Tie Part 2 (Lena)

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You had all come straight from work, Kara still in her costume.
'You can borrow some of my clothes Kar I bet that stuff is not comfortable to stay in.' You looked down at her long Victorian dress she had had to wear on set today.
She scratched at her arm and said,' Yeah it's really itchy thank you.' She went to your bedroom to change and you looked back up to Alex looking at you with more awe.
'What is it now Al?' You chuckled.
'I just- How- what-' She looked around and pointed at various photos of you and Lena and items in your living room that definitely didn't fit your style. Alex and Kara had been at yours before, but it was ages ago as you usually hung out at theirs as it was closer to work.
You sat her down gently and giggled at her bewildered expression.
'I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.'
She groaned and put her head in her hands.
'God all the times I gushed over her. And the news articles I talked about. You probably knew all of that days before it was released.'
'Weeks actually.' You couldn't help but tease.
She groaned again.
'It's fine. It's nice to know you admire my girlfriend's scientific knowledge. And her boobs.' You smirked when Alex went red.
'That was one time!' She squealed.
'Hey! I don't blame you. They're very nice boobs.' You tried not to trail off with thoughts of Lena's boobs, the way they sat in your hands, her nippl... nope. Not that train of thought.
'Yes but I shouldn't of said that to her girlfriend.' She grumbled.
'It's fine. It's my fault for not telling you and Kara.' It was like she was summoned as a moment later, Kara came back through and slumped next to you.
'Are we talking about the fact you kept dating The Lena Luthor for two years from us?' Kara asked playfully.
'Yep.' You grinned. Whenever anyone mentioned you and Lena together you couldn't help but smile.
'How did you guys get together?' Alex said.
You smiled at the memory.
You walked into the cinema with a bag of popcorn and a heart beating wildly. This was your first movie. Your first acting job. You hoped you had done well. The movie had certainly done well, but you hadn't watched it yet to see yourself. The worst part was you were the lead.
You had put a cap and baggy hoodie over you just in case someone saw you in the dark room. Because anyone with two eyes and watching the movie would recognise you.
You sat at the back, not noticing the woman sitting next to you.
The movie started and you squirmed in your seat.
'Excited?' An elegant, soothing voice whispered from beside you.
You jumped and looked over at a hoodied person with a similar outfit to yourself.
'Oh um yep! Very.' You said shakily. She looked at you, well you thought she did you weren't quite sure  on the dark, and laughed quietly.
'So am I.' She murmured. And then the lights dimmed more and the screen brightened, starting the movie.
When you first appeared on screen, you weren't focusing on anything but yourself, excited to finally see your work paying off.
The next time you popped up, there was a loud sigh from your right and you looked at the woman next to you.
In the light of the screen, you could see her blush.
'Sorry. I just really like this actress.' She mumbled so no one would tell you guys off for talking.
'I thought this was her first work?' You asked subtly.
'It is but I've seen the bts photos on instagram and followed her. She's funny and kind and very attractive.' She emphasised attractive and you blushed from head to toe. You thought back to the instagram followers you had gained in quick succession, posting some of the bts photos yourself.
'I've never really noticed.' You said back.
'Surely you have seen the photos of her at the premiere she-'
'Shhhh.' You heard from someone in front of you and you and her quickly shut up after that.
You didn't dare talk for the rest of the movie, and when the lights flickered on you looked at the person next to you and found her asleep.
Her pale complexion was honestly stunning and you craved to touch but that would be insanely weird. All you did instead was shake her slightly.
'The movies over.' You said, trying to get her to wake.
You shook her more firmer this time and she startled up.
'Sorry! Sorry. It's just the movies over and I didn't want you to stay here for hours until the workers find you.' You said gently.
Her green eyes looked familiar but you shook it off.
'Thank you it means a lot.' Her raspy voice sent a bolt through you.
'It's no problem.' You smiled.
You gestured for her to go first out of the isle, but when she started walking her legs clearly were still in sleep mode and you scrambled to catch her falling frame. You grunted when you hit the ground, but thankful you were the one who ended up with most of the impact and not her.
The lights were fully on now, as everyone else had left the room. You realised too late your cap had fallen off due to the fall and your hoodie had slipped off of your head.
But it was too late. The woman's green eyes were wide and flicking over your face faster than the speed of light.
But then you looked more at her face and realised... no. Surely not.
'No way.' You both said at the same time.
'Lena Luthor?' You asked.
'(Y/n) (L/n)?' She asked back.
'I cant believe this.' You chuckled.
'Neither can I.' She giggled back.
You remembered you were still straddling her on the floor and hastily shuffled off her and helped her up.
'Not the way I imagined that happening.' You whispered under your breath.
'Oh?' So.... Lena clearly heard that.
You blushed.
'I've sort of found you attractive for ages now.' You smiled when she tilted your chin up.
'Would you like to go on a date then?' She asked.
'Y-yes. Right now?'
'Right now is fine with me.' She said softly, and you left the cinema with her hand in yours.
'Seriously?! You both recognised each other.' Alex and Kara were laughing.
'Stop okay I've gotten way better at disguising myself!' It was true. Whenever you three went out or you and Lena went out you had to disguise yourself very well.
'True you are-'
The lock turned in your door and Alex and Kara went silent. You grinned at how nervous they looked and vaulted over the sofa.
Sweeping Lena into a hug as soon as she closed the door behind her was a tradition you never let up. She giggled into your shoulder and you placed a firm kiss to her temple.
You set her down.
'Hey babe.' You brushed a strand of hair out of her face and she nuzzled into your hand.
'Hey darling.'
'I have some people to introduce you to.' You tried to suppress your grin but it was pointless.
You dragged her by the hand back to the living room where Alex and Kara stood awkwardly. You chuckled at how nervous they both looked.
'Alex, Kara, this is my girlfriend Lena.' You gently extracted your hand from hers and watched with delight as Kara and Alex both stretched their hands out to take Lena's.
'It's really nice to meet you.' Kara stuttered out, a blush forming.
'I love your work.' Alex blurted out at the same time.
Your face crinkled with how happy you were when Lena giggled softly and told them 'I've heard so much about you two but I want to hear it from the source.'
You jumped in, telling them you were going to make dinner, and you headed to the kitchen with their conversation drifting through the open living room door.
Not many people knew, but Lena could carry a conversation for hours. No one got close enough to notice she went on about her work and interests for an age. There was many a night where you had a bad day and she talked to you until you fell asleep, her calming voice soothing your mind.
Now, you listened to it talk about her day and ask about theirs and retell the story of how you met again, this time from her perspective and so much more detailed because '(y/n) it was the most important part of my life so far how could I forget'
You finished off the stir-fry and put it in bowls before taking it to the dining table and shouting them through.
They were all smiling and Kara and Alex were giggling hard.
You kissed Lena chastely and then asked her 'what did you say to them.' in a fake stern tone when another fit of laughs arose.
'Hmm... nothing. Just about that time we went to visit my mum.' She grinned at you mischievously and bumped her head against yours before turning fully to face Alex and Kara who sat opposite.
'Oh god.' You buried your face in your hands.
Alex and Kara full out laughed now, clutching their stomachs.
Once it died down, Lena started talking again.
'Honestly it wasn't that bad. You only punched her-what was it- five times?' The laughter was more forceful this time, you and Lena joining in.
And that's how it went for the rest of the night. Everyone told stories and made jabs at each other and by the end of it, Lena and Kara and Alex were acting like they'd known each other forever.
They were both pulled into a gentle hug by Lena, telling them they are welcome anytime.
She went to 'clean up' but you knew she was giving you a few minutes with them on your own.
'It seems you've charmed the pants off of my girlfriend.' You smiled at them when they beamed back.
'God I think I'm in love with her.' Alex said dreamily and you punched her arm playfully.
'You and her are so made for each other.' Kara said.
'I know.' You sighed happily.
You hugged them both extra hard and promised to see them tomorrow at work.
You stood by the door thinking the night over before two arms wrapped around you from behind.
'Bed?' Lena asked softly, knowing you got overwhelmed sometimes when so much love is shown.
'Yes please.' She dragged you through the house and you both went about your nighttime routine, pulling faces at each other as you brushed your teeth.
You snuggled deep into the covers and into the person pressed to your side, thanking your lucky stars the univers gave you Lena Luthor.

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