Eddie & Alfie (bonus: Vera) LXXXX

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Summary: "G'day!" - Fabian's one true love returns!

Evie's Notes: Wow, 91 Chapters! I honestly never thought that this story would get so far 💜. A lot of set for season 3 in Vera's section! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update 🌺


Eddie POV:

"Come on, Jerome. Where are you?" whined Mara for the fifth time in the past hour, and Eddie was seriously over it.

"So, are you and him like an item now?" he asked, knowing he wouldn't get any more work done until Mara's frustrations were soothed.

"What? Me and Jerome?! NO! Why would you even think that" sputtered the Indian girl, clearly faking her shock.

"Well the way he treats you like a Queen, and pretty much everyone else like scum. Oh, and THAT picture" chuckled Eddie.

His announcement drew her attention back to her open laptop, where her laptop photo was Mara laying her head on the boy's shoulder.

"Yeah, right." scoffed Mara, clearly still trying to live in denial of her own feelings.

"I care about him, that's all. I want to know he's all right".

Eddie just smirked knowingly at her.

Mara admirably held out for another couple seconds before cracking "It's complicated, okay?"

"Trust me," laughed the boy. "I KNOW complicated... but honestly what's the problem?".

"Lili and Mick".

"Captain Australia? Isn't he just some sort of glorified pen pal?" asked Eddie, surprised. He knew the whole Lili thing was a complication, so he hoped that in getting Mara to figure out her feelings that she would either fess up or back off. He hadn't expected the Australian boyfriend to come up though... interesting.

"Oh no!" protested Mara. "He was more than that, way more!".

"Was? Past tense, Mara... don't you think it's time to get honest?".

"Fair. But while we're dishing out advice, when are you going to tell Patricia that she is actually in a relationship?"

Yikes! "Yeesh, Mara burn. I better head to bed, good luck with your break up".

"Thanks. Like you said, it's long overdue".

Alfie's POV:

"Try to relax Nina. We will have the mask before tomorrow night, your Gran is going to be fine" comforted Fabian.

"What else did Senkhara say?" asked Amber.

"We have until Sundown tomorrow, and then she is coming after us... one by one".

"Has anyone had any luck getting in contact with Jerome? I've been trying his cell all day" commented Lili.

"Same... this seriously sucks" worried Alfie. "How the hell are we going to get through an unbreakable sheet of glass?".

"Bad, bad, bad news!" shouted Patricia bursting through the door.

"Trust me, nothing you can say could make this day any worse" bemoaned Lili. She had apparently decided to give up on calling Jerome for the moment and joined the others to stand by Nina's bed. Alfie tugged her into a tight hug, promising himself that as soon as they got their hands on the mask they would drive out to support Jerome at the funeral.

"Rufus has taken Jerome!" revealed Patricia.

Alfie felt the air shift as Lili's legs gave out. Thinking quickly he swept his arms underneath her to stop her head from hitting the floor. The room descended into chaos as he tried to get his best friend settled due to the kidnapping of his other best friend.

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