasts, practically screaming to get licked and sucked and fucked.
You sadly moved your eyes up, watching her eyebrow quirk again and she had a small grin on her face.
'Lena.' You breathed out.
'Glad to see you aren't wet this time.' She grinned.
'Well you weren't there to make me wet.' You realised straight after what you had just said.
She choked on nothing, coughed and then blushed.
'Anyway, how are you enjoying your evening?' You said quickly, ignoring the flush that had appeared down her chest, all the way down to her boobs that you had to stop looking at.
'Hmm I'm not. It's very tedious.' She said, finally regaining a little bit of composure.
'I have to agree. These events aren't my favourite.' You say.
'Why don't we go somewhere?' Lena blurts out.
'Really? I'm down.'
'So am I. Let's go.'
The forth time you see her, it's at Kara's game night only a night later, Lena having invited you at 3am when you were still sitting in Mcdonald's, eating fries and laughing the night away.
When you rocked up to Kara's door, you introduced yourself before turning to Lena who was behind her.
She was wearing a revealing top so you allowed yourself one peak at her boobs before greeting her.
One peak turned into a full on stare as she grabbed you in a hug. You gradually pushed your vision upwards and saw her smirking at you.
'Long time no see.' You joke.
She giggles and leads you towards the living room, where she introduces you to the others.
It got increasingly difficult not to look at her boobs as more alcohol was shared, especially when she was leaning into you and grinning at you and just god, she was going to be the death of you.
The fifth time, you surrendered. She had asked you to get lunch and you met at a cute cafe, taking a seat near the back.
Her boobs weren't even showing that much, but your eyes were drawn to where they were covered and you groaned internally at the lack of skin shown.
'God you're like the investors at L-Corp.' She snapped you out of your haze.
'Mmm what?'
'The boob thing.'
Your ears started turning pink.
'What... what boob thing?'
'Come on. You have a boob thing.' She grinned, finding this all too amusing
'I-I do not have a boob thing!'
'You so do.'
'Do not.'
'Do to.'
'Okay! Okay, so maybe I do. I'm sorry I'll stop okay? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, I've been out of line.' You say, hoping it stops this conversation for good.
She leans over the small table, gently brushing your hair out of your face.
'I wasn't complaining darling.' She whispered.
You had to wait two more dates before you saw her boobs, sans anything.
It was very, very worth the wait.
P.S. They fit into your hands perfectly
P.P.S The piercings were a bonus and a half
P.P.P.S Knowing Lena could cum just from nipple play made it all the more difficult to not stare at her boobs.

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