Luthor siblings (Lena)

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'Hey gorgeous girl.' You grinned and tucked Lena's head under your chin as she moulded herself into you.
'Hey.' She mumbled back, her words hitting your chest with soft, warm puffs of air.
Footsteps alerted you of someone else in the hallway.
You glanced up and a blush instantly flamed in your cheeks.
'Where's my hug huh?' Lex smiled wolfishly, making grabby hands and kissing noises.
'Shut up lame ass.' Lena replied, her face still burrowed into you, placing soft, loving kisses to your upper chest.
'Get a girlfriend then speak to me.' You grumbled back, nose to Lena's hair and breathing in her familiar scent.
'At least I didn't have to bang your sister to get one.' Lex smeared jokingly, flicking you on the forehead before stepping towards the kitchen.
'You're just jealous I get to spend more time with your best friend than you do now.' Lena has resurfaced, grinning widely at you as you gently stroked a thumb over her cheek.
'Hey, I like to think I split my time equally between you two Luthors.' You run out of self restraint when Lena pulls her lower lip with her teeth, leaning down to replace her whites
with your own in a searing kiss.
'Knock it off in the hallway I swear to god.' Lex huffed, and you regrettably pulled away.
'My bad Lex. We still on for tomorrow?' You asked, taking Lena's hand and starting to drag her up the stairs.
'Always. You staying over tonight?' He answered, following you both with an apple in hand.
'Yeah I've been missing this one whilst I was away.' You patted Lena on her cheek gently.
'Alright then we can just go from here tomorrow.' He clapped you on the shoulder, pinched Lena's arm, then slammed his door closed.
Lena tugged you into her own room with a smirk and a twirl of her hair.
'Lee baby don't give me that look. Not when Lex is home and only across the hallway.' You groaned as she pushed up against you with a small, adorable giggle.
'But babe it's been a week. You know how wound up I am.' You closed your eyes to the onslaught of images. Flashes of the facetimes you had shared with Lena over the past week. You had been on holiday with your parents, to a different state
for a short getaway, and they were only in one room over. Lena had been aching she had said, throbbing for release that you talked her through as you watched, entranced and aroused to no end.
'I know pretty girl, but do you really think you can be quiet?' You trailed your hands up and down her clothed hips, kissing all over her face as she leant into you with a laugh.
'Probably not. If we put music on full volume do you think he'll catch on?' She nipped at your jawline teasingly.
'Definitely. Your brother knows both of us too well. What about, for dinner we go out, my treat, and afterwards we'll take a detour to an empty car park, put on our playlist, and make sure my backseats are as comfy as they were last time?' You whispered in her ear, hands roaming further down towards her ass, where you skimmed her jeans and smirked at the hitch in her breath.
'That sounds perfect. Can we go for dinner now?' She asked, eyes shining and lip caught between her teeth again.
You softly pressed on her lip with your thumb until she released it.
'You're feeling desperate huh?'
'Maybe we can leave the dinner till after the... other things?' Lena asked, pout present and fingers fiddling with your shirt.
'That's fine by me gorgeous. A little dessert before dinner never hurt anybody.' You watched her eyes darken and her breath falter.
'Let's leave. Right now. I need your mouth on me.' She opened her door.
'Lex, me and (y/n) are going for dinner! Be back later!' She shouted through his door, waiting for the shout of 'okay' back before practically throwing you down the stairs and into the car.
You grinned to yourself.
And as you stared at your girlfriends ass, thinking of the amazing sex you were about to have, then about the bar crawl Lex had invited you to tomorrow, you thanked your lucky stars for the Luthor siblings.

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