Tie (Lena)

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'Grab something from the closet and go Lee you're already late.' You giggled as she tried to get in one last kiss, and you let her. She pressed herself down against your body and you had to force yourself to get out of your Lena induced haze to get her off.
'Go.' You mumbled against her kissable lips. You felt her smirk and breath out on your mouth.
'Okay.' She replied softly, taking your cheeks in her hand and giving you one last, gentle kiss before disappearing into the wardrobe.
'You know you need to got ready for work too.' She shouted from the open door.
'Hmm but not as early as you love.' You said back.
'Ugh.' She huffed out.
'Thanks what you get for being a CEO silly.' You chuckled as she threw the bed top she had haphazardly put on last night after a few rounds of sex right in your face.
She had incredible aim for someone who deems herself as not athletic.
'This is why I hate actors.' You heard her grumble.
'I heard that.' You said back, laughing when her head poked through and she stuck her tongue out. God, you loved that girl.
'Umm babe?' She said.
'I can't find any of my clothes.' She said, appearing at the door in underwear that should be illegal.
'What do you mean?'
'There's none of my usual stuff... oh god. The trip to Tokyo. All of my stuff is at mine.' Shit. You hadn't remembered the fact that she had taken all the clothes she kept at yours on that trip and had taken them to get washed before going straight to yours.
'Well... you can always borrow something?' You asked, watching as her face frowned deeper.
'None of your stuff suits me! And the press might recognise it as one of your clothes.'
'Honey.' You stood up and walked to her, squeezing her hands which you took in your own.
'You look good in anything trust me. And the press don't photograph every outfit I wear. They'll hardly notice I'm sure. You'll be fine.' You kissed her forehead and then her lips and when you had finished she seemed more relaxed.
'Okay. Help me pick out something?' She grinned up at you and you nodded.
Half an hour later saw you making out with her against your door as a 'goodbye kiss' because god does she look good in your striped shirt and your slacks. You pulled away with ragged breaths, giving her a raspy 'bye' and watching her leave.
You felt tingly all through your morning routine because of her lips and what she did with her tongue in your mouth and on your- nope. These weren't work thoughts. You shook yourself out of it and got to set with a few minutes to spare.
You nodded at people as you went, knowing you were needed at hair and makeup quickly.
Your day was packed with going over scenes and looking over lines with your cast mates. You loved them all, spending so much time you were practically family by this point.
'Woah.' Alex, one of your friends and one of the other actresses said, looking up from her phone.
'What's up?' You asked.
'Apparently the paparazzi are speculating Lena Luthor has a boyfriend. You know, the hot brunette who owns L-Corp?' She nudged Kara and Kara nodded, looking at Alex's phone which had been thrust into her hand.
You choked on air.
'What- What makes them say that?' You squeaked.
'She came to work today in slacks and a shirt. Ones that were definitely not her style and not hers. The media is saying it might be a partners clothes.' Alex waggled her eyebrows and Kara still sat looking at Alex's phone.
'She's really gorgeous.' Kara said, handing Alex's phone back to her.
'Damn straight she is. I wish she was not straight though so I could have a chance.' You choked on air again, thinking back to last night and how not straight she was when eating you out.
'I heard she isn't.' You heard yourself saying. They looked at you.
Stupid stupid stupid.
'Really? Eh who am I kidding I still wouldn't have a chance with her. She's the CEO of a massive company and I'm an actress.' Alex laughed.
You smiled to yourself. How wrong she was. But you kept that to yourself as another topic came up.
When you got home, long after you should be home, Lena was already asleep in bed. You smiled softly at her unconscious form which was wrapped securely around your pillow and she was hugging the teddy you had gotten her last Valentine's day. You got ready quickly and slipped under the sheets. She woke slightly and you mentally scolded yourself.
'mm'hey' She said, her voice heavy and you couldn't help but swoon at it.
'Hey. Sorry for waking you.' You whispered.
'S'kay.' She mumbled, replacing the pillow with your body and hugging you close.
'Love you.' You pressed a kiss to her hair, realising she had already fallen asleep and you followed quickly after.
The next morning, Lena was up before you and out of bed when you woke.
'Lena come back.' You whined.
She appeared out of the wardrobe in another one of your shirts and slacks, this time paired with a tie.
'Fuck you look good in my clothes.' You groaned.
'Sorry I didn't get round to going home and getting my clothes. Yours are comfy though.' She giggled cutely before sauntering over and kissing you.
'I'm certainly not complaining.' You said, tugging her by the tie to kiss her more hungrily.
Before you got out of the door, you had undressed Lena to ravish her body before she had to redress and scold you playfully about how horny you were all the time.
You went to work with a spring in your step that didn't go away until lunchtime.
When Alex shoved her phone in your face.
'Look! Lena Luthor is wearing a tie Bruce Wayne wore a year ago and the press is going crazy. Do you think it's true they're in a relationship?'
You turned up your nose at the thought. You had met Bruce, and were pretty close friends after he found you many a time in the dark corners of galas, supporting Lena from afar.
'I don't know Al. A lot of people wear ties like that...'
'Wait... don't you have a tie like that?' She asked suddenly.
'Yeah I do.' You said, trying to tell her subtly.
'Well I still think it's Bruce.' She shrugged. You sighed silently.
You went home that night knowing what you should do, but knowing what you wanted to do.
As before, Lena was asleep. She had told you about how tough this week would be because she had big business deals to close.
In the morning, she was back at your wardrobe waving her hand and muttering about stocks under her breath.
'Morning hun.' You said and she looked up and smiled, shuffling over to give you a chaste kiss.
'Hey babe. I only have 5 minutes until I need to go. Early morning in the office means earlier evening, so hopefully we can have dinner together tonight?'
'Yeah of course love.' You got up and walked over to where she stood in yet another pair of your slacks and shirts.
'Pick out my tie?' She asked.
You grinned. Perfect.
You grabbed the one you wanted and showed it to her.
She glanced at it uncertainly.
'Just give it a go.' You said.
'Okay darling.'
You smiled larger and kissed her, watching her go twirling the tie in between her hand as she walked.
'Got anymore Lena Luthor news for me today Alex?' You walked into lunch with your eyes on your food, excited to finally eat it after the few hours of hard work.
No one answered, so you glanced up to see the 10 people in the room looking at you in awe.
'You- she wore your tie today.' Alex whispered.
'Huh?' You decided to fake innocence.
'She wore your tie. The tie you had custom made. Lena Luthor is wearing your tie today.' Alex stood up with her phone in her hand.
You looked down at the photo of your girlfriend that glared back at you. She had the tie on, and the caption read 'Famous actress (Y/n) (L/n) has Lena Luthor tied around her finger?'
'I have to admit the headline is clever.' You said, sliding around a shocked Alex to sit at your usual table who had Kara sitting there, also looking shell shocked.
Alex scrambled back to the bench and sat down heavily.
'You're Lena Luthor's new boyfriend?'
'Not a boy. And not really new.' You winced when both Alex and Kara said 'What?!'
'How long?'
'About 2 years.' You winced again at their betrayed expressions.
'Why didn't you tell us?!!!'
'At first it was because it was too soon and then we just got used to it.' Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you smiled.
'Excuse me I have to take this.'
'Nope. You're going no where until after you tell us everything. Take the call here.'
You grinned when you saw the called ID.
'Hey love.'
'Hey. Have you seen the news?' Lena's soothing voice fell through the line.
'I have. Have you?'
'Yes. Are you okay with everyone knowing?'
'I'm fine with it. Are you?'
'I'm fine with it darling. Wait... you don't sound surprised. Did you know this would happen?' She asked, a laugh following her accusation.
'Maybe I picked out that tie so people knew you were mine?' You phrased it as a question, going slightly red when you saw Alex smirk.
'I love you. I'll always be yours.' She said gently.
'I know. I love you too.'
'I better get back to work but dinner tonight is still on?'
'Yeah. Actually, I could cook for two more people. And I have some people here who would be pretty chuffed to finally meet you?'
'Bring Alex and Kara along. I've heard too much about them not to meet them. I'll see you then.' She hung up and you grinned at the two people staring at you.
'Want to meet my girlfriend?'

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