Shed roof (Kara)

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Your POV
'So Kara tells me you're a good handywoman?' Eliza says stirring her tea.
I look to my right and glare lovingly at the sly smile on her lips.
'She exaggerates it a lot. I'm okay at it.' I nudged Kara's shoulder lightly.
'Well that's great. I have a shed roof that needs fixing are you up for it?' Eliza carries on.
'Sure. I've fixed our shed roof once or twice after this one has accidentally punched through it.' I replied pointing a thumb at Kara.
'Hey super strength is difficult to control sometimes.' She pouted in her cute way that made your heart melt.
'I know honey I know.' I said in reassurance placing a soft and quick kiss on her forehead. Her pout turned into a breathtaking smile.
Eliza coughed as we simply stared at each other for a full minute. Being pulled out of your trance, Eliza suggested she showed me the roof. I followed her, leaving my wife with a book in her hands on the sofa.
'You see the damage?' Eliza called up to me.
'Yeah all of it is really fragi-' I panicked slightly as the rotting roof fell in on itself, causing me to fall through the air. As I braced myself for a hard landing, none came. Opening my eyes, I looked into the blue ones I had fell in love with.
'Can you stop falling for me?' Kara said as she put me down and giggled. I laughed along with her.
'Thanks for saving me again.' I said. Thank god for superspeed.
'Oh god I'm so sorry are you okay? If I knew it wasn't safe I would never have made you go up there.' Eliza stumbled in.
'It's fine. It was a good way to survey the damage which is way more extensive than originally thought.' I said as I spread my arms to gesture to the rubble now on her living room floor.
'Will you still be able to fix it?' She asked.
'I'll try my best. You probably shouldn't clean up until after I'm finished.' I said giggling.
'I guess you're right.' She replied.
Time skip....
Kara's POV
I sat next to Alex comfortably, gently holding a wine glass. It felt good to finally relax and not do anything. I could tell Alex felt the same as she sighed in content. Maggie was several feet away from us, cooking a few different burgers on a barbecue and glancing over at Alex from time to time with a small smile. My wife was up on the roof working and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Alex was trying to engage in conversation with me but I wasn't really listening and she knew it. I focused on her every movement. The toned muscles of her arms rippled as she hammered in some nails. Her hands tensed around the hammer and my breath unintentionally hitched. Her soft, wavy hair was tossed into a messy low ponytail as it clearly irritated her. She was humming along to the songs playing in her earphones, making me smile at how cute she was being. I focused my super-hearing in on what song she was listening too and bobbed my head slightly at the sound. The song quickly changed onto another one, one I knew all too well. I saw her grin like an idiot as she heard the first beats, herself remembering the love that song held. I couldn't help but spuperspeed my way up the ladder and sit in front of her on the part of the roof that was complete.
'You're listening to our song' I said softly. She looked at me with her perfect brown eyes and nodded with her huge grin only widening. She took her headphones out of her phone so the song played on speaker. She adjusted the volume so it was loud enough to fill both our ears but not float down to the rest of our family. I sighed, incredibly happy to hear the melody again whilst looking at my wife. Her humming turned into soft singing as she held eye contact with me and lovingly grabbed my hand, disregarding all of her tools. I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with my evergrowing love for her. The song really captured that, it being the first one we listened to on the third date whilst making out. It was also the one we listened to when we unpacked the boxes in our house. And then it was the one you continued to listen to and then danced to for your first wedding dance. It had become both of our favourite song as we progressed through our relationship. When the song came to an end, I leaned over and captured her lips in a kiss. The kiss was passionate and love-filled, our kisses always being that way. As I pulled away, she smiled. It faltered for a second and then she said:
'You should probably go and keep Al company otherwise she'll start annoying Mags. And as much as I love it and love you, you're distracting me.'
'I'm distracting you am I? That's what I'm supposed to do. But you're right I'll leave you to it. And I love you too.' I left with one last lingering kiss, climbing back down the ladder and skipped back over to Alex.
Your POV
'Dinner's ready!' I heard Maggie shout with enthusiasm. Perfect timing as I had just finished the roof. I leapt down the ladder and saw Eliza, Alex and Kara already at the table. Kara patted the seat next to her and I sat down eagerly next to her, placing a soft kiss on her temple which she leaned into. As I was sitting on the left side of her, I grasped her hand and started fiddling with her ring, the ring I had given her a bit more than a year ago. I did it a lot to remind myself that marrying her was real and not just all one extremely lucky dream. Kara glanced down at the action and grinned at it before being tugged into conversation.
'Kara I feel like we've been slacking off today. Y/n and Mag have both done stuff and we've just sat down all day.' Alex said with a laugh.
'You're right. Tomorrow I'll trim that tree you were talking about mom. I can jump off the shed roof to get to the top branches.' Kara replied.
At hearing the word shed and roof, I cut in.
'Kar, there is no way I am letting you up on that roof!' I said in fake determination, a smile on my lips.
'Hey! I'll be careful!'
'The last time you said that you broke our house roof! That took like a week to fix!'
'Okay you're right I'll use something else.' Kara gave in and smirked at me.
'What is it?' I asked amused.
She leant in to whisper in your ear.
'Jest remembering how hot you looked up on our roof and that shed roof today.' I tried to hide the subtle blush her comment caused and covered your loss of breath with a cough.
'Hey no whispering at the table Kara Danvers. And you Y/n Danvers.' Eliza said sternly.
'Sorry.' We said in unison, glancing at each other with playfully glints.
'Now let's tuck in.'

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