Protective (Alex)

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'Hey darling.'
'You went out without any protection or any backup. You didn't even ask Supergirl to come with you!' Your wife pointed a finger at you and stepped into your personal space. Usually, having Alex in your personal space was a god send and you'd bask in the easy comfort and safety you felt around her. And having her finger pointed at you may or may not have been a turn on in the bedroom, but neither had the usual effects this time. You looked into the brown eyes that typically held so much love and adoration in them, soft and gentle around the edges when she looked at you. That was all replaced by fire, a rage you hadn't seen since your kidnapping and that rage was directed at someone else entirely. People had told you your wife was a scary woman, her badass persona at work constantly strong and there, but you had never agreed. Until now.
'Woah. Director. For one, I knew Supergirl was off duty tonight.' You held her stare, not staring back but glancing in between her eyes and feeling desperate.
'That doesn't matter in the slightest. You still ask her to come in. Or you do it another night.' Alex practically growled.
You backed away further and hit the wall.
'Sue me for letting her have one night with her wife at home with no distractions.' You whispered, anger of your own building up at the absurdity of your wife's words.
'And you know damn well this couldn't have been done on any other night Alexandra Danvers.' You continued.
'And you know damn well we have more backup than just Kara (y/n) Danvers!' Alex said back.
'Keep your voice down. I'm sorry okay? I wanted to get it over and done with quickly, and I didn't think.' You replied, anger leaving you at the sight of Alex who seemed more frantic than angry.
'Damn right you didn't think. You could've been killed.' She gritted out.
'And another agent did get killed. I wasn't going to sit back and let them kill another one of us.'
'You don't get it do you? They could've killed you tonight. You are one of us. And you're the most important one of us.' Tears were slowly accumulating in her eyes and you took a step forward.
'You're my wife. And I could've lost you and I don't know what I'd do if that happened.' She had let the tears start falling and you were quick to let her body sag into yours and wrap your arms around her.
'I'm sorry. I'm sorry Lexi. Please forgive me. I'll call backup next time I promise.' You said softly, feeling her breath against your neck and rubbing her back.
'I'm not- not mad at you. I just, don't want you to die.' She whispered, her voice cracking half way through.
'Alex Danvers I will not be dying anytime soon. You have me forever remember?' You squeezed her.
'Can we please just go home?' She asked after a minute of silence.
'Of course love.' You took her hand and led her to your car, guilt burning through you and almost making you cry yourself.
'Let me make it up to you and run a bath when we get home okay? I'm so sorry Al. I really am. I was being selfish. Let me make it up to you.' You said gently when you had gotten into the car.
'Okay.' She whispered back, her voice shaky.
You grabbed her hand and started driving home, where you did make it up to her, through kisses and love, showing you how alive you still were and would stay.

@Zyguard188 gave a good prompt and I had to write it! Sorry it's a bit short but thank you so much for all the suggestions I will get through them soon enough : )

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