Watching (Kara)

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You let out a long breath as you watch Alex and the DEO detain the alien Kara had spent the last hour fighting on your tv. Your heart picks up as the camera pans to your wife, sweaty and gorgeous as she flips her hair out of her face.
She steps over to Alex and they grin as they talk. Your mouth twitches as Kara suddenly ducks and plucks her phone out of her boot.
'You really think your boot is a good place to put it?' You ask, stroking her hair as she nuzzles into you.
'Babeeee I've broken 5 this month from keeping it in my bra. The boot is the safest place.' Her breath tickled and you squirmed slightly.
'Whatever you say Supergirl.'
She taps it and brings it up to her ear, as your own starts ringing.
'Hey.' She says as soon as you pick up.
'Hello honey.' You watch as a light blush floods her cheeks and she smiles.
'I've just finished up here. Gotta get back to work but I wanted to call you and tell you about the fight.' The camera was following Supergirl pacing, a certain spring in her step.
'Well done beautiful.' You smirked as the figure on your screen flushed and tripped over air.
You vaguely heard the news reporter wondering who was on the other end of the phone call.
'Thank you.' She said shyly.
Adoration settled deep in your bones at her tone. The fact you could still fluster her to this day reassured you that you weren't the only one still head over heels.
'I'll have dinner on for you when you get home. Finish up work quickly so I can congratulate you properly.' Having a day off from work yourself had its perks. Kara lit up again on the tv, and you watched her expression change subtly.
'And how would you do that?' She whispered.
'You'll have to find out. See you later baby. I love you.' You whispered back.
'I love you to the end of the universe.' She replied.
You hung up and watched as Supergirl kissed her fingers and put them against her phone screen, before pocketing it and flying off.

Sorry it's short

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