The List (Kara)

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1) Lied to me for long time

Okay. The list has started. It's not long but it should do for now. You smiled down at the paper.
Right, back to your day. Forget all about what Nia said and make your heartbeat stop going so fast before Kara runs in here thinking you're under attack.
Definitely easier said than done.
You watched her eat a sticky bun in one mouthful, half of it coating her chin and mouth. It was disgusting. Disgustingly cute.

1) Lied to me for long time
2) Is a messy eater

You added that later, after Kara had left your office. Surely that's good enough reason? But then Nia came in and plopped down onto your sofa.
'What the heck is this mess?' She muttered, running her fingers over the material.
'What?' You asked, dumbfounded.
'Aww did your little crush come for lunch?' Nia squealed.
'Huh?' You felt your cheeks blush.
'She totally did! This is sticky bun residue!'
You put your head in your palms and wished Kara wasn't so messy. But then again, it's helping with the growth of your list so you were slightly grateful.
You ran half winded through the DEO, scrambling along the walls as you clutched your side.
You felt light headed and faint, but most importantly you felt worried.
You heard a scream behind you, a rouge alien being taken down in the middle of the building, and as you turned you looked down at the blood that was marking your trail.
You shook your head slightly to try and get yourself more focused before starting to hobble the other way again.
You finally got to the medbay doors and opened them with a bang.
You breathed deeply when you saw her sitting up talking to Alex.
'You're alright.' You breathed out, watching as the two sisters eyes darted to yours.
'And you're not holy shit what happened?' Alex sprinted over to you and replaced your hand on top of your wound.
'I watched Kara fall and ran over to help but clearly I wasn't much help. Are you okay Kar?' You watch as she struggles to get off the bed and then gives up completely.
'Yeah fine just a broken arm that the sunlamps will fix in 10 minutes. How are you?' She looked at you with fear and you tried to give her a reassuring smile.
'I'm good just a small stab.'
She smiles at that and you smile back and you finally let yourself breath freely.

1) Lied to me for long time
2) Is a messy eater
3) Is constantly in danger
4) Possibly puts me in danger

'Hey so I have a date tonight and I can't find any clean bras and Alex has Kelly over so can I borrow yours?'
You glance up at the frazzled looking Kara that just burst through your door.
'Yup sure.'

1) Lied to me for long time
2) Is a messy eater
3) Is constantly in danger
4) Possibly puts me in danger
5) Has a date
6) Is my best fried and acts like one

'How was your date?' You finally said, fearful of the answer.
'Totally trash. The guy didn't like potstickers!' She moaned.
'The horror.'
'Exactly! He was shockingly boring. I should've just had dinner with you.' She grumbled.
'We'll it was worth a try. There'll be a man for you somewhere.' You shrugged.
'Yeah someone out there...' She trailed off.

1) Lied to me for long time
2) Is a messy eater
3) Is constantly in danger
4) Possibly puts me in danger
5) Has a date
6) Is my best fried and acts like one
7) Is straight

'I see you write in that notepad often, what're you writing about?' Kara asks one day as you sit in Noonans.
'Nothing.' You clamp it shut, having been looking at the same page for the past hour.
'Hmm it doesn't seem like nothing.' She raised an eyebrow.
'Maybe it's my deepest darkest secrets.' You fight back with a smirk.
'Care to share?' Kara grinned.
'Never.' You laughed when she made a grab for it and you sprung back.
'So no one will ever know?'
'Hmm. Maybe whoever I marry can have a peak one day.'
'Guess I'll have to marry you then.' Kara quirked her eyebrow.
'But what about all the men you'll be dismissing.'
'I'm not just attracted to men.' Kara whispered.
You held eye contact for a second longer before looking back down at your notebook.
'Neither am I.' You said back, not looking up to see her reaction but instead flipping to a page.

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