Eddie & Liliana LII

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Summary: Eddie gets invited to dinner and Lili really needs to learn to stop walking into awkward situations.

Evie's Notes: Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Eddie was having a perfectly good Friday before he received the unexpected intercom call. Joy and Eddie were playing chess in one of the side libraries when the ancient intercom crackled to life blaring "Edison Miller to Mr. Sweet's office. Edison Miller to Mr. Sweet's office".

Eddie let out a long-drawn-out theatrical groan sparking giggles from Joy. "What does that man want from me now".

"Who knows," shrugged Joy, "Only way to find out is to go see him".

"You're right. Sorry to cut our game short little J".

"It's fine, not like you planned this. I'm just going clean this up and then go see if I can find Fabian".

Eddie chuckled fondly as he exited the room. Joy was seriously too good for Fabian. Not that Eddie particularly had a problem with the boy, he was a decent enough roommate, but he wasn't a fan of the way that he kept leading Joy on. It was so obvious that Fabian was still in love with Nina and vice versa. Well obvious to everyone but Joy. At the moment though Fabian was currently unattached so he wouldn't stop her from shooting her shot with the guy. Who knows, anything could happen, just look at him and Patricia!

Knocking on the headmaster's door, he waited for his father's command of "Enter!" before pushing the door open. "You called?" He sassed with a smirk. "And can we just agree that you're never going to do that again".

His father though ignored his comment and told him to take a seat. "Edison," he began ignoring Eddie's wince at the name. "We agreed as part of your deal to stay here that we would spend more time together".

Oh yes, nothing like good old blackmail. To be fair after everything that he had heard from his girls there was no way that he would spend time with the man on his own without the blackmail.

"So, I was thinking" continued his father "that I would take you out for a nice meal tomorrow night".

"Sure, sounds cool" A chance to get away from Vera's cooking, count Eddie in! He had heard the others rave about Trudy's cooking, but had never experienced it for himself besides the cake at the bake off, so he didn't have much of an idea for what boarding school food was supposed to be like.

"I also thought that you might want to bring along a friend" hinted his father.

"Hmmm" hummed Eddie playing dumb, there was no way he was making his friends spend any more time with his dad than was absolutely necessary.

"Miss Valentine told me you have a special young lady friend" teased his father. "Is it Miss Mercer? I know that you two have been spending quite a bit of time together, or perhaps Miss Millington? She's very sweet and would be a good match for you".

That last comment clearly showed how little his dad knew about him. Amber was great and all, but she was way too high maintenance for Eddie and the pair rarely interacted.

"No" chuckled Eddie. Deciding that the shocked look on his dad's face was enough reason to out his relationship he revealed, "I'm actually dating Patricia".

In an awesome turn of events, his father had just taken a swig of tea when Eddie gave him the news. The old man choked and then stuttered out a shocked "Patricia?".

"Yeah. She's my lady friend" he snapped locking eyes with his father and daring him to say out loud the comments Eddie was sure were just sitting on the tip of his tongue.

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