Belong to you (Alex)

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You stepped into the crowded hallway, ducking your head and keeping your eyes trained to the ground except for looking up at signs so you knew you were walking the right way. It was your first day, and to put it simply, you were shitting yourself. You knew next to no one in this school, having left the town you landed in and got adopted in as Carl, your adoptive dad, had landed a job in Midvale. It was your second year of high school, and you were the new kid.
You shrugged your backpack up higher and finally found your first class. Chemistry. Easy. Your home planet, Nautice (made up btw for the story lol) was advanced in pretty much all of the subjects here on earth so school was always a drag and you knew everything already.
You left Nautice when you were 10, a virus plaguing the cities and towns, and, being the princess due to your mum and dads royalty, you were shipped off to earth for safety. Sadly, the king and queen couldn't leave their people so stayed. As far as you knew, you were the only one who got taken to earth.
You scrambled to the back of the class where the last free seat was, everyone watching as you sat down next to a red headed girl.
'Hey you're new here right?' She mumbled subtly, and you wondered whether you would've even heard her if it wasn't for your heightened senses.
'Yeah. (y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you.' You stuck out your hand and smiled, praying that this girl was one of the nicer ones.
'Alex Danvers, pleasure is all mine.' She said, side eyeing you whilst still copying down the title of the lesson.
She was gorgeous, you had to admit. Deep eyes and soft skin and hair that barely reached her shoulders.
You realised you hadn't even gotten any stuff out, so grabbed your notebook and pen from your bag, scribbling down the notes your teacher had already started to write and babble on about.
'So, are you any good at chemistry?' You asked Alex, cringing slightly at how bad that opening was.
'Not to boost my own ego or anything, but yeah. Are you?' She smirked over at you in between listening.
'I'm okay.' You said, biting your lip to suppress a smile at how much you were downplaying your abilities.
The lesson went on without much else. The teacher gave no time for talk, being strict and calling out several people for talking.
'Right class, before we go I thought we could do a refresher quiz!' There were groans.
'You guys need to remember last years work as well as this years, so I'm going to make it a weekly thing.' More groans.
'Now, some of you have noticed but for those of you who haven't, we have a new student today.' He pointed at you and heads swivelled your way.
You smiled and waved before telling them your name.
'So (y/n), if you don't get a lot of questions right, I won't blame you.'
'You do know I went to school last year right?' You blurred out, slightly confused as to how he came to the conclusion you wouldn't have learnt anything in your past school.
Giggles were let out by a lot of the students.
'Yes I do but you might've covered different things.' Your teacher smiled and handed out the papers, shaking his head when he caught your sheepish eye.
When he said start, you looked down at the questions and sighed.
This was stuff you did when you were 5.
You answered quickly, looking out of the window for the rest of the time you had left.
That was until Alex threw a small piece of paper at you to get your attention.
'Have you finished?' She whispered.
'Yeah have you?' You whispered back.
'Wanna check answers?'
'Yes sure.'
You both flicked through pages, looking at each other's page and seeing the same answer and smiling at each other. But on the last question you got different answers.
You looked up and frowned, Alex doing the same.
'I guess we'll see who got that one right.' Alex grinned and before you could answer the bell rang.
'Okay everyone. Leave your papers there. I'll mark them for next week! Bye guys.'
'Hey wanna sit with me at lunch since you don't know anyone?' Alex said, looking down at you as she walked.
'That would be great thanks.' You smiled, your first friend.
You met Kara, James, Winn, Lucy and Lena and were easily accepted into the group. You discussed classes, and realised you had only chemistry with Alex and a few ones with Lena and Kara.
You and the rest of them got super close super fast, after a week you were invited into their group chat and invited to the next game night.
You made a couple of other friends, all of which you weren't as close with but still pretty tight.
The next chemistry lesson, you got your tests back.
You looked at the 100% on the top of your page and wasn't really surprised. Alex huffed next to you, bumping your shoulder and admitting that you got the last one right somehow.
Your teacher looked at you and tilted his head.
'Well done everyone. It seems you did learn something last year (y/n).'
'I guess I did.' You said back.
You started holding games night, falling easily into step with the rest of them and becoming an unbeatable team with Alex. You would be invited to sleepovers with sometimes Alex, Kara and Lena but mainly just Alex. You slept over almost weekly at Kara and Alex's, quickly taking a liking to Eliza, their mom.
Chemistry quickly became your favourite subject, getting along with the teacher and easily outsmarting the whole class, sometimes him as well. It helped that you sat next to Alex as you guys had become extremely close. Close enough for you to realise the feeling you had for her weren't completely platonic.
You got scared after that. Girls weren't supposed to like other girls. That's what Carl and Caroline had told you. You distanced yourself from Alex for ages, scared to do or say anything to expose the secret that ate away at you from the inside. You hardly talked to her during chemistry, and tried to sit with others at lunch.
Sometimes you caught the eye of Kara or Winn and quickly averted your gaze, angry at yourself for seeing the sadness in their eyes.
Butterflies still erupted every time you were near Alex, and you were constantly flustered when she was even just in the same room.
You hated her for it, but more so hated yourself for it. You were constantly angry. angry. angry. You snuck out at night, finding robbers and random muggers to beat up with your strength to relieve some tension whilst also helping the small town. You wore a flimsy mask and couldn't care less about people finding out, simply needing something or someone to punch. Surprisingly, no one caught on, not even your parents, and you were grateful. You had done something similar when you first got to earth, mad about your family being lost and your biological parents staying behind, leaving you lonely.
You got into a nice enough crowd, finding friends easily but none as close as Alex.
Then the annual talent competition came up, and your parents convinced you to sign up.
Your friends teased you for it, but you actually liked singing and were good at it, so spent lunch after lunch in the music room, practicing.
One session, you opened your eyes for a split second on a high note, and swore you saw the familiar streak of red hair duck quickly down from one of the open windows, but blamed it on the leaves.
When it came to the night, your nerves were high but you bottled it up, not ready to embarrass yourself in front of the whole school body.
But you didn't.

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