Heartbeat (Kara but less oblivious)

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'Which Star Wars movie is your favourite?' Winn asks enthusiastically, as if you two hadn't had the same debate about the best one several times.
'Come on Winn you already know-' you were cut off by a loud crash. Winn, James, Alex, Maggie and you all turned to a mixture of broken furniture and Kara sprawled on your floor.
You and Alex were up in a flash, with the others all getting up as well but not quite so fast to her side.
'Kara what happened?!' Alex peered over at her sister, the chair that used to accompany the others around your dining table in ruins due to Kara falling on it.
Kara didn't answer Alex's question, only looked at you with a sense of awe and love.
'Honey, what happened?' You tried a softer tone to try and get your wife out of whatever transe she was under. You saw her eyes dip down from yours, studying your body almost. What had gotten into her?
She sat, her eyes still unfocused on your waist area.
'Hey snap out of it Kar.' Alex clicked her fingers in front of your wife's face, finally getting a reaction out of her as she looked up at Alex.
'Care to explain why you just fell into a chair?' Alex asked.
'I- umm,' her eyes flickered back to yours and you saw what you thought might've been tears but when she blinked they were gone,' I just didn't look where I was... going.'
'Are you okay love?' You grew concerned, usually she was so considerate of controlling herself and her powers.
She noticed the stress behind your gaze and you saw her physically and mentally shake off whatever had plagued her brain and stood up with the biggest smile you had ever seen on anyone's face ever.
'I'm fine I'm fine. Are you okay?' She asked, moving into your space and placing a tentative hand on your cheek and on your... stomach? Kara had always been touchy, but usually when she touched your stomach it was under your shirt, ready to make the journey upwards to your boobs.
'I'm... fine thanks?' She searched your face for any worries and found none, only a small, loving smile, making you relax slightly.
'Come on let's play a game weirdo.' Alex said, walking back to where Maggie had sat back down.
'I'll grab monopoly then.' You said, still staring at Kara and she hadn't moved.
'No. Sit down. You should rest. I'll get it.'
'Okay.' You were so confused.
The game went smoothly. Kara had a far away look to her, a huge grin still on her face and every so often she shifted in her seat next to you and breathed out deeply, as if she had been holding her breath in excitement.
'What's gotten into you Kar? You are never this happy when you loose?' Alex said, obviously noticing the change too.
'Hmm?' She said, clearly not even listening.
'Is your superhearing okay?' Alex joked which earned a laugh out of Maggie and James.
'Oh yeah. Why do you ask? I can't hear anything!' She said quickly, too quickly to deem natural.
'Are you sure you didn't hit your head?' Alex said, a bit of the concern from earlier coming back.
'Yes! I'm good. I'm great!' She said with a massive smile.
'Maybe you should fly you and (y/n) over to the DEO so they can have a look at you.' Alex said, including you because she knew you'd go anyway.
'No! That's a terrible idea! (Y/n) shouldn't fly!' She said as if you'd never done it before.
'Sweetheart, are you sure you're totally okay? I flew yesterday remember.' You placed your hand on her cheek, having untangled your limbs to play the game.
'I'm fine guys. Seriously 100% fine.' She looked from you to Alex to the hand she had placed back on your stomach. Weird...
'Okay. Let's watch a movie.' Alex said, taking one last long look at her sister and then packing up the game while Winn grabbed the remote and looked for a film.
Kara's hand didn't leave your stomach for the whole of the film, and every few minutes she asked you if you were hungry or cold or needed a drink. The one time you were slightly cold, she supersped to get a blanket, only to stress it 'wasn't enough' and come back with 2 more.
When all of your friends had filtered out of your apartment, you turned to Kara to see her eyes on your stomach again.
'Okay what's wrong? You have been acting weird all night?' You asked as she once again put her hand to your belly.
'Did you know you can hear a baby's heartbeat from 8 weeks in?' She asked, finally pulling her eyes to yours and this time you definitely noticed the tears in them, a few of them rolling down her face.
'What do you... oh. Oh Rao.' You said, her strange behaviour finally fitting. Your own eyes instantly filled with your own tears and your whole body tingled.
'I heard our baby.' She said, to herself or to you you had no idea.
'That's what made you break a chair?' You asked.
She let out a wet laugh and nodded.
'It fits now.' You chuckled, it sounding strained with your emotions.
'We're going to be parents.' She whispered, the tone of awe clear now.
'We are.' The grin that was plastered to your wife's face was definitely mirrored on yours.
'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
Before either of you could say anything else, Kara's phone rang.
She gave you a slow, sloppy kiss before removing her hands to answer.
'Hey Al what's up?' The smile could be heard in her voice and you wondered if Alex noticed. 'Now? Seriously? I don't think that's the best idea... fine okay. We'll be there in half an hour. I'm not flying Alex. Because I just don't want to. Okay see you there.' You were still grinning down at your stomach, lost for words when she came back over.
'We're needed at the DEO. That alien got out again and your tech genius is needed.' She looked saddened by it, and a bit angry.
'Okay let's go.' You said.
'I don't think you should go.' She blurted as you grabbed your coat.
'No. I don't want you or our baby put in danger.'
'Darling, we'll be fine. And you'll be there too. It'll be fine.' You saw the argument ready on the top of her tongue, but she pushed it down, grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the door to the car.
'We're not flying?'
'I'm not flying with a baby in my arms.'
You giggled at that.
Later, when Grace is born and a bit older, Kara does take her out flying, but to teach her instead. It turns out half kryptonian babies have powers too.

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