7 years (Alex)

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You stumbled out of the portal, taking a breath before looking at the terribly familiar, but slightly different surroundings.
The DEO had changed.
You shivered. So had the rest of your life, you assume.
There's a second, where you wonder if it'll all be even worth it. If all the fighting and effort you put into getting back will hold any meaning.
You hope it will, but 7 years is a hell of a long time.
The telltale sounds of agents feet had you smiling slightly.
'I'm not here to harm anyone. I'm coming back to family.' You proclaim loudly, meeting the agents eyes as their guns point at you.
You search for any familiar eyes, finding one pair in the crowd.
'Agent Sole. It's been too long.' You watch as he lowers his gun and talks into his comms.
'Get the Director down here immediately. It's a fucking emergency.' He says.
Your heart rate increases at the word Director.
There's mumbling from the other agents, clearly new over the past years.
There's shuffling, and then Alex is in front of you.
You breath, once, twice, before a tear falls down your cheek.
She's still, silent, observing you.
'Is- I'm- This is real?' She asks.
'Danvers. It's been too long.' You whisper.
She takes a step forward, another one, and places a shaking hand to your cheek.
'You're seriously here?' She chokes.
'In the flesh.' You watch as she crumbles, her eyes overflowing with tears as she lunges at you, entrapping you in her arms.
You lift her up and squeeze tight.
You pull her back after some time, examining the changes. She has more wrinkles, but you guess you do too, less so due to the movement of time in the dimension you were stuck in. She let her hair grow out, shoulder length now. You grinned, you had told her she'd look good with long hair.
There are some grey hairs in there and you sigh gently, words on the tip of your tongue.
But before you could say them, Kara came barrelling in.
'Holy Rao.' She mumbled.
'Hey Kara.' You grinned as she poked you as if you weren't there.
'Oh my fuck.' Kara exclaimed.
Alex had yet to let go of you, her arm slipped around your middle and clenched there tightly.
'Kara Danvers. Did I just hear you swear?' You giggled, your head leaning into Alex.
'I guess you've missed a lot.' She said.
Your smile faded. You glanced at Alex next to you.
'Did- Are... Alex-' You start, not sure if you wanted the answer as it would rip your heart in two.
You look at her hand and see a different ring and your heart stops in your chest.
She follows your line of sight.
'Oh god no. No no no. I lost the ring you gave me. This is the replacement one I found because I could've find it. This still means-' You tug her in by the hips and lean forward swiftly.
Her lips melt under yours and she tastes like heaven, something that definitely hadn't changed.
You push your tongue into her mouth gently, basking in the gasp you had missed for so long.
You finally pulled away when your brain caught up, realising your sister in law was probably still there.
'You never...?' You had to check.
'No. I never tried. I knew no one could live up to you, and I knew no one could take my heart when it was always breaking over you.' She whispered, head placed on yours.
'God I've missed you. I've missed you so much.' You breath out.
'You have no idea how much I've missed you.' Alex stuttered, her face wet and eyes glassy.
You felt tears of your own falling.
You kissed her again, Kara could deal with it. She hasn't had to deal with it for 7 years, so you were making up for lost time.
Alex eagerly replied to your insistent pressure and fire, molten heat building in you as her hot, wet mouth moulded with your own.
'Okay umm, alright. Obviously I've missed you lots but it's very clear you've missed each other so I'm gonna recommend going home. Then maybe tomorrow we can meet up with the others and see where we go from there?' Kara said, visibly uncomfortable.
'Yes sounds good Kar. I've missed you too.' You say, your eyes not leaving Alex's black ones once.
'Agreed.' Alex replies, breathless.
'Can you maybe fly us there? Less time.' You say, finally glancing away from flushed cheeks and dilated pupils.
'I'm only doing this because you've been gone so long. Under no other circumstances will I fly you guys home so you can have sex quicker.' Kara shudders, but grabs you both in her arms and takes off.
She lands you both on the balcony of the same house of 7 years ago.
So she didn't move.
Kara hugged you for a while before Alex grumbled impatiently and Kara took off after that.
You and Alex stumbled through the house, taking clothes off as you went. It was much later, after 5 orgasms each, that you walked through the house and picked up on the differences and similarities.
You and Alex wouldn't meet with the others the next day, you'd spend a week together in your home before you even went outside.
You'd spend that time worshipping each other, trying desperately to make up for lost time, but never being enough. Alex would update you on all that had happened. She'd tell you about all the lonely nights, all the horrid thoughts she had and how much she struggled without you. You'd hold her through it all as she relayed it and you'd cry with her at the sorrow she must've felt.
Alex would tell you about your friends, who you would meet up with in the second week of being home, when Alex would allow you to be gone from her side for an hour and not have a panic attack. She'd tell you about Lena and Kara, who had gotten together and married. You'd mourn the times you missed, and Alex would mourn them with you, but you'd make new times over the next few years.
You and Alex only grew stronger, finally having the kid you always wanted and adopting the dog you had talked about.
Alex suffered from time to time, nightmares of the 7 years you had lost resurfacing and staying to drag her down, but you were there now, there to stay.
And when you got the chance to finally grow old together, both you and Alex had never been more grateful.

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