Antibiotics (Lena)

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You woke up with a dull headache and... were you floating?
'No that's the antibiotics darling.' You heard a chuckle. Well... you had said that out loud.
You looked to where the voice had come from and did a double take. Is that an angel?
'Are you an angel?' You had to know. It would be weird to be in the presence of an angel and not know. Your speech was slurred. Why was your speech slurred? Probably the anti- antibiotics the angel was talking about.
All you got in response was her shaking her head and laughing.
'You're laugh is pretty. You- you are really pretty.' I guess my thoughts are just spewing out whenever they want to.
'Thank you love.' She sat down besides you on the chair next to your bed. You tried to sit up but your limbs felt really heavy.
'Why am I heavy?' You asked the angel.
'It's the antibiotics again. Hold on.' She gently moved you into a sitting position.
'You smell really nice.' You blurted out. Wow... no filter much.
'It's a new perfume someone got for me.' She smirked at you and you got the impression you were supposed to know something.
'Are you single?' Is the question you next asked. Seriously, stop asking this beautiful woman weird questions.
She giggled. God her giggle is cute.
'Nope. I'm married.' She said flashing a simple, but intricate ring on her finger.
You felt the sudden urge to cry. 'But you're so pretty! I want to be your girlfriend.' You frowned at her amused expression.
'Ah but you're not my girlfriend.' She smirked in that you-should-know-something way again.
'Noooo.' You felt a tear trickle down your face. Come on stupid emotions.
'Hey. Don't cry. You aren't my girlfriend because you're my wife.'
'I'm your wife?!'
'Yes you are silly.' She took ahold of your hand (still heavy) and traced her finger over the wedding ring you had not seen that looked very similar to hers.
'Wow I have good game.' You said to yourself.
'You do indeed.' The angel- your wife- replied.
'Am I in heaven?'
'No. In a hospital.'
'In a hospital? Are you hurt?!' You tried to move your eyes over her body to try and assess for any injuries but your eyes felt too heavy to move.
'Hun, you got your appendix out. Do you remember?' She looked slightly concerned and confused.
'Not really. Should I feel pain? All I feel is floaty Lena. Oh Lena. Lena. That's your name. Lena. You have a really pretty name. You're really pretty. Did I say that already?' You rambled, still holding tightly onto her hand.
'You did. But I am not complaining about hearing it again.'
'You're really pretty then.' You smiled as much as you could with your face feeling all weird and it clearly didn't come off as a smile as Lena laughed.
'Come on sweetheart try and get some rest. When you wake up you'll be more with it?' She gently laid you down.
'Will you stay? Can you stay? I want you to stay.' You pleaded, your pout forming even with weird face syndrome.
'Of course I'll stay love.' She squeezed your hand as you started to drift off to sleep.
'I said what?!!!'

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