What you do to me (Lena)- SMUT

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So due to popular demand... the reader has the penis this time.

You sit, smiling and nodding at any rich person who even glances your way. It was tormenting and you were struggling to keep your nerves in check. You had been to galas thousands of times, you shouldn't feel this antsy. But it was the first time you could call Lena Luthor your wife. And you couldn't wait for her to step up onto that stage and tell everyone she was married and it was to you and you were the happiest you had been in your whole life.
You twirled your finger quickly around the ring you had on your hand and glanced around again. Breath.
A voice in your head that sounded exactly like Lena's said, and you did, eyes searching the hall for your wife.
You spotted her, back straight and posture tall as she laughed tightly at an old business man. You watched his hand stroking her arm with a locked jaw and when he leant in and whispered something in her ear, you got out of your chair and strode over quickly.
'Lena? Can I borrow you for a second?' You stood a fair distance away, putting your hands behind your back politely and trying not to stare at his retreating arm.
'Yes. Sorry to cut this short Marcus.' She gave him a tense smile and he walked away.
You followed Lena to a more secluded part of the hall and she sagged into you.
'Thank you for saving me there. He was being an ass.' You rubbed slightly at her temple and placed a kiss into her hair, letting her body use yours to stand up.
'Just think. In a few hours we can get you home and out of those shoes and I can run as a bath and give your feet a massage.' You murmured, weary of passer by's who might recognise Lena.
'Mhm that sounds nice. Can we do that thing as well?' She grumbled back.
'What thing?' You asked playfully.
'You know the one.' She said back.
'Enlighten me Mrs Luthor.'
'The one where I ride your dick until the bath water runs cold.' She whispered.
You clenched your eyes shut and you couldn't help the subconscious thrust of your hips.
'God when you put it like that Lee.' You groan slightly as you feel more of your blood flow downwards.
'Come on let's get back to the party.' She grinned and as she passed you, gently ground her back into your front. You breathed out onto her neck and felt your penis throb at the friction.
She didn't say anything else, only wove her way through tables and gave you fleeting grins when she looked behind. Your eyes couldn't help but stay on her swaying hips and ass, knowing she was doing it on purpose.
You got back to your table and both sat down.
You hoped your blush wasn't too prominent but it certainly didn't help that when you sat down Lena placed her hand alarmingly high up on your thigh.
When the starter came out, Lena's hand moved more inwards and your brain seemed to focus completely on the way her nails lightly scratched the skin next to your half-hard dick.
You bit particularly hard on a prawn as her fingers tilted sideways and brushed the side of your cock. It twitched under her careful touch and you looked at her to see her smirking.
During the main course, her hand was gently stroking you through your slacks and you were fully hard, the act of doing this in public and no one knowing was exhilarating.
Every firmer press of her palm had you squirming and holding back a whimper.
Through dessert, she was palming you pretty forcefully now, knowing no one could see under the table due to the cloth and you were flushed, you could tell, and writhing to buck into her hand but held yourself back.
And then all of the pressure was gone as she stood up. You frowned before realising she was moving towards the stage.
You subtly looked down at your crotch to see the prominent tent in your trousers and you could feel the pre-cum uncomfortably in your underwear.
You watched in a sense of awe and sexual frustration as Lena spoke and you recognised the words she had repeated to you over and over as practice.
She pointed at you and you guessed she was telling everyone of your wedding but you couldn't really grasp it through your arousal- filled haze. Thankfully, she took on most of it, breezing over the fact and accepting the congratulations as she exited the stage.
She slid back over to your table with grace, where she thanked everyone for their kind words (you guessed they had congratulated you? you weren't sure) and told them you guys better be off.
She gave you her purse, pointing at it with her eyes and then your crotch.
You pulled her purse into your lap and held it there as you walked through the gala towards the doors. Your rock hard dick hit your legs as you walked and you winced at the contact each time, controlling your facial features as you went.
When you got into Lena's private car, she told the driver to close the compartment and as soon as he did so, your pants and underwear were being hastily slipped off.
Before you could blink? she had her hand wrapped around your base and your eyes were rolling back and you were groaning as she moved her hand up and down at a steadily increasing pace.
'Fuck Lee you're killing me.' You thrust harshly into her hand and moaned.
'You are so hot in this suit. I wanted to fuck you right there at the table.' She breathed raggedly.
'God. Fuck.' You looked down at your cock in her hand and the ring on her finger and the coil in your lower belly tightened.
'I wanted to show everyone that I'm yours. No one else can take me.' She said lowly and your cock thrones harder as she kept pumping.
'Lena.' You moaned.
'I can feel how close you are baby. Do you want to cum?' Her voice was hoarse.
'Yes. God yes.'
'I'm so wet for you (y/n). I want you to cum and then later, you can cum inside me.'
You gasped as the coil unravelled and white spurts of cum jetted out of your penis. Your head fell back as you thrust haphazardly into her hand as she stroked you through your orgasm.
When you had caught your breath, she leaned down to kiss you.
She pulled away and smiled at you.
She took your hand and you squeezed hers, thinking she was turning all mushy on you, until she moved your hand in hers down the front of her dress, to the bottom of it and underneath it.
'Feel what you did to me.' She whispered as she held eye contact and placed your hand on her cotton-clad core.
'Fuck.' You muttered under your breath. Your fingers were positively soaked already.
'Hmm. That's what I was aiming for.' Lena gasped out.
She certainly reached her aim many times that night.

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