Not a good day (Kara)

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'Hey gorgeous.' Kara's soothing voice meets your ears as the front door opens of your apartment.
A small smidge of the tension that had been mounting your shoulders all day seeped out of your body.
'Hey love.' You replied, loud enough she could hear but not any louder.
In a second she was in front of you, scooping you up in a warm hug.
'Not a good day?' She murmured into your ear, placing a gentle kiss there after.
'Not a good day.' You burrowed your nose into her neck, returning her kiss to her skin and sighing in relief at the familiar warm that is your wife.
'You wanna talk about it?' She hugged you tighter to her, soothing your back up and down with her hand, something she knew relaxed you.
'Not yet. Just wanna stay here with you.' You whispered back, tears threatening to spill at the memory of your taxing day.
'Okay sweetheart. We can do that. I love you.' She placed kisses to your temple, but you could tell by the tone of her voice her crinkle was present.
'Don't worry about me Kar. Everyone has bad days. I'll be fine. You're already making it better love. I love you too.' You heard her let out a small huff of relief and you grinned.
'Okay. Do you want a bath?' She asked, cradling the back of your head as if it was the most precious thing.
'Yes please.' You slowly brought yourself out of her embrace, but she didn't let you get too far.
Her hands thumbed your cheeks slowly, and she gave you a soft smile.
'Can I have a kiss?' You asked, eyes flickering to her mouth.
'Of course you can.' She leant down and pressed her mouth to yours.
'What about that bath then?' She said, foreheads touched together.
'Kara.' You breathed.
'I'm just joking.' She giggled and leant back in.
Early on in your relationship, you had, in a sense of vulnerability after a particularly long night of orgasms, told Kara one kiss from her was never enough, and she had agreed, making a pact to give you at least three every time.
She directed you to the couch, and you heard the bath running as you sunk into the cushions.
'Baby?' You woke up from your half asleep state.
'Baths ready.' She carried you over and put you on the counter in the bathroom.
'Can you just, do that thing?' You ask, slightly timidly, even though Kara adored you with every bone in her body and would do anything for you.
'Sweetheart.' She muttered before kissing your cheek.
She undressed you gently, and then herself.
You both got into the bath and melted into the warmth of the water and her skin.
'You still want it?' She asked, her hands trailing up and down your abdomen.
'Please.' You breathed.
She worked you up slowly and methodically, and pushed you over the edge with an ease and softness that made you weak in the knees.
You came back to the world to her gently nipping at your neck and ears, and you giggled quietly.
'I love you so much. You're beautiful.' She whispered, and you snuggled back into her.
'Do you wanna touch yourself Kara?' You asked.
She whimpered.
'Yes please.'
'Go for it love.' You manoeuvred slightly so she could reach, and kissed her neck as she whined and moaned, pushing herself over as easily she did you.
'Let's get you to bed.' She kissed you, and helped you onto unsteady legs.
Once you were settled and wound tightly around Kara's body, you let the last of the days annoyance go.
'Thank you love. You always know how to make me feel better.' You place a hand on her cheek, her eyes sparkling in the dim light.
'I'll always be there for you baby. Like you're always there for me.'

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