Heartbeat (Alex)

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You watched Kara watch Alex with interest. It was games night, but the only people out of your friend group that could make was you, Kara, Lena and Alex.
Usually, Kara was invested in all things Lena, never really taking her eyes or hands off of her. But tonight, her hands were still on Lena, but her eyes were elsewhere, always flickering back to Alex who sat next to you on the sofa.
'Alex can you help me get drinks?' Kara said halfway through a monopoly game, which Lena was winning easily.
'Sure...' she said hesitantly and get basically dragged to the kitchen.
You all knew it didn't take two people to get drinks.
You shuffled forward and whispered under your breath, 'What's up with Kar tonight?'
You hoped Kara was too invested in talking to Alex to listen in on your conversation.
'I don't know but she's acting really strange.' Lena said, wringing her hands.
You placed your son top of hers.
'It's not to do with you. I know that. I think it's her and Alex. I've seen her eyes on her pretty much all night.'
Lena exhaled at that and it was a painful reminder of how unloved she had gone. You, Kara and Alex had all grown up together in Midvale and you had gone to national city first. When they had texted you saying they were coming to the city, you were extatique. When Kara became friends with Lena, you did too. It was common for that to happen with both of them. Alex was more sceptical at first but overcame it and Kara confessed her feelings one day and Lena felt the same. Obviously you knew that before Kara did. You and Lena had spent nights talking about her crush on Kara and you were always teasing her for it. You felt lucky you could see thief love story pan out.
'Thank god. I was trying to think of things I had done wrong.' She said.
'Lee come on. You couldn't do anything to get Kara mad at you.' You smirked when she blushed lightly.
'Well anyway, I still want to know what Kara and Alex have got going on.' She said conspiringly.
'Same. Those Danvers girls are always up to something.' You said.
'That's true but our Danvers girls do like to mess with each other so it could just be that.' It didn't go unnoticed that she said 'our'. Because she had Kara, and you... had been crushing on Alex hard for ages. You had been openly bisexual all your life and when she came out as gay a few years ago, you thought you might finally have a chance. But all she's been doing is having one off dates that lead to nothing. You push yourself into relationships you don't want, have been for ages because of your stupid crush.
You almost told her, when Lena and Kara got together, you were so close. And then she said something that had stuck with you ever since.
'Best friends are better off being best friends.'
This was way back when she still didn't trust Lena and thought she was going to use Kara somehow, but it still struck a nerve and you promised yourself it would be a secret you'd keep to your grave. Lena caught on quickly though and you didn't have the strength to argue with her knowing.
'True. Well let's just wait and see.' You said as you heard footsteps coming back towards you.
When they had sat back down, Kara was grinning and Alex had a faint blush on her face.
'Everything alright?' Lena asked.
'Yep! All good!' Alex said as Kara looked at her again and chuckled slightly.
Neither you nor Lena commented on the lack of drinks they were getting and carried on with the games.
It was nearing the end of the night and Alex's leg was bouncing up and down when Kara asked her to get drinks with her again.
Alex bolted out of her seat and practically ran to the kitchen.
'What is up with them?' You and Lena said at the same time and giggled.
It wasn't longer than five minutes until they were back.
'Okay so I don't feel great I might head home. Is that okay Lee?' Kara said.
'Oh okay are you going to be fine?' You asked, standing up to hug her and Lena goodbye.
'Yeah yeah just feeling nauseous.'
You failed to mention that she couldn't get nauseous.
'Goodnight.' Alex and you both said as the door shut.
'Do you want me to go as well? Was that all just a ploy to get us all out of your house so you can sleep?' You asked her.
'No. No. I actually um need to tell you something.' She said, looking at the floor.
'Okay. Let's sit.' You said.
'Right. So I'm uh...' She trailed off.
'Hey take your time. You can tell me anything you want.' You said, giving her hand a soft squeeze.
'Yeah. I know.' She puffed out a breath. 'Thats why this is so hard to say.'
'What is it Al?' You whispered, starting to worry slightly.
'We've known each other pretty much our whole lives.' She says softly.
'Yeah we have.' You smile gently, hoping it urges her to continue.
'And you've been my best friend for all of it.'
There was a pause.
'And then I figured out I was gay.' She says in a breath.
'Yeah....' You trailed off, not sure where this was going at all.
'And I realised, all of the best friend feelings I had had for you, weren't best friend feelings at all.' Your heart skipped several beats as you turned her words round in your head.
'And then you went out with Micheal. And I felt kinda crushed about it.' You shuddered at the thought of Micheal. He was a dick.
'And then... I was a horrible person.' She admitted quietly.
'That night you came over, I was angry at him yes. But I was relieved.' You knew the night she was talking about. The one with the aching bruises and the shaking. Micheal turned out to be a not pleasant person to argue with.
'And I thought I might finally have a go with you. But then you kept getting into these shitty relationships where none of them treated you right. And I wanted to scream I'm here! I'm right in front of you. But I can't not say it anymore. It's holding me back from any serious relationships I might have in the future. So there you go.' She took a massive inhale. And exhaled.
'Micheal was a distraction Alex. They all were. That's why none of them worked. I wanted to scream at you that I was trapped in an endless cycle. Because none of them lived up to you. I love you Alex. I've loved you for the longest time.' You tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and leant forward to brush your nose against hers. Before you went back, she grabbed the back of your neck.
'Seriously?' She whispered.
'Seriously.' She pushed her lips to yours and you closed your eyes. The kiss was better than any of the other ones you'd had ever.
When you both came up for air, Alex was grinning and so were you.
'What happened to 'best friends are better off being best friends'?' You asked.
'I was in denial shut up.' She says, slapping your arm playfully.
'Make me.' You said back, and didn't quite expect her to lunge at you, but you weren't complaining.
'So what were you and Kara talking about in the kitchen?'
'Umm, uhhh, my heartbeat... may've given away my little crush on you.'
'Big. My massive crush on you.'

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