100 part 2 (Kara)

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'So Kara came by today.' Lena said casually.
'What? When?! Why?'
'Chill out (Y/n) jeez. She came for an 'interview' but the only questions she was asking were about you.'
'About me?!'
'Yes about you. I could tell she was trying to be subtle but failing miserably.'
'Oh my god. Oh my god. What do I do?'
'Nothing. You wait for her to text you.'
'To text me?'
'I may have given her your number.'
'What? I'm just helping out?'
'I should never have told you about the number thing.'
'Shut up. You love me really.'
Unknown number

Hey this is Kara Danvers? We met at LCorp. I hope it's not weird Lena gave me your number...

'Lena! She just texted me!'

It's fine Kara! May I ask why you wanted my number?

'Is that good?' You showed Lena your phone.
'A bit formal but sure.'

Oh well I umm...
(Kara is typing...)
I wanted to get to know you better?

'See! She totally has the hots for you...' Lena was talking but you weren't listening anymore.

Well I want to get to know you better too Kara Danvers :)

Yay :) would you maybe want to do it in person? Maybe over coffee?
Don't worry if not!
Was that too forward?
I'm sorry

'I forgot to say she rambled a lot. Even over text.' Lena says in response to the several dings of your phone.

I'd love nothing better

2 months later...
'Babe I have something to tell you.' Kara says, cutting the comfortable silence you were in.
'What's up?' You manoeuvred yourself on the sofa so you were facing her and still cuddling.
'I'm umm... I'm an alien.' She whispered the last part and tucked her head in your shoulder.
'I know.' You let out a small giggle.
'What?' She removed her head and looked at you.
'I already know? You're Supergirl?' You asked, confused as to why she looked so shocked.
'You know?!'
'Yeah I've known for like a month and a half. As soon as I met you.' You tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ears.
'How did I know? It was obvious. You and Supergirl are the same people. Was it supposed to be a secret?'
'Yes? Maybe? I wanted you to know but it wasn't just knowledge everyone had!' She spluttered.
'Well I know.' You smiled at her and she deflated.
'Are you mad?'
'Why would I be mad?'
'I don't know.'
'I'm not mad Kara. There's nothing to be mad about.'
'Okay.' She leant in and pressed her lips to yours.
You failed to mention the fact that you found out partly because of the 100 that was on Supergirl's head as well.
6 months later...
'Tell us more about krypton!' Alex said with the slightly slurred voice of a drunk person.
'Okay!' Kara replied with the same drunk enthusiasm. It seemed like you were the only one who hadn't drunk as much as you saw Maggie fall into Alex's side ungraciously.
'So it was really red. And pretty. And beautiful. And oh those mean the same things.' She giggled. You couldn't help but squeeze her hand slightly. She was so cute. 'And we had soulmates there!' You perked up at that. That had never been mentioned.
'Soulmates?' You asked.
'Yeah! Everyone could see the compatibility of another person on their heads and if it was 100 they were your soulmate!' Your heart stopped.
'You are 100 for me (Y/n). It's so cute. It shocked me at first! I'm surprised I can even see the numbers on earth but I can!' Suddenly everything made sense, but before you could even bother to respond Kara kept talking.
'Can we go home? I'm tired and I want cuddles' she pouted and stood up, stumbling slightly as she got out of the booth of the bar, tugging you along with her.
She giggled and clumsily walked/floated back home, her hand never leaving yours. She was rambling about something but your mind was stuck on the fact she could see the numbers too. She could see the numbers too and I am 100 and we are soulmates. Soulmates!
She had clearly forgotten she ever said anything about it, talking about pizza as she directed you through the streets.
'Do y'wanna stay at mine tonight?' She said with a goofy grin.
'As if I'd let you be alone in this state.' You managed to reply, pushing down the questions you had.
She dragged you up the stairs to her apartment and as soon as her door was closed, she pulled your hips until they were flush against her own. She grabbed your face in her hands and kissed you in that hungry, heated way.
You hated that you had to pull away, but managed to detangle yourself and say, 'not right now Kar. Maybe in the morning sweetie.'
She stuck her bottom lip out, the same bottom lip you had trapped in your teeth not moments ago, and your resolve wavered slightly. But then she stumbled to her bedroom and fell flat onto the bed and you remembered why you said no in the first place.
The next morning...
A groan from beside you made you wake up.
'Remind me to never go drinking again.' The warm body that was next to you rolled on top of you and strong arms pulled you against it. The croaky texture of Kara's morning voice never failed to start a spark.
'Isn't that what you said last time?' You giggled as she groaned again in response and buried her head into your neck. She placed chaste kisses there and you hummed in approval.
And then your mind snapped back to last night and the laughter that bubbled out of your chest was light and happy.
'What?' Kara leaned up to look at you. 'Did I do something embarrassing last night?'
'No' you replied and your laughter died into a wide grin as you traced your fingers through her bed hair, right below the 100.
'It's just when I saw the number above your head for the first time, I'm guessing you were so quite cause you saw mine?' Your smile turned soft as her small crinkle appeared before her eyes widened and they flicked up to you hairline, clearly looking at the number there that was invisible to you, but oh so bright for her.
'You-' her voice choked ,'you can see them too?'
'No one else could and I thought I was a freak so I kept it hidden most of my life. But yes. I can.'
Her eyes welled up with unshed tears.
'Hey don't cry.' You wiped at her cheek when one fell.
'I'm sorry.' She said as another one escaped,' I just never thought someone on earth might be able to share this with me. But of course it's you. Ever since that day I saw the 100 on your head I knew I had found my soulmate. I thought I had lost them on krypton.' She let out a sob.
You wrapped your arms around her and she sunk into the embrace, tears wetting her bed sheets.
You stroked her hair gently until she stopped crying.
Kara looked up with hope and love.
'You are my soulmate.' She said, the biggest smile ever seen on her face.
'And you are mine Kara Z-' hot lips found yours and all other thoughts left your head.
Kara repeated those words. She painted them on your lips, your jaw, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your legs, your other lips. She painted them so many times, you were full.

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