Here (Kara)

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'Kar get off I need to pee.' You whispered into her ear, tucking a few stray strands behind it. Her weight was heavy but comforting. You weren't completely sure how you had ended up with your wife fully on top of you in sleep, but you weren't about to protest.
'Kara.' You said slightly louder, scratching behind her ear like she liked and gently trying to pry her arms off of you.
She mumbled something and furrowed her head further into your shoulder.
'Kara please I need the loo.' You changed to kryptonian, hoping it would somehow reach her fog filled brain better.
'Hmm.' She murmured sleepily.
'I need to pee. Can you get off me for a sec?' You asked gently, not sure if she was even fully awake and responsive.
'Kay.' She shifted off you slightly, just about enough for you to wiggle out.
You pressed a kiss to her forehead and stumbled to the bathroom, still not used to the pain in your ankle. You had been kidnapped a week ago. Tortured to try and get information about Supergirl's real identity. Clearly you weren't about to expose your wife's secret so you stayed quiet, and it had some consequences. Kara and the DEO found you 6 days later but the damage to your foot was already gone. Alex had told you it would only last about a week, but for now it hurt.
You peed, washed your hands and then opened the door. What you didn't expect was Kara to flop forward onto the bathroom floor.
'Kara!' You said, heart racing in surprise.
She sprung up, scarily awake compared to a few minutes ago.
'What are you doing?' You asked, examining her face even though she was indestructible.
You met her eyes again and they were looking into yours, tears forming.
'Hey. What's wrong?' You asked. The tears didn't fall but they were definitely there.
'You're here.' She breathed out.
'What? Of course I'm here love.' You watched as she leant into your hand and nuzzled her cheek into it.
'You left and I couldn't see you.' She whispered, eyes closed.
'Darling, I went to the loo.' You weren't quite sure what was bugging her.
'You- I wasn't close to you. I couldn't protect you.' A tear finally fell from her closed eyelids.
'Oh Kara.' You tugged her face until it was against your neck and wrapped your arms tightly around her. She had broken down when she found you in the basement you were trapped in, and broken down again when she sat next to you in the medbay, and broken down when she took you home. Obviously her break downs weren't finished.
'I couldn't protect you.' She sobbed into you, taking heaving breaths.
'I'm here. I'm fine. You don't always have to protect me Kar.' You pressed kisses onto her hairline and squeezed her hard.
'I do. I do.' She repeated it over and over.
You slowly cradled her through to the bedroom, making sure to keep her in your embrace, and finally got you both back on your bed.
'Kara look at me.' You said when the sobs had softened.
'Look at me.' You said more gently.
She finally brought her face up.
'I'm alright. You found me. I'm not going anywhere.' You said it with finality in your voice. She needed to here it because she melted back into you and exhaled slowly.
You would talk more about how to manage with her feelings and her new found separation anxiety in the morning over tears and a cup of coffee in bed, but for now you held her until she fell asleep, confirming that you were here.

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