Name (Lena)

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'So I was thinking...' You trailed off, absentmindedly playing with her fingers that were intertwined with yours.
'Hmm never a good sign.' The soft playful voice came from your neck where loving and slightly ticklish kisses were being pressed.
'Hey!' You slapped her arm gently and warmth grew in your chest at the sound of the soothing chuckle that escaped her mouth and pushed warm air onto your neck.
'Sorry. Sorry. What were you thinking?' She mumbled into your skin and pressed ever further into your body. You smiled at her burrowing and rubbed her back to relieve the tension that always seemed to be there and to pull her closer to you.
'I want to take your last name.' You breathed out quickly and she tensed immediately, squeezing on your hand and keeping her tight hold.
'No.' She answered quickly, and you could feel the lock of her jaw pressing into your chest.
'I can't put you through that.' She whispered. It sounded almost aimed towards herself and for once, you wanted Lena Luthor to be selfish, for one moment in her life.
'Lena look at this.' She clearly didn't want to leave your neck but did, tilting her head up in a way which reminded of you of her orgasming.
You pointed at the letters on the inside of your wrist.
'Hello. What can I do for you?' You read, tracing the words as you spoke lovingly.
'Now look.' You grasped her own wrist lightly.
'Sorry to bother you but can I borrow a napkin?' You mimicked the voice you had first said those words to her in and that drew another giggle.
'Those words on my wrist have meant everything to me my whole life. You know that. I know yours were the same.' You said softly, holding eye contact and looking into the green abyss you loved so much.
'And then you said mine and I said yours, and their importance was replaced with you. The real deal. My soulmate.' She smiled and placed a hand to your cheek.
'I want your name Lena. Because it's you. It's your past and I want it to be our future. That name doesn't deserve you, never has. But you've worked so hard to make the Luthor name good. It's your name. I want it to be mine too and show the world I'm worthy of the name and worthy of the woman who made it.' You flicked your eyes between hers and watched a tear fall from one of them. You caught it with your thumb, rubbing the skin under her eye.
'Are you sure?' She whispered.
'I'm sure. I've never been surer.' You rested your forehead on hers and closed your eyes.
'Okay.' She nodded against you and you breathed out a sigh of relief before closing the gap and kissing her with all the force you could muster.
A month later, you smiled at Lena, her face close and her breath mingling with your own.
You heard your friends and family clap and cheer but you didn't look away from wet green eyes.
'I love you Lena Luthor.' You mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
'I love you too (Y/n) Luthor.'

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