Forgive (Kara)

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'Get. Out.' You said in a stern but low voice, your anger seeping through every inch of your body.
'(Y/n)-' she started.
'Get out!' You said louder this time. You stared at the eyes that once held so much joy and potential in them, now filled with pity and sadness. But you didn't care. At this moment you couldn't care. All you cared about was the betrayal you felt.
'No I need-'
'What I need,' you took a deep breath that felt all too shallow,' is for you to leave. Now.' You stared out of your window, seeing the beautiful view but not truly looking at it. You couldn't face her. Her lying, betraying, gorgeous face.
'(Y/n)-' she started again.
'Please leave Kara. I- I can't deal with this right now.' You broke down, but only when she had closed your front door. You knew it didn't matter how far away she was, she would still hear you, so whatever dignity you were trying to hold was pointless. Because she was Supergirl. Your girlfriend of around 6 months, having known her for 2 years before, was Supergirl. You felt the small relief of your cold floor as you slid down, desperately holding onto your waist to try and feel some kind of comfort. But there was none. That had left 5 minutes ago.
5 minutes ago...
'Babe Hey!' You smiled at the door closing, but it faltered as you saw the look on Kara's face.
'What's wrong? What do you need to talk to me about?'
'I- please don't hate me.' She stumbled over each word.
'Of course I'd never hate you darling! What is it?' You asked, worry evident in your tone now.
'I-',there was a long, long pause where she didn't speak,' I'm Supergirl.' She said under her breath.
'Hun I couldn't hear you what did you-'
'I'm Supergirl.' She said with more volume.
'I'm Supergirl.' She repeated.
The words circled round your head as you tried to grasp there meaning. When they hit you, anger started to boil.
'The Supergirl That has been around our whole relationship was you right?' You said, trying to gauge how long she has been lying to you.
'Yes.' She whispered, a silent tear rolling down her cheek.
'2 and a half years.' You said plainly.
'No. You lied to me for 2 and a half years. You do not get to call me babe.'
'Please just listen to me.' She pleaded, more tears falling.
'Get. Out.'
Present time...
You felt numb. Lifeless almost. Your whole world seemed to crash around you. Because Kara was your whole world. Emphasis on was. Before you knew what you were doing, your bags were packed and you were in a taxi. And before you knew what you were saying to the driver, you were heading to the small clearing you and Kara had stargazed in.
3 months ago...
'And these are the brightest stars. They are also the three biggest stars in the universe.' Kara whispers gently into your ear.
'How do you know so much about stars?' You asked her after giving her a small kiss.
'I umm- I just read a lot about them as a kid.' She mumbled before putting her lips on yours again.
'Hmm did you read a lot when you were a kid?'
'All the time. It- it made me learn about this world.' She said. You thought nothing of how she phrased it at that moment.
'Well, I'm glad to know our kids will be smart.' You smirked waiting for her reaction.
Her eyebrows shot up and her eyes seemed to glow with love.
'Tell me about our kids.' She said after a minute, that minute spent obviously trying to calm herself down. And you did just that. You spent the rest of the night talking about your future together. It was magical.
Present day...
You got out of the taxi and paid the man. You grabbed the tent you had randomly chucked into your bag and thanked your past self for doing so.
After having set it up, you were going to call into work and tell them you weren't coming in for a few days but your phone had ran out of battery. So you curled up in a tight ball, trying to forgot all of the hurt you're feeling, and fell asleep.
You woke up to sunlight heating the tent. The air was crisp as you looked out at the looming forest surrounding you. It was then that you realised you had no way of getting out of here. You couldn't call a cab and didn't have a phone charger. And then it hit you. You would have to shout for Supergirl. Knowing you couldn't mentally face Kara yet, you decided to stay at the clearing for a few days to clear your mind. Hopefully, no one will come looking for you at work or home.
If they did, they wouldn't know where you went anyway. The only person that would would be Kara. Or Supergirl. Or whatever you should call her now.
A few days later...
You were running out of the random bits of food you had brought with you and were starting to worry. Not about your safety, about seeing the only person that could save you from this forest. But then you had an idea. Kara had a cousin you had been introduced to several times. You hazarded a guess that he was a superhero too. What was his name again? Clarke. That's it.
So you did the only thing that you thought would work.
'Clarke. Clarke? I'm guessing you have some sort of out of this world hearing? I don't really know. I need your help! Clarke?' You shouted at the top of your lungs. Maybe he doesn't answer to Clarke? You racked your brain. Ohhhh. It all fit. If Kara is Supergirl then maybe Clarke is Superman? It was worth a shot.
'Superman! I need you. I'm a... friend of Supergirl's.' You called out, desperately hoping he would come. And that he did. After around half a minute, Superman landed in front of you.
'(Y/n) right? Aren't you... never mind.' He obviously didn't know Kara had told you she was Supergirl so couldn't exactly say she was Supergirl's girlfriend.
'Hey Superman. Sorry to bother you but I was hoping for a lift back to National City. My phones ran out.'
'Of course. Anything for a friend of my cousins.' You winced at the word friend, not sure if you were even a friend at this point.
'Where do you want dropping off?' He asked as he grabbed you and lifted up slightly, your bags in your hand.
'Umm my apartment (your address)' you said, not sure where else you had to go. Lena was probably going to fire you, even if she was one of your closest friends.
'Okay.' He sped off and in around 5 minutes you were at your front door.
'Thank you Superman.'
'Anytime.' And with that he was off.
You sighed as you opened your door, which you realised was a complete different door to what you had when you left.
'What the-'
'(Y/n)!' A familiar voice said with a relieved tone.
You turned around to look at Kara who went to hug you but stopped herself at the look you gave her.
You couldn't think of anything to say except:'what happened to my door?'
'Umm- well- no one could find you and the door was locked so I may have kicked it in.' She said.
You didn't say anything back, looking at the stunning face you had painfully missed Ioved the last days.
'Where were you? I- I came back here after a day. And some of your stuff was gone and you were gone and you weren't picking up. That was 5 days ago. Where were you!? I know you don't particularly like me at the moment but the least you could do was not make me worry!'
'I don't particularly like you? Kara, the thing that makes this difficult is because I LOVE you.' Silence filled the room.
'(Y/n) I love you too that's why it-'
'Kara. I need time.'
'You've had time. I miss you.'
'I need more. If you 'needed' (you said sarcastically) 2 and a half years to tell me, then respect that I need time to process it.' You said as you walked back to tour new door.
'Where are you going this is your apartment?' Kara said.
'Right. Well, can you leave? Give me at least two weeks Kara. If you love me, you'll let me have at least two weeks.' You said.
She walked past you and without warning gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.
'I'll miss you.' Was the last thing she said to you.
A month later...
You sighed before giving a gentle knock to the apartment you hadn't visited in what seemed like forever.
'Coming!' You heard from a voice inside you had greatly missed.
A shocked expression clung to Kara's face as she saw you.
'You- you cut your hair.' She said dumbfounded after not being able to speak for a minute.
'Do you like it?' You said in a soft voice.
'I love it.' A small smile played on her lips that caused a surge of emotion within you.
That same surge made you pull Kara closer to you and kiss her like you hadn't kissed her in a decade, when it had only really been a month.
When you finally pulled away for air, you looked deeply into her teary eyes and said two words she had been waiting to hear.
'You're forgiven.'

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