Liliana I

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The move to Anubis house was one which Liliana had been considering for quite some time

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The move to Anubis house was one which Liliana had been considering for quite some time. The call from Poppy was really just the last straw. Ever since Alfie's hospitalization last semester Lili had felt a strong urge to join her family, but she had wanted to stay near Poppy. Why she didn't just move at the beginning of the semester with her Lili didn't know, but it was all handled now. With the craziness that her boys had gotten into last semester she knew that they should not be left alone to their own devices. Who knows what kind of crazy they would get wrapped up in next? They already had to face off against an evil cult hellbent on living forever.

Anubis house stood tall, proud, and slightly sinister in appearance: the design was gothic with tall towers and arched doorways made of solid brick. Beautiful gardens lined the building and the walk to the front porch. Lili thought that the house looked rather intimidating but summoned her strength and walked through the door. Entering the atrium, she was struck by the overwhelming feeling of ancient beings somewhere in the old building. The house seemed to be decorated with many Egyptian artifacts, just like her boys had described. Following the sound of voices, she found herself in the dining room. A middle age woman smiled upon seeing her. "Hello dear, you must be Liliana Wells our new boarder". Upon hearing her name, the boys stopped messing around and whipped their heads around to see Lili. Alfie was up out of his chair and across the dining room like a flash of lightening. Next thing Lili knew she was wrapped in a big hug.

"Lili! You're here! Why are you here?" he laughed as he hugged her. Over his shoulder she saw Jerome walk over and lightly tug her into his arms.

"It is so good to see you. Are you really living here? Why didn't you tell us?" Jerome questioned adjusting them so that they were facing Alfie and the rest of the house but kept his arm around her waist.

"I didn't tell you because it just got finalized today. I just cleared the end of my paperwork before I took Poppy out to dinner to tell her the good news. We thought it would be much more fun to surprise you like this." She looked up with a sheepish smile and did jazz hands "Surprise?".

Alfie was loudly and joyfully declaring this to be the best day ever and Jerome just continued to look down happily at her. A man dressed in a tan trench coat with perfectly evil facial hair cleared his thought loudly to get their attention. Lili assumed that this must be Victor.

"Welcome to Anubis House Miss Wells. If you would please take a seat so that we may resume the student's supper" he grumbled. Smiling brightly up at him Lili agreed. Jerome grabbed her hand and led her to the extra seat that had been placed between him and the blonde beauty whom she recognized as Amber from Alfie's pictures.

"Hi everyone! Like Ms. Devenish said I'm Lili Wells. I have heard so much about all of you from Roe and Alfie. I'm excited to get to know you all this year". The pretty blonde at the head of the table gave Lili a sweet smile in return.

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