Space (Kara)

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You noticed it sometimes. The way Kara would wake up after you and you were on the other side of the bed on your phone and she'd pull you closer to her instantly. The way she always found you at social events after a maximum of 10 minutes of not being together and touch your hand or your back. The way she couldn't last about an hour in another room from you if you were in the same building and came in to find you and place a soft, warm hand in your cheek. The way she hugged you after a long day of not seeing each other as if you were going to run away. The way she wrapped her strong arms around your form when you were playing a game of monopoly at games night and she didn't let go, even when Alex made gagging noises.
And after a while it slowly became apparent to you. Kara Danvers was scared of space. She was an alien who flew around, but was scared of the vastness of it all. You guessed it was the phantom zone that made her terrified of physical distance, floating aimlessly with nothing around.
So you found a way to always be there. Maybe not physically all the time, but emotionally.
You'd slip small notes into her clothes and then replied to her 'i miss you' text with a, 'look in your pocket :)'.
You'd place a photo of your last date on her work desk, so when she was alone in her office she could be reminded of your presence.
You'd call her halfway through the day to ask how she was and tell her about the first part of your day.
You'd stay in her calm embrace until she awoke, so she always woke up to you in her arms.
You didn't get a confirmation that it helped until years later, but you still did it.
It was around a year into your marriage that she addressed it.
You were in bed, both subconsciously looking at your interlaced fingers, the matching wedding bands catching the light from the window.
'Thank you.' She said it in a soft murmur.
'Thank you. You understand what I need when I don't even ask.'
You wrack you're brain for what she could be talking about, and finally settles on the tasks you had done daily for the past few years, all of them fitting into your routine now without a second thought.
'You're welcome. I'm always going to be here Kara.'
'I don't doubt it.'

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