Actual smut this time (Kara)

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'5 beers and a bunch of alien shots please.' You asked the bartender, trying desperately to ignore the fact that his eyes were set on your boobs. God, men suck.
'Coming right up pretty lady.' He smirked and winked, definitely not having the intended reaction.
You rolled your eyes and grimaced.
He clearly noticed.
'Aww come on love. You're hot, I'm hot, why don't we give this thing a chance?' He gave a suggestive shrug and toxic confidence rolled off him in waves.
'Who said you were hot?' You asked, leaning over the bar and noticing his eyes drop once again. Yep, definitely sucking.
'All the girls I've been with.' He said proudly.
'All the girls?'
'Yeah.' He looked chuffed. Ugh.
'They all must be blind then.' You watched his grin falter.
'Even if you don't find me hot, why don't we go on a date? I could get you out of that nice dress and show you a good time huh?' His confidence came back.
'I wouldn't let you touch me with a ten foot pole. Want to know why?' His bravo was fading slowly.
'Why?' He muttered.
'Because I like women. One specific woman to be exact.' You peered over your shoulder, and to your surprise found your friends looking at your girlfriend, who was holding... two chunks of table?
He followed your line of sight and blanched.
'What the hell?' He walked over to your table and you couldn't help but follow.
'Oi lady, what are you doing ripping my bar apart?' He growled at Kara.
'Oi man, what the fuck are you doing trying to hit on my girlfriend?' She growled back, only fiercer. The chunks of table in her hand crumbled into sawdust, and she stood up to face the bartender.
'You can't just break public property! And it's not my fault she's a hot chick.' He gestured wildly to both the broken table and you.
'I just fucking did. She's my hot chick so back the fuck off.' At that, she shoved the man. Hard. In the chest, causing him to shoot backwards and into another table.
You turned back to Kara in surprise. Not that that little show of strength didn't turn you on, it was clear something was wrong, because Kara never acted like that outside of your bedroom.
'Kara what the hell?' Alex's eyes flickered between her sister and the man now groaning in pain.
'Kara.' You gently placed your hand on her tensed arm. When she looked down at the contact and back up at you, you almost didn't see it. But it was there, the small red flash that quickly disappeared when her eyes met yours.
'What is it babe?' She purred, all seduction.
'Alex, I think we need to go to the DEO.' You kept your eye on Kara, not knowing what she was capable of at this moment.
'Why? What's up?' Alex asked.
'Red K.' You replied.
'Shit. Right. Come on Kara.' She said, hesitantly.
'I'm not going anywhere with you.' She shot back at Alex.
'We have to go Kara. Come on.' Alex tried again.
'Not a chance, weakling.' She sneered.
You wracked your brain and came up with an idea.
You leant in close and pressed your mouth against your girlfriends ear.
'You know that supply closet in the 5th hall?' You purred.
You felt her nod and gulp.
'Do you remember what happened the last time we went in there? How hard you came on my fingers?' You whispered, lowering your pitch.
You felt a nod again and an inhale of breath.
'Come with me to the DEO, and I can make it happen again.' Before the sentence was properly out of your mouth, you had been wrapped up in strong arms and whizzed out of the bar and into the night sky.
Kara's lips were persistant on yours, devouring them forcefully. She pulled away and started a rough attack on your neck. Through the fog of arousal, you grabbed your phone and typed a 'meet us there' text to Alex. As soon as it was sent, Kara realised where your attention was (not on her) and slapped your phone out of your hand.
'Ow Kar that hurt my hand.' You said.
'Shut up and kiss me.' She growled and pushed her mouth back onto yours.
This ferocity usually had you weak at the knees, but it was because of red K, and you hadn't agreed on the safe word, and you would always trust Kara, but it was slightly scary to be in this position.
But still, you couldn't help but return her kisses and nibbles of lips.
'Rao.' She groaned into your mouth and you dropped a couple of feet.
'Hey, no sex in the sky after last time. Get to the DEO and we can continue.' You managed to rasp out.
'Fine.' She huffed and halted her insistant kissing, instead grinding sinfully every so often and breathing heavily into your ear. It did nothing to stop your racing heart and wet panties, but you couldn't act on it with Kara in this state.
Once at the DEO, Kara made a beeline for the closet you had talked about, but was intercepted by an agent with a syringe. Alex had obviously called it in as the liquid caused Kara to fall limp instantly. You stepped back as several agents hauled your girlfriend over to the medbay, and breathed in relief when Alex walked through the doors and set to work on getting Kara back.
You paced the floor of the med bay for what felt like hours, until Alex said she was awake again.
You walked up to the bed where Kara now was sitting up.
'Hey babe. Are you okay?' You tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
'I should be asking you that. Is your hand alright?' She gently took it in hers and softly traced over your knuckles.
'It's fine Kar. It only hurt for a minute. Nothing major.' You smiled at her.
'And that guy? Oh Rao is he alright?' She asked panicked.
'Winn stayed at the bar to treat him. He should be okay.' Alex replied.
'Sorry I called you a weakling.' Kara said, directing her attention to her older sister.
'It's okay Kara. This is one of our more fortunate run ins with red Kryptonite.' Alex shrugged and grinned.
'Can I go home?' Was Kara's next question.
'I'm not sure...' Alex started.
'Please? I feel fine, everything's fine. I just want to go home.' She pouted and Alex was clearly done for.
'Fine. Take (Y/n) with you and you, keep an eye on her.' Alex addressed the last part to you.
'I was going to anyway.' You and Kara said in sync and giggled.
Once at home, you asked Kara if she was okay again.
'(Y/n) I'm fine seriously.' She said.
'Okay just checking before.' You then lunged at her, claiming her lips.
The fire that red K Kara had started hadn't died down that much during the last few hours, and having Kara pressed back up against you relit it harder.
'Rao.' She grunted into your mouth, allowing you the opportunity to slip your tongue through her lips and against hers.
You both took a second to remove tops and bras, before diving right back in.
The intensity of the kiss only heightened when Kara's fingers put pressure on your hips and then slowly traced up your sides.
'God.' You moaned, feeling her hands move inwards and upwards, grazing the bottom of your boobs.
'I hated seeing him looking at you.' She mumbled into your mouth, her hot breath rendering you speechless for a few seconds.
'Show me how much you hated it.' You murmured back, pushing her impossibly further through your apartment and finally reaching your bedroom.
As soon as your legs hit the mattress, you were pushed backwards until Kara was fully on top of you. Finally, her hands traced further upwards and around your hardening nipples.
'Fuck.' You breathed out, as she took one in between her fingers.
Your hips bucked as she grazed her teeth over your other nipple, desperately asking for friction.
'Kara.' You groaned as she slipped her thigh, still jeaned, in between yours, but didn't press it where you wanted it.
She continued her assault on your boobs, using both hands and tongue to work up your nipples.
'Please.' You whimpered, the heat in your lower belly becoming too much.
She hastily ripped off your jeans, and then her own, not caring for the material she threw behind her.
She took more time with your pants, trailing them down your legs and doing the same with her own.
She didn't need to see your core to know how wet you were, she would've felt it in your panties.
But if she needed more convincing, there was definitely slick arousal on the inside of your thighs.
She lightly trailed kisses up your legs, pressing firmer ones on the stretch marks she loved.
At the first lick of your core, your hips jumped upwards.
'Ah- ah- ah.' She tutted, placing a firm hand on your hip bone.
That alone made you moan, the show of easy strength being very attractive.
She dove in like she was parched. She licked up your slit, circled your clit, went back down again, and then chose a different path to take. It was torturous and she was building you up insanely fast, but you still needed something.
As if she read your mind, Kara removed her tongue, not letting you even think to whimper at the loss of contact as it was quickly replaced by two of her fingers. She clambered back up your body, her fingers pumping relentlessly.
She used her other hand to place on your cheek.
Slowly but confidently, she moved it closer to your neck.
'Is this okay?' She panted out.
'Yes, god, yes.' You exclaimed breathily.
She wrapped her hand around your neck gently at first, and then with more pressure.
The lightheaded feeling you got increased the pressure until it was unbearable.
In a n instant, you felt your body release and fall into waves of pleasure.
You vaguely felt Kara remove her hand from your neck and place a kiss there.
Her fingers still worked inside you, slower this time and finally falling still when you finished your last, choked moan.
'God.' You croaked.
Kara giggled and pressed her head into your shoulder.
You let out a small groan when she removed her fingers and she wrapped her arms around you.
'You okay?' She asked.
'Yes.' You replied.
She breathed deeply and fell into your body.
'Hold on a minute. You think we're done?' You asked. Her head popped up and the hunger in her eyes was evident.
You leant in close to her ear.
'I still haven't seen you ride my fingers yet.' You whispered.

For @bookwormgeek77 and @wassabiyeay
Thanks for the suggestion! Keep them coming!

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